英语听力 第1册 Book onePDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈慕竹,钱彩珍主编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民卫生出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7117020334
- 页数:246 页
Unit1 1
Lesson1 Greetings 1
Lesson2 Introductions 5
Unit2 9
Lesson3 Talking about the Family(1) 9
Lesson4 Talking about the Family(2) 13
Unit3 16
Lesson5 Talking about the Weather 16
Lesson6 Hobbies 20
Lesson7 Meeting People/Friends 24
Unit4 24
Lesson8 Telling the Time 28
Unit5 32
Lesson9 Daily Activities(1) 32
Lesson10 Daily Activities(2) 36
Unit6 41
Lesson11 University Life(1) 41
Lesson12 University Life(2) 44
Quiz 1 (For Lessons1-12) 47
Unit7 50
Lesson13 At a Post Office 50
Lesson14 At a Restaurant 54
Lesson15 At a Hotel 58
Unit8 58
Lesson16 At a Bank 62
Unit9 66
Lesson17 Finding the Way(1) 66
Lesson18 Finding the Way(2) 70
Unit10 74
Lesson19 Making an Appointment 74
Lesson20 Invitation 77
Unit11 80
Lesson21 Holidays(1) 80
Lesson22 Holidays(2) 84
Lesson23 Shopping(1) 88
Unit12 88
Lesson24 Shopping(2) 91
Quiz 2 (For lessons13-24) 96
Unit13 99
Lesson25 Making a Telephone Call(1) 99
Lesson26 Making a Telephone Call(2) 102
Unit14 105
Lesson27 Describing Objects 105
Lesson28 Describing People 109
Unit15 114
Lesson29 At the Airport 114
Lesson30 At the Railway Station 115
Lesson31 Making Preparations to Travel 121
Unit16 121
Lesson32 Sightseeing 126
Unit17 131
Lesson33 Making and Accepting Complaints 131
Lesson34 Giving Advice and Opinions 135
Unit18 140
Lesson35 Seeing a Doctor(1) 140
Lesson36 Seeing a Doctor(2) 144
Quiz 3 (For lesson25-36) 147
Lesson3 Talking about the Family(1) 150
Lesson2 Introductions 150
Lesson1 Greetings 150
Lesson4 Talking about the Family(2) 151
Lesson5 Talking about the Weather 152
Lesson6 Hobbies 152
Lesson7 Meeting People/Friends 153
Lesson8 Telling the Time 154
Lesson9 Daily Activities(1) 155
Lesson10 Daily Activities(2) 156
Lesson11 University Life(1) 157
Lesson12 University Life(2) 158
Quiz 1 (For Lessons1-12) 159
Lesson14 At a Restaurant 160
Lesson13 At a Post Office 160
Lesson15 At a Hotel 161
Lesson16 At a Bank 162
Lesson17 Finding the Way(1) 162
Lesson18 Finding the Way(2) 163
Lesson19 Making an Appointment 163
Lesson20 Invitation 165
Lesson21 Holidays(1) 168
Lesson22 Holidays(2) 170
Lesson23 Shopping(1) 172
Lesson24 Shopping(2) 174
Quiz 2 (For lessons13-24) 176
Lesson25 Making a Telephone Call(1) 178
Lesson26 Making a Telephone Call(2) 181
Lesson27 Describing Objects 183
Lesson28 Describing People 186
Lesson29 At the Airport 189
Lesson30 At the Railway Station 193
Lesson31 Making Preparations to Travel 195
Lesson32 Sightseeing 198
Lesson33 Making and Accepting Complaints 201
Lesson34 Giving Advice and Opinions 204
Lesson35 Seeing a Doctor(1) 207
Lesson36 Seeing a Doctor(2) 210
Quiz 3 (For lessons25-36) 213
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