A 23
A 23
A.A.Associate of Arts 23
ABC 23
ABD 23
Academic 23
Academic Advisor 23
Academic Attire 24
Academic Background 24
Academic Costume 24
Academic Counselor 24
Academic Course 24
Academic Curriculum 24
Academic Degree 24
Academic Dress 25
Academic History 25
Academic Objective 25
Academic Probation 25
Academic Year 25
Accident and Sickness Insurance Plan 25
Accident Insurance 26
Accounting Office 26
Accreditation 26
Accredited College(School) 26
Accrediting Association 26
Achievement Test 26
ACT 27
Add 27
Adjunct Faculty 27
Adjustment Period 28
Administration 28
Admission 28
Admissions 28
Admission-Conditional 29
Admission Level Sought 29
Admission Contact 29
Admission Office 29
Admission Proceeding 30
Admission Test 31
Adult School 31
Advanced Credit 31
Advanced Deposit 31
Advanced Placement 31
Advanced Standing 32
Advisor Professor 32
Affidavit of Educational Purpose 33
Affidavit of Support 33
Alien Address Report Card 33
Alien Registrstion Card 33
Alma Mater 34
Alternative 34
Alumna 34
Alumnae 34
Alumni 34
Alumni Association 34
Alumnus 34
American College Test 34
Answer Sheet 34
Apartment House 35
Application fee 35
Application form 35
Application Information Slip 35
Application Number 36
Approved 36
Arbitration 36
Area Code 36
Arrival-Departure Record 36
A.S 36
Assignment 37
Assistant 37
Assistantship 37
Associate's Degree 37
Associate's Degree Course 37
AT 37
Attendance 38
Audit,Auditing 38
Auditor(Audit Student) 38
Authorized 38
Autobiography 38
B 39
B 39
Baccalaureate 39
Baccalaureate degree program 39
Bachelor's Degree 39
Bank statement 39
Big Eight 39
Big Ten 40
Binding Arbitration 41
Block system 41
Blue book 41
Board of Trustees 41
Book report 41
Branch Campus 42
Break 42
Bulletin 42
Bursar 42
Business office 42
Business school 42
C 43
C 43
Cafeteria 43
Campus 43
Campus police 43
Campus safety 43
Case study 44
Catalog 44
Certificate of academis records 44
Certificate of admission 44
Certificate of graduation 44
Chaired Professorship 44
Chairman 45
Chairperson 45
Challenge Test 45
Chancellor 46
Cheating 46
Check 46
Citizenship 47
Class participation 47
Class rank 47
Class schedule 47
Class size 47
Class time 48
Closed 48
Closed examination 48
Closing Date 48
Coeducational 49
College 49
College Board 49
College Entrance Examination Board 49
College skills 49
Colloquium 49
Community college 49
Commencement 51
Competency 51
Competitive 51
Comprehensive Examinations 51
Controller 52
Computer-Assisted Instruction(CAI) 52
Confidential financial statement 52
Continuing Education 52
Converted score 52
Cooperative Education 52
C.O.P.A 53
Core Requirements 53
Correspondence Courses 53
Council on International Education Exchange 54
Course description 54
Course outline 54
Course schedule 54
Cramming 54
Credit 54
Credit-Based Tuition 54
Credit by Examination 55
Credit Hour 55
Cross-Registration Program 55
Culture shock 56
Cum laude 56
Cumulative Grade-point Average 56
Cumulative Scholastic Average 56
Curfew 56
Curriculum 56
"Curve"Grading 56
D 57
D 57
DAT 57
Daylight Saving Time 57
Dean 57
Dean's list 57
Debate 58
Defer Payment 58
Degree 58
Degree Candidate 58
Degree Requirement 58
Department 59
Department of Education 59
Deportation 59
Deposit 60
Dialogue 60
Dining hall 60
Diploma 60
Diploma progrem 60
Directions 61
Discipline 61
Discovery Learning 61
Discrimination 61
Discussion 61
Dismissal 62
Dissertation 62
Distribution Requirment 62
Division 62
Doctorate 62
Doctor Course 63
Doctor of Philosophy 63
Dormitory 63
Double Major Degree 64
Downward transfer 64
Dress Code 64
Drinking Age 64
Drop 64
Drop Out 64
E 66
Early Decision 66
E.C.F.M.G 66
Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates 66
Educational data 66
Educational Testing Service 67
Elective 68
Elective requirements 68
Elementary School 68
Eligibility for Student visa 68
Employment history 68
Endowment 69
English as a Second Language 69
English proficiency test 69
Enrollment 70
Enrollment fee 70
Entry permit 70
Equivalency Examination 71
Essay Question 71
Essay Test 71
Ethnic Origin 71
Evaluation 71
Evidence of diploma or degrees 72
Examinee 72
Examinee's Score Confirmation Records 72
Exchange Visitor's visa 72
Extension Education Courses 72
Extracurricular activities 73
F 74
F 74
F-l visa 74
Facilities 74
Faculty 74
Faculty advisr 74
Failure 74
Family background 74
Fees 74
Fellow 75
Fellowship 75
Field Trip 75
Fieldwork 76
Final examination 76
Finances 76
Financial aid 76
Financial Aid Department 76
Fixed-rate tuition 76
Fmgems 77
Foreign Medical Graduate Examination in Medical Sciences 77
Foreign student admissions office 77
Foreign student advisor 77
Foreign student advisor's office 77
Form I-94 77
Fraternity 78
Freshman 78
Fulbright grant 78
Fulbright scholarship 78
Full scholarship 78
Full-time student 78
G 79
General Education 79
General Education Requirements 79
General Requirement 79
GPA 81
Grade-point Average 84
Grades 84
Grade School 84
Grade Value 84
Graduate 84
Graduate Advisor 84
Graduate Assistant 84
Graduate Assistantship 85
Graduate Education 85
Graduate Management Admission Test 85
Graduate Record Examination 85
Graduate school 85
Graduate student 85
Graduation requirements 85
Grantsmanship 86
GRE 86
Greek 89
Greek-letter society 89
Guardian 90
Gymnasium 90
H 91
Handout 91
Head 91
Health certificate 91
Health fee 91
Hellenic Council 91
High School 91
Higher education 92
Higher-Education System 92
Hillel 93
Hispanic 93
Home stay 93
Homework 93
Honors 93
Honor Society 93
Honor System 94
Honorary Doctorate 94
Host family 94
Host Family Program 94
Housing office 94
Humanities 94
I 95
I.incomplete 95
I-20 95
I-94 95
ICE(Intensive Course in English) 95
ID card 95
IEP(Intensive Englisn Program) 95
I-house(International house) 96
Immigration and Naturalization Service 96
Incomplete 97
Independent Study 97
Institute 98
Instructor 98
Intensive course in English 98
Intensive English Program 98
Interactive Teaching 99
Intercollegiate Athletics 99
Intern 99
International Reply Coupon 99
International Student Identification Services 99
International Testing Program(TOEFL) 99
Internahip 100
Interview 100
Intramural 100
Irregular student 100
ISIS(International Student Identific-ation Services) 100
ITP(International Testing Program) 100
Ivy League 101
J 102
J-1 visa 102
J-2 visa 102
Junior 102
Junior College 102
Junior High Sch-ol 103
K 104
Key deposit 104
Keg party 104
Kindergarten 104
L 105
Land-Grant Colleges and Universities 105
Language Laboratory 106
Language Requiement 106
Law school 106
Law School Admission Test 106
Learning Contract 106
Lease 106
Lecture 107
Lecture Class 107
less competitive 107
letter of recommendation 107
letter of reference 107
liberal arts 107
Licensed 108
Life Experience Portfolio 108
liquor I.D.(liquor identification card) 108
load 108
loan 108
lower division 108
LSAT(Law School Admission Test) 108
M 110
magna cum laude 110
Mainstreaming 110
Maintenance Costs 110
Major 110
Major Professor 110
Make-up Examination 110
mandatory fee 110
Master Course 111
Master's Degree 111
Matriculant 111
Matriculate 111
Matriculated Student 111
MBA(Master of Business Administration) 112
MCAT(Medical College Admission Test) 112
meal card 112
meal plan 112
meal tag 112
Medical College Admission Test 112
medical school 112
Mentor 113
Michigan Test 113
Michigan Placement Test 113
Michigan Tesy of English Language Proficiency 113
midterm exam 113
Miller Analogies Test 114
minor 114
MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Techno-ligy) 114
MIT system 114
most competitive 114
most recent school/institution sttended 115
M.S.A.T 115
multiple choice question 115
multiuniversity 115
Municipal or City Colleges and Univer-sities 115
N 116
N/A(not applicable) 116
Narrative transcrirt 116
nationality 116
National Techer's Examination 116
N.M.S.Q.T 116
non-competitive 117
non-degree student 117
Nondenominational 117
Nonmatriculated 117
non-matriculated student 117
non-refundable 117
non-resident 117
non-resident fee 118
non-traditional 118
notary public 118
O 119
objective 119
objective test 119
occupational program 119
off campus 119
off-campus employment 119
office hours 119
office of admissions 120
office of foreign admission 120
office to office 120
official score reports 120
official seal 120
official transcript 120
on campus 121
on-campus employment 121
open admission 121
open-book examination 121
optional 121
oral report 121
orientation 121
out-of-state student 122
P 123
parallel instruction 123
partial scholarship 123
participation 123
part-time job 123
part-time student 123
pass/fail 123
pasa/fail option 124
passing grade 124
passport 124
PCAT 124
P.E.P 124
permanent address 124
permanent resident 125
pers-nal check 125
personal history 125
personal information 125
Ph.D 125
Photo file Record 126
Physical Education 126
placement 126
placement office 126
placement test 126
place of employment 126
plan of study 127
pop-quiz 127
portfolio 127
Positive Reinforcement 127
possible major 127
post-doctoral program 127
postdoctoral work 127
practical trainee 128
practical Training 128
preliminary examination 128
pre-medical course 128
pre-medical school 129
premium 129
prerequisite 129
present address 129
present mailing address 129
president 129
principal 129
private school 129
probation 130
probationary admission 130
proctor 130
professional schools 130
professor 131
programmed learning 131
progressivism 131
proposed field of study 131
provisional admission 132
provost 132
PSAT 132
public schools 133
public or perish 133
Q 134
Qualifying Examination 134
Quality Points 134
Quarter 134
Quarter hour 134
Quarter system 134
quir 134
R 135
RA 135
race 135
RAM 135
raw score 135
reader 135
reading assignmant 135
Recitation 135
recognized 135
reference 136
register 136
registrar 136
registration Confirmation Ticket 136
regular student 136
release(d) time 137
relevance 137
religious affiliation 137
religious preference 137
remuneration 137
Request Admission Material(RAM) 137
required course 139
requires residency 140
research assistant 140
research assistentship 140
research fellow 140
research paper 140
residence hall 140
residence requirement 140
residency 141
resident advisor 141
resident fee 141
resident rates 141
review courses 141
review panel 141
rolling admission 141
room and board 142
roommate 142
rooming house 142
S 143
sabbatical 143
SAT(Scholastic Aptitude Test) 143
scanning 144
- 《培智学校义务教育实验教科书教师教学用书 生活适应 二年级 上》人民教育出版社,课程教材研究所,特殊教育课程教材研究中心编著 2019
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- 《现代教育技术》李志河主编 2019
- 《培智学校义务教育实验教科书教师教学用书 生活适应 二年级 上》人民教育出版社,课程教材研究所,特殊教育课程教材研究中心编著 2019
- 《习近平总书记教育重要论述讲义》本书编写组 2020
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- 《近代体育游戏教育史料汇编 第1辑 1》王强主编 2016
- 《全国学前教育专业(新课程标准)“十三五”规划教材 简谱手风琴教程 第2版》(中国)杨克勤,王宝庆 2019
- 《现代教育技术》李志河主编 2019