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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:秦剑等编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:气象出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7502928979
  • 页数:250 页

Introduction to Meteorological Disasters in Yunnan Province 1

1 Geographical Location and Area 1

Section 1 Geographical Environment 1

Chapter Ⅰ Features of Geography , Weather and Climate, and Meteorological Disasters 1

Foreword 1

Preface 2 1

Preface 1 1

第一章 地理、天气气候及气象灾害特征 1

第一节 地理环境 1

一、位置、面积 1

3 Major Mountains, Gorges , Rivers and Lakes 2

2 Topography and Geomorphology 2

二、地势、地貌 2

三、主要山脉、峡谷、河流及湖泊 2

1 Principal Weather Characteristics 4

Section 2 Weather and Climate Features 4

第二节 天气气候特征 4

一、主要天气特点 4

二、主要气候特点 8

2 Principal Climate Characteristics 8

1 Characteristics of Meteorological Disasters 12

Section 3 Features of Meteorological Disasters 12

第三节 气象灾害特征 12

一、气象灾害的特点 12

二、气象灾害的变化规律 13

2 Variation Law of Meteorological Disasters 13

2 The Influence of Meteorological Disasters in Key Growth Periods on Agriculture 14

二、农业生产关键期的气象灾害影响 14

一、云南与全国农业气象灾害比较 14

第四节 气象灾害对农业的影响 14

Section 4 The Impact of Meteorological Disasters on Agriculture 14

1 Comparison of Agrometeorological Disasters between Yunnan and China 14

第一节 云南干旱的基本状况 16

第二章 干旱及其危害 16

一、干旱的季节性 16

Chapter Ⅱ Drought Damage and Its Risks 16

Section 1 Basic Situation of Yunnan Drought 16

1 Seasonality of Drought 16

2 Regional Features of Drought 17

二、干旱的地域性 17

Section 2 Causes for Yunnan Drought 18

1 Atmospheric Circulation Effect 18

第二节 云南干旱的成因 18

一、大气环流的作用 18

2 Special Effect from Geographical Conditions 20

二、地理条件的特殊作用 20

三、人类活动加剧了干旱的发生 21

3 Human Activities Causing Drought Enhancement 21

Section 3 The Influence of Summer Monsoon on Yunnan Drought 22

1 Summer Monsoon of Impacting Yunnan 22

第三节 夏季风对云南干旱的影响 22

一、影响云南的夏季风 22

2 Southwest Monsoon and Yunnan Early Summer Drought 24

二、西南季风与云南初夏干旱 24

3 Southwest Monsoon Lull and Yunnan Mid-Summer Drought 26

三、西南季风间歇期与云南盛夏干旱 26

Section 4 The Relation between EI Nino Events and Yunnan Drought 27

第四节 厄尔尼诺与云南干旱的关系 27

1 EI Nino Phenomenon and Its Influence 28

一、厄尔尼诺及其影响 28

2 Yunnan Drought Response to EI Nino Events 31

二、云南干旱对厄尔尼诺事件的响应 31

3 Discussion about Influencing Physical Mechanism between Yunnan Drought-Flood Disasters and El Nino Events 33

三、关于厄尔尼诺事件对云南旱涝影响物理机制的讨论 33

Section 5 The Study of Yunnan Drought in Historical Periods 34

1 Data Source and processing 34

第五节 云南历史时期干旱的研究 34

一、资料来源及处理 34

二、近500年主要干旱事件 36

2 Major Drought Events in Recent 500 Years 36

三、云南干旱的周期分析 40

3 Periodic Analyses of Yunnan Drought 40

第六节 云南近50年干旱分析 41

一、气候变化背景 41

二、旱涝指数计算 41

1 Background of Climate Variation 41

2 Calculation of Dryness and Wetness Grades Index 41

Section 6 Analyses of Yunnan Drought in Recent 50 Years 41

3 Harm of Drought Damage in Recent 50 Years 42

三、近50年干旱的危害 42

第一节 云南暴雨洪涝的特征 44

Chapter Ⅲ Rainstorm and Flood Disaster 44

Section 1 Features of Yunnan Rainstorm and Elood 44

1 Basic Characteristics of Yunnan Rainstorm 44

一、云南暴雨的基本特点 44

第三章 暴雨洪涝灾害 44

2 Features of Yunnan Flood 46

二、云南洪涝特征 46

三、50年来洪涝灾害分布的变化 48

3 Distributive Change of Flood Disaster in Recent 50 Years 48

一、持续的偏南暖湿气流 49

第二节 云南暴雨洪涝成因 49

Section 2 Causes for Yunnan Rainstorm and Flood 49

1 Continuous Warm and Wet Southwardly Air Flow 49

二、繁多的降雨天气系统 50

2 Various Precipitation Weather Systems 50

3 Special Geographical Environment Effect 52

三、特殊的地理环境作用 52

Section 3 Diagnostic Analyses of Large Scope and Continuous Yunnan Rainstorm and Flood 53

1 500 hPa Atmospheric Circulation Features 53

第三节 云南大范围、持续性暴雨洪涝诊断分析 53

一、大范围、持续性暴雨洪涝的500hPa环流特征 53

2 Physical Quanities Analyses of Circulation Systems 54

二、大范围、持续性暴雨洪涝的环流系统物理量分析 54

三、云南大范围、持续性暴雨洪涝的概念模型 55

3 Conceptual Models 55

Section 4 Flood Damage Analyses in Recent 500 Years 57

1 Features of Flood Disaster in Recent 500 Years 57

第四节 近500年洪涝灾害分析 57

一、近500年洪涝灾害特征 57

2 Regional Distribution of Flood Disasters in Recent 500 Years and Topographic Impact 58

二、云南500年洪涝灾害的区域分布及地形影响 58

3 Comparison of Severe Flood Catastrophe Year between Yunnan and China 59

三、云南特大洪涝年与全国最涝年的比较 59

1Severe Raistorm and Flood Events in Yunnan Near 500 Years 60

Section 5 Famous Flood Disasters in Yunnan,China and World 60

第五节 云南、中国及世界的著名暴雨洪涝灾害 60

一、500年来云南的特大暴雨洪涝灾害 60

2Famous Severe Rainstorm and Flood Events in China 62

二、中国著名的特大暴雨洪涝 62

三、世界上著名的洪涝灾害 64

3Global Famous Flood Catastrophe Events 64

一、云南寒潮的定义 66

第四章 云南的寒潮及影响 66

Chapter Ⅳ Yunnan Cold Wave and Impact 66

Section 1 Features of Yunnan Cold Wave 66

1 Definition of Yunnan Cold Wave 66

第一节 云南寒潮的特征 66

二、云南寒潮的气候统计特征 67

2 Climate Statistic Features of Yunnan Cold Wave 67

三、云南寒潮的分布 70

3 Distribution of Yunnan Cold Wave 70

四、云南寒潮的几种形式 71

4 Some Patterns of Yunnan Cold Wave 71

Section 2 Formation of Yunnan Cold Wave 72

1 Atmospheric Circulation Background 72

第二节 云南寒潮的形成 72

一、大气环流背景 72

二、地形的影响 73

2 Topographic Influence 73

三、昆明准静止锋的作用 75

3 Kunming Quasi-Stationary Front Effect 75

4 Contribution from Southern Branch Westerly Trouhg 76

5 Major Paths of Yunnan Cold Wave and Cold Air 76

四、南支槽的贡献 76

五、云南寒潮冷空气的基本路径 76

Section 3 Yunnan Strong Precipitation in Winter 77

1 Macroscopical Features of Yunnan Strong Precipitation in Winter 77

第三节 云南冬季强降水 77

一、云南冬季强降水的宏观特征 77

2 Satellite Cloud Pictures Features of Yunnan Strong Precipitation in Winter 78

二、云南冬季强降水的卫星云图特征 78

3 Physical Quantities Diagnosis of Yunnan Strong Precipitation in Winter 79

三、云南冬季强降水的物理量诊断 79

Section 4 Trough-Cold Wave Weather in Yunnan 80

一、槽潮天气的大气环流特征 80

第四节 云南的“槽潮天气” 80

1 Atmospheric Circulation Features of Trough-Cold Wave Weather 80

2 Satellite Cloud Pictures Features of Trough-Cold Wave Weather 81

二、槽潮天气的卫星云图特征 81

三、槽潮天气的诊断分析 82

3 Diagnostic Analyses of Trough-Cold Wave Weather 82

4 A Discussion about Yunnan Trough-Cold Wave Weather 83

四、关于槽潮天气的讨论 83

一、最大的两次降雪天气 84

第五节 近50年云南主要寒潮灾害过程简述 84

1 Two Maximum Snow Weather Cases 84

Section 5 A Brief Introduction of Main Yunnan Cold Wave Damage Process in Recent 50 Years 84

2 Three Severe Strong Frost Weather Cases 85

三、世纪之交的两次强寒潮 85

二、最强的三次霜冻 85

3 Two Severe Strong Cold Wave Cases in the Alternation of Centuries 85

一、低温冷害的成因 87

1 Cause of Chilling Damage Formation 87

Section 1 Basic Situation of Yunnan Chilling Damage 87

Chapter Ⅴ Chilling Damage 87

第五章 低温冷害 87

第一节 低温冷害的基本情况 87

2 Types of Chilling Damage 88

二、低温冷害的类型 88

三、低温冷害的指标 90

3 Index of Chilling Damage 90

1 Time Distribution Law and Its Features 92

Section 2 Law of Yunnan Chilling Damage Activities 92

第二节 低温冷害的活动规律与特点 92

一、时间性分布规律与特点 92

二、地域性分布规律与特点 93

2 Space Distribution Law and Its Features 93

第三节 滇东北凌冻与滇西北雪灾 97

一、滇东北凌冻灾害 97

Section 3 Ice Rain Disaster in Northeastern Yunnan and Snow Damage in Northwestern Yunnan 97

1 Ice Rain Disaster in Northeastern Yunnan 97

二、滇西北雪灾 99

2 Snow Damage in Northwestern Yunnan 99

第四节 著名的低温冷害事件 101

Section 4 Famous Yunnan Chilling Damage Events 101

一、严重的夏季冷害事件 101

1 Severe Summer Chilling Damage Events 101

2 Severe Spring Frost Damage Events 105

二、严重的春季冻害事件 105

1 Major Physical Features of Hail 111

第六章 冰雹、大风与雷暴 111

第一节 冰雹灾害 111

一、冰雹的主要物理特征 111

Section 1 Hail Damage 111

Chapter Ⅵ Hail,High Wind and Thunderstorm 111

二、冰雹的物理形成机制 113

2 Physical Mechanism of Hail Formation 113

三、冰雹的时空分布 114

3 Time and Space Distribution of Hail 114

四、地形与冰雹 116

4 Tropographic Influence and Hail 116

五、云南冰雹灾害的主要天气形势 117

5 Major Synoptic Situation of Yunnan Hail Damage 117

一、风力大小的衡量标准 118

第二节 大风灾害 118

1 Standard of Wind Scales 118

Section 2 High Wind Disaster 118

二、大风对农业生产的影响 119

2 The Influence of High Wind on Agriculture 119

3 Time and Space Distribution of High Wind 120

三、大风的时空分布 120

4 Cause of Yunnan High Wind Formation 122

四、云南风灾的成因 122

5 Tornado Damage 123

五、龙卷风灾害 123

第三节 雷暴灾害 124

Section 3 Thunderstorm Disaster 124

一、雷暴的形成 125

1 Cause of Thunderstorm 125

二、云南雷暴日的空间分布 126

2 Space Distribution of Yunnan Thunderstorm Days 126

三、云南雷暴日的时间变化 127

3 Time Change of Yunnan Thunderstorm Days 127

5 Influencing Factors of Thunderstroke 128

五、影响雷击的因素 128

四、雷击危害的形式 128

4 Types of Thunderstroke 128

Section 1 Forest Fire Disaster 130

Chapter Ⅶ Natural Disasters Evolved from Meteorological Condition 130

1 Risks from Forest Fire 130

第七章 衍生的气象灾害 130

第一节 森林火灾 130

一、森林火灾的危害 130

二、林火发生的条件及其原因 131

2 Cause and Condition of Forest Fire Formation 131

三、森林火灾与气象条件 132

3 Forest Fire and Meteorological Condition 132

四、森林火灾的时间分布 134

4 Time and Space Distribution of Forest Fire 134

五、森林火险等级预报 135

5 Forest Fire Dangerous Grades Forecast 135

1 Risks from Landslide and Debris Flow 136

第二节 滑坡泥石流灾害 136

Section 2 Landslide and Debris Flow Disaster 136

一、滑坡泥石流的危害 136

二、滑坡泥石流的生成环境及影响因素 137

2 Formation Environment and Impact Factors of Landslide and Debris Flow 137

三、云南崩塌滑坡泥石流的主要分布区 139

3 Main Distributive Zones of Yunnan Collapse , Landslide and Debris Flow 139

4 The Relation between Severe Precipitation and Debris Flow Disaster 141

四、泥石流灾害与强降水的关系 141

Section 3 Agricultural Biological Disaster 142

第三节 农业生物灾害 142

1 Characteristics of Agricultural Biological Disaster 143

2 Common Agricultural Biological Disaster 143

一、农业生物灾害的特点 143

二、常见的农业生物灾害 143

三、农业生物灾害的发生趋势 144

3 Occurrence Tendency of Agricultural Biological Disaster 144

4 Cause of Major Disease and Insect Pests 145

5 Meteorological Condition of Yunnan Major Disease and Insect Pests Occurrence and Popularity 145

五、云南主要病虫害发生流行的气象条件 145

四、重大病虫害的发生 145

第四节 大气环境灾害 148

一、城市大气污染 148

Section 4 Atmospheric Environment Disaster 148

1 City Atmospheric Pollution 148

二、大气环境质量状况 150

2 Situation of Atmospheric Environment Quality 150

三、大气环境污染的规律 153

3 Law of Atmospheric Environment Pollution 153

4 The Influence of Meteorological Condition on Pollutioin 154

四、气象条件对污染的影响 154

六、云南部分大气污染典型事件 155

5 The Influence of Precipitation on Water Environment Pollution 155

五、降水对水环境污染的影响 155

6 Few Typical Cases of Yunnan Atmospheric Pollution 155

七、大气环境质量预报 156

7Atmospheric Environment Quality Forecast 156

Section 5 Meteorotropic Disease Disaster 158

1 The Influence of Weather and Climate on Human Health 158

一、天气、气候对人体健康的影响 158

第五节 “气象病”灾害 158

2 Climate Warming Unfavorable to Human Health 161

二、气候变暖对人类健康不利 161

三、大气污染对健康的影响 162

3 The Impact of Atmospheric Pollution on Human Health 162

4 Some Yunnan Infectious Disease Events 164

四、云南部分传染病事件 164

五、医疗气象预报 165

5 Medical-Meteorological Forecase 165

第一节 气象灾害的减灾对策 166

一、干旱的防御措施 166

第八章 气象防灾减灾 166

1 Drought Prevention Measures 166

Section 1 Meteorological Disasters Reduction Countermeasures 166

Chapter Ⅷ Meteorological Disasters Prevention and Reduction 166

三、夏季低温冷害的防御措施 168

3 Summer Chilling Damage Prevention Ways 168

2 Flood Prevention Measures 168

二、洪涝的防御措施 168

4 Prevention Methods of Coldness in the Late Spring and Frost Injury 169

四、倒春寒与霜冻的防御措施 169

5 Hail Prevention Methods 170

6 Thunderstroke Prevention Measures 170

五、冰雹灾害的防御措施 170

六、雷击灾害的防御措施 170

2 Weather Forcasting and Yunnan Natural Disasters Prevention, Reduction and Relief Activities 172

1 Weather Forecasting and Yunnan Political, Economic, Trade and Cultural Activities 172

Section 2 Forecasting Prevention and Engineering Reduction of Meteorological Disasters 172

二、气象预报与云南防灾减灾、抢险救灾 172

第二节 气象预测防灾与工程减灾 172

一、气象预报与云南重大政治、经贸、文化活动 172

4 Many Meteorological Disasters Reduction Engineering Activities 173

3 Forest Fire Dangerous Grades Forecasting and Meteorological Satellite Monitoring for Yunnan Forest Fire 173

三、森林防火预报与林火气象卫星监测 173

四、多项气象工程减灾行动 173

Section 3 Modernization Construction of Meteorological Disasters Prevention and Reduction Systems 178

第三节 气象防灾减灾体系的现代化建设 178

1 Three- Dimensional Monitoring Network of Disastrous Weather 179

一、灾害性天气立体监测网日趋完善 179

2 Application of Meteorological Satellite Information Combine Analysis and Process System 180

二、气象卫星综合应用系统开始投入业务应用 180

三、中小尺度强对流天气的最佳监测手段 183

3 Best Monitoring Methods for Micro-Meso Scale Severe Convective Weather 183

Section 4 Realization of Disasters Prevention and Reduction Systematic Engineerings 184

第四节 防灾减灾系统工程的实施 184

1 Disasters Reduction Is A Systematic Engineering 185

一、减灾是一项系统工程 185

2 Managing System of Yunnan Natural Disasters Reduction 186

二、云南减灾的管理体制 186

3 Meteorological Disasters Reduction Must Enhance International Cooperation 187

三、气象减灾必须加强国际合作 187

4 A Brief Introduction of China Natural Disasters Reduction Plan 188

四、中国减灾规划概述 188

五、21世纪的减灾要靠科技 190

5 Natural Disasters Reduction in the 21st Century Rely on Science and Technology Development 190

第一节 系统设计 192

Chapter Ⅸ Yunnan Meteorological Disasters Service System 192

Section 1 System Design 192

第九章 云南气象灾害服务系统 192

一、研究方法 193

1 Research Method 193

2 Development Strategy 194

3 Concept Design 194

4 Logical Design 194

四、逻辑设计 194

二、开发策略 194

三、概念设计 194

六、物理部署(集成) 195

五、物理设计 195

5 Physical Design 195

6 Physical Deployment 195

第二节 系统的客户/服务器结构 196

Section 2 System Client/Server Structure 196

1 Data Service Layer 196

一、数据服务层 196

2 Business Service Layer 204

二、业务服务层 205

3 Client Application-YNCDAASS.EXE 206

三、客户端应用程序——YNCDAASS.EXE 206

4 Meteorological Disasters Estimation Sub-Window 212

四、气候灾害评估子窗口 212

1 Computer Network 217

Section 3 System Key Skills 217

第三节 系统的关键技术 217

一、计算机网络 217

2 Relational Data Base Management System 218

二、大型关系式数据库 218

三、客户/服务器结构 219

3 Client/Server Construction 219

4 Component Object Mode 220

四、COM部件技术 220

五、ActiveX数据对象 221

5 ActiveX Data Objects 221

一、复杂的气候系统 223

第一节 全球变暖及其影响 223

第十章 云南对全球变暖的响应 223

Chapter Ⅹ Yunnan Climate Response to Global Warming 223

Section 1 Global Warming and Its Influence 223

1 Complex Climate System 223

二、人类活动、大气温室气体及气候预测 225

2 Human Activities, Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases and Climate Prediction 225

3 Global Warming and Occurrencing of Climate Abnormality 227

三、全球变暖及所产生的气候异常 227

Section 2 Yunnan Climate Variation Features in Recent 20 Years 231

1 Interannual Change of Climatic Factors 231

第二节 云南近20年的气候变化特征 231

一、气候因子的年际变化 231

二、冬、夏温度雨量的变化 234

2 Temperature and Rainfall Variation in Winter and Summer 234

三、近50年来的最暖年 236

3 Maximum Warm Year in Recent 50 Years 236

第三节 80年代以来云南气象灾害统计分析 237

Section 3 Meteorological Disasters Statistic Analysis Since 1980s 237

一、资料来源及分类 238

二、各类气象灾害的统计 238

1 Data Source and Classification 238

2 Various Types Meteorological Disasters Statistics 238

3 The Statistics Comparison of Meteorological Disasters Impact between 1980s-1990s and 1950s-1970s 240

三、与前30年气象灾害影响的统计比较 240

第四节 未来的变化与对策 242

一、气候的可预报性 242

1 Climate Predictability 242

Section 4 Climate Variation and Our Countermeasure in the Future 242

2 Climate Variation and Meteorological Disasters 244

3 Our Measures to Deal With Climate Varation 244

二、气候变化与农业气象灾害 244

三、我们的对策 244

References 247

参考文献 247
