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最新GMAT考试指南 计算机版 英文版第9版
最新GMAT考试指南 计算机版 英文版第9版

最新GMAT考试指南 计算机版 英文版第9版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)T.H.马丁森(T.H.Martinson)编著
  • 出 版 社:世界图书出版公司北京公司;西蒙与舒斯特国际出版公司
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7506238306
  • 页数:546 页
《最新GMAT考试指南 计算机版 英文版第9版》目录


1 Getting Started 3

Can You Prepare for the GMAT? 3

What Is a GMAT Study Plan? 3

Contents 3

How Can You Tell If Your Work Is Paying Off? 4

2 All About the GMAT 5

What Is the GMAT? 5

What Is the CAT? 5

How Do You Register for the GMAT? 6

What Kinds of Questions Are on the Test? 6

How Is the Test Scored? 8

How Is the Test Structured? 8

What Smart Test-takers Know 10

3 GMAT Questions:A First Look 15

What Can You Expect on the Test? 15

How Does the GMAT Test Verbal Reasoning Ability? 16

How Does the GMAT Test Quantitative Reasoning Ability? 21

Summing It Up:What You Must Know About the GMAT 24

PART TWO:Diagnosing Strengths and Weaknesses 27

4 Diagnostic Test 27

Answer Key 48

Explanatory Answers 49

What Is Reading Comprehension? 65

5 Reading Comprehension 65

PART THREE:GMAT Verbal Questions 65

How Do You Answer Reading Comprehension Questions? 69

What Smart Test-takers Know 76

6 Sentence Correction 109

What Is Sentence Correction? 109

How Do You Answer Sentence Correction Questions? 111

What Smart Test-takers Know 113

7 Critical Reasoning 145

What Does Critical Reasoning Test? 145

How Do You Answer Critical Reasoning Questions? 148

What Smart Test-takers Know 153

Summing It Up:What You Must Know About GMAT Verbal Questions 193

PART FOUR:GMAT Quantitative Questions 197

8 Problem Solving 197

What Is Problem Solving? 197

How Do You Answer Problem-solving Questions? 199

What Smart Test-takers Know 207

9 Data Sufficiency 243

What Is Data Sufficiency? 243

How Do You Answer Data Sufficiency Questions? 246

What Do the Answer Choices Mean? 248

What Smart Test-takers Know 253

Summing It Up:What You Must Know About GMAT Quantitative Questions 282

10 Analytical Writing Assessment 285

What Is the Analytical Writing Assessment? 285

PART FIVE:GMAT Analytical Writing Assessment 285

How Is the Assessment Graded? 286

How Do You Handle the Analytical Writing Assessment? 287

What Smart Test-takers Know 288

Summing It Up:What You Must Know About the Analytical Writing Assessment 292

PART SIX:Five Practice Tests 295

Practice Test 1 295

Answer Key 316

Explanatory Answers 317

Practice Test 2 329

Answer Key 351

Explanatory Answers 352

Practice Test 3 365

Answer Key 387

Explanatory Answers 388

Practice Test 4 403

Answer Key 424

Explanatory Answers 425

Final Practice Test 437

Answer Key 457

Explanatory Answers 458

PART SEVEN:GMAT Math Peview 471

11 Arithmetic 471

Operations with Integers and Decimals 471

Operations with Fractions 473

Verbal Problems Involving Fractions 477

Variation 481

Finding Percents 484

Verbal Problems Involving Percent 490

Averages 495

12 Algebra 499

Signed Numbers 499

Linear Equations 501

Exponents 505

Quadratic Equations 507

Literal Expressions 509

Roots and Radicals 512

Factoring and Algebraic Fractions 516

Problem Solving in Algebra 519

Inequalities 526

Defined Operation Problems 530

13 Geometry 532

Areas 532

Perimeters 533

Circles 534

Volumes 535

Triangles 536

Right Triangles 537

Parallel Lines 538

Polygons 539

Similar Polygons 540

Coordinate Geometry 541
