- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:梅仁毅主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7560013147
- 页数:289 页
Lesson 1 Short-Term Financing——Long-Term Financing 1
Lesson 2 Investors and Investing 13
Lesson 3 27
A SMTC Raises US$12.9m in B Share Issue 27
B Double Impact 28
C Mainland,a Long-Term Bet 31
D Foreign Capital:Two-edged Sword 33
Lesson 4 39
A Jilin Chemical Plans Offerings on 2 Exchanges 39
B Jilin Tries to Tap Demand for Petrochemical Stocks 40
C H-Share Outlook Remains Unpalatable for This Year 42
D Liu Chong Hing Bank Issue Draws Mixed Views 44
Lesson 5 51
A Fair-Weather Friends 51
B In the Bear's Claws 54
C CITIC Pacific in $ 3.8b Placement 56
D CITIC Pacific Is a Showcase Enterprise 58
Lesson 6 64
A Scramble for Blue Chips May Create Opportunities 64
B China Funds Widely Define“China Plays” 66
C Investors Shop for Select Firms within“Red Chip”Sector 68
Lesson 7 74
A Group Considers New York Outlet for China Product 74
B ADRs Provide Convenient Route for Investors 75
C Profiting from Privatizations:Choose Well,Choose Wisely 77
D Billion-Dollar Baby 79
Lesson 8 88
A The IPO Dilemma 88
B Profitable Zeros 91
C Investors Eye Convertibles in Search for Safe Haven 93
D Convertible Appeal 95
A The Global Investor 102
Lesson 9 102
B Emerging-Markets Firms Innovate to Raise Funds 107
C Managers of Mutual Funds Flee Emerging Markets 109
Lesson 10 118
A Mergers and Acquisitions 118
B Come Together,Right Now 121
C Late Nights in the M&A Lab 123
A The Power of Mutual Funds 132
Lesson 11 132
B The Best Mutual Funds 140
Lesson 12 151
A Brokerage Firms under Fire 151
B U.S.SEC Pushes Direct-Registration System 152
C U.S.SEC Asks Funds for Data on Personal Trading by Managers 153
D Bermuda Rules as the king of the Captives 154
E Investors Shy Away from Customised Derivatives 157
A Wall Street's Global Power 164
Lesson 13 164
B Rivals Fail to keep Up as Merrill Marches On 169
C Wall Street's New Toys Are Costing It Plenty 172
D Goldman Sachs'Spectacular Road Trip 174
Lesson 14 182
A The Banking System in the United States 182
B The Federal Reserve System 186
C The Canadian Chartered Banking System 189
Lesson 15 198
A Where the Bank of Japan Errs 198
B A Reflection on the State of Japan's Biggest Banks 201
C Problem Loans Piling Up,Imperiling Japan's Recovery 204
D Japanese Megabank to Challenge Faltering Competitors to Keep Up 207
Lesson 16 217
A The International Financial System,1945—1970 217
B International Finance Corporation 226
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