- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:林纪熹编著
- 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆国际有限公司
- 出版年份:1993
- ISBN:7801030702
- 页数:150 页
目录 1
1 I(did not look/have not looked)at the paper thismorning 1
2 I(read/have read)A Tale of Two Cities(at the age often) 2
3 I(was/have been)very busy(last month/for the lastmonth) 3
4 Since I(was/have been)at this firm,there have beenfour strike 4
5 He(has gone/has been)to Paris 5
6 I(live/am living)in Guangzhou 6
7 The child(is/is being)clever 7
8 So you doubt my word./You are always doubting myword 8
9 When she is in London,she(is)always(reads/reading)the Financial Times 9
10 We can compare the tactics of the two teams while we(watch/are watching)the game 10
11 If you(make/are making)a trunk call,your familywill get the news in ?me 11
12 We(had better dres?/had better be dressing)tor?thereception 12
13 I(smell/am smelling the)perfume 13
14 If you(don t play/are not ?)table tennis, 14
we may as well go home 14
15 Will you(come/be coming)again tomorrow? 15
16 (Will you be talking/Are you going to talk)to the stu-dents tomorrow? 16
17 The teachers(will be coming/are coming) 17
18 I(have read/have been reading)the Selected Works ofLu Xun 18
19 The nurse(has taken/has been taking)sampies of thedonors blood 19
20 I heard the news at my uncle s,where I(have dined/have been dining)(frequently) 20
21 I(am living/have been living)here for three months. 21
22 Where(does/has)he come from? 22
23 Rogers said his brother(was/had been)there 23
24 We(hoped/had hoped)he would recover 24
25 It looks as if it(is/were)going to rain 25
26 (To cheat/Cheating)in examination is wrong 26
27 The soil is(fit to plant cotton/fit for cotton planting) 27
28 He(forgot to close/forgot closing)the window 28
29 The fruit is(good to eat/good eating) 29
30 The window was(heard to bang/heard banging)up-stairs 30
31 He(would like to have watched/liked watching)thegame,but he didn t have time 31
32 I don t like(to punish/punishing)new students 32
33 I regret(to say/saying)that(you ll/you d)have toanswer for it 33
34 I remembered(to tell/telling)her that the shop closedat eleven 34
35 I saw him(cross/crossing)the road 35
36 He started to play the piano when he got home fromwork./He started playing the piano after he retiredfrom work 36
37 At the sight of Dr.Bao,the child stopped(to groan/groaning) 37
38 They tried(to speak/speaking)English 38
39 He is sure (to return/returning) 39
40 A spanner is used(to turn/for turning)bolts 40
41 The fighters(used to sleep/were used to sleeping)inthe open 41
42 I was afraid(to remind/of reminding)him of what hehad done 42
43 War(can/may)break out at any moment 43
44 (Can/May)I see the principal,please? 44
45 He(can/may)have changed his clothes and slippedout 45
46 We(might/could)ask him to play a part in the play. 46
47 The jewels(may/might)have been lost 47
48 We(must/have to)finish it by the end of this week. 48
49 You(should not/ought not to)drink so much 49
50 They(didn t need to copy/needn t have copied)thequestions 50
51 He asked the director if he(should/would)see to ithimself 51
52 They will not(approve/approve of)this plan 52
53 Dr.Smith(attended/attended to)this patient 53
54 Please(arrange/arrange for)another table 54
55 I(believe/believe in)him 55
56 Please(call/call on)him at six 56
57 I am going to(consult/consult with)Dr.Johnson. 57
58 He(escaped/escaped from)(imprisonment/prison). 58
59 Have you(finished/finished with)the paper 59
60 Can you(get/get at the)apples there? 60
61 They were(playing/playing at)football 61
62 They are(searching/searching for)the criminal 62
63 He was(shot/shot at)on his way home 63
64 Show him(to)the room 64
65 I don t like this job,but I suppose I shall have to(stick/stick to)it 65
66 No,I won t(tell/tell on)him 66
67 Shall we(sit/sit down)(here)for a moment 67
68 We had better act on their(advice/advices) 68
69 He gave me a box of(chocolate/chocolates) 69
70 He laid(a cloth/a piece of cloth)on the table 70
71 We were touched by Mary s(confidence/confidences). 71
72 We asked him to speak(from experience/about his ex-periences 72
73 She has(an eye/eyes only)for antique furniture 73
74 Near(the foot of the hill/the foothills)stood severalvillages 74
75 It is his(manner/manners)that annoys me 75
76 He is behind(time/the times) 76
77 He got up late on(Sunday/Sundays) 77
78 He is involved in(a good business deal/a good deal ofbusiness) 78
79 (A furniture van/A van of furniture)was burnt 79
80 Let s park our car some distance from this(rubbish heap/heap of rubbish) 80
81 We can finish this(in the daytime/in a day s time). 81
82 When she felt depressed,she would have(words/a fewwords)with her neighbours 82
83 I cannot bear(his/him)company 83
84 (My friend/A friend of mine)told me so 84
85 I showed the professor(some of my papers/some pa-pers of mine) 85
86 (You three/Three of you)should look after the bag-gage 86
87 (Some students/Any student)can tell you the schoolhistory 87
88 Is there(anything/something)upstairs? 88
89 (Both/Two)basketball teams have been formed 89
90 He called on me(the other day/every other day) 90
91 This doesn t work.I need another./This alone won twork.I need another one 91
92 What is the new teacher like?/How is the new teacher? 92
93 (What s/How s)the time? 93
94 (Which/What)colour do you prefer? 94
95 (Four/The four)of us climbed up the peak 95
96 She had to(keep house/keep the house) 96
97 You should pay more attention to matters of(moment/the moment) 97
98 It is out of(question/the question) 98
99 I vaguely remember the plot of(a few of the/the few)books I ve read 99
100 She bought(a red and green/a red and a green)dress. 100
101 He was very careful with the spending of his wages,which were(hard-earned/hardly earned) 101
102 I don t mind(harder/more hard)work 102
103 His(high-rated/highly rated)property is the talk ofthe town 103
104 His boss(just/justly)pointed out his mistakes 104
105 He came five minutes(late/later) 105
106 (Among/Between)(these/these two)books I likethis one best 106
107 He sat(in/on)a chair 107
108 (Shanghai/Japan)is(in/to)the east of China 108
109 Don t make such a fuss(about/of)them 109
110 Cloth is made(from/of)cotton 110
111 He pointed(at/to)something over there 111
112 He(points/points out)a gun(at/to)me 112
113 There is no question(about/of)her coming to see us. 113
114 I read(about/of)the plane crash in the newspaper. 114
115 We camped there(for/in)the summer 115
116 I got there(in/on)time(for the train) 116
117 After the death of her husband,she practically lived(for/on)her children 117
118 The strike was covered at once(in/on)the news. 118
119 He put the books(on/to)one side 119
120 I(also)have decided(also)to visit Paris 120
121 (Anyhow)she works(anyhow) 121
122 You may(as well)take this(as well) 122
123 (At length)the trial was reported(at length)in thenewspapers 123
124 (Clearly)he did not take in the situation(clearly). 124
125 I(entirely)failed to understand him(entirely) 125
126 (Even)his coach didn t expect him to break the record(even)in his first attempt 126
127 (Foolishly)he told a lie(foolishly) 127
128 (Naturally)he evaded the question(naturally) 128
129 This town is new to me./I m new to this town 129
130 (Obviously)he is not(obviously)tired after the jour-ney 130
131 He(once)came to see me(once) 131
132 There were only a few tourists in that place in October./Only in October were there a few tourists in thatplace 132
133 (Personally)I thought it was necessary to discuss this(persoually)with your lawyer 133
134 The correspondent wrote this because he(had a newsstory to write/had to write a news story) 134
135 Mr.King(repaints the door/has the door repainted)every year 135
136 They(saw him through/saw through him) 136
137 They(saw it through/saw through it) 137
138 (Standing up)I saw John(standing up) 138
139 The artist thinks(too much)of himself(too much). 139
140 (To tell you the truth)I like him(to tell the truth). 140
141 (It is/There is)time to go 141
142 These journals will attract the librarian s attention.They are(bound/bound to) 142
143 I was not (a little/a bit)frightened 143
144 He arranged everything(on the quiet/quietly) 144
145 He said he had been waiting a long time(and/and he)felt slighted 145
146 He said he was invited(but/but that)he was not ableto go 146
147 I doubt(whether/that)he will come 147
148 He didn t tell me when he(would be back/went out). 148
149 The tourists(,)who had invalid passports(,)were de-tained 149
150 Is John(at home/home yet)? 150
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