海上四任精品 故宫博物院藏任熊、任薰、任颐、任预绘画选集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(清)任熊等绘;潘深亮等编
- 出 版 社:石家庄:河北美术出版社;亚洲艺术出版社
- 出版年份:1992
- ISBN:7531004801
- 页数:347 页
版图 1
任熊 1
自画像图 1
Seif-Portrait 1
Paintings by Ren Xiong 1
临陈字人物图 2
Imitation of Chen Zi s Figure Painting 2
麻姑献寿图 3
Longevity 3
Paying Homage to the Rock 4
拜石图 4
A Lady Among Plum Blossoms 5
梅花仕女图 5
A Talk in the Autumn Forest 6
秋林共话图 6
Rock Lake in the Mist 7
石湖烟雨图 7
Peony 8
早贵图 8
Prosperity 8
牡丹图 8
Plum 9
Wisteria and Pheasant 9
紫绶金章图 9
梅花图 9
Flowers of the Four Seasons 10
四季花卉图屏 10
Flowers 12
山水人物图 12
花卉图屏 12
Flowers and Birds 14
花卉翎毛图屏 14
灵龟图屏 16
Tortoise and Frog 16
姚大海诗意图册 18
A Painting Based on Yao Damei s Poem 18
十万图册 28
Ten Wan Landscapes 28
Attending the Horse 38
Paintings by Ren Xun 38
饲马图 38
任薰 38
Screens with Figures 39
人物图屏 39
人物故事图屏 41
Figures from Stories 41
松菊锦鸡图 43
天女散花图 43
The Goddess Scattering Flowers 43
Pine,Chrysanthemum and Golden Pheasant 43
Flowers and Birds 44
花鸟图屏 44
Scenes from The West Chamber 46
西厢记图册 46
素仙像图卷 51
Fairy 51
三友图 52
Paintings by Ren Yi 52
Three Friends 52
任颐 52
Portrait of Ren Songyun 53
Three Travel-Stained People 53
风尘三侠图 53
任淞云像图 53
Portrait of Wu Gan 54
吴淦像图 54
Portrait of Gao Yong Zhi 55
高邕之像图 55
Carrying on the Glory 56
丹桂五芳图 56
风尘三侠图 57
The Three Travel-Stained at Parting 57
三星图 58
干莫炼剑图 58
Images of Fortune,Officialdom and Longevity 58
Gan Mo Forging a Sword 58
Su Wu Herding Sheep 59
苏武牧羊图 59
钟馗图 60
Zhong Kui 60
仕女婴戏图 61
Watching the Child Playing 61
松下策杖图 62
Under the Pine Trees 62
贾岛驴背敲诗图 63
Jia Dao Composing a Poem on the Back of a Donkey 63
秋郊射禽图 64
Shooting in the Autumn Country 64
Riding on the Cloud-Capped Mountain 65
云山策马图 65
Returning Home 66
归牧图 66
Golden Grain Garden 67
金谷园图 67
Herding 68
牧牛图 68
羲之爱鹅图 69
Xizhi Caressing the Geese 69
Longevity 70
麻姑寿星图 70
Listening to the Soughing Pines 71
听松图 71
Bathing the Horse 72
洗马图 72
Shen Luting Reading by the Lake 73
沈芦汀读画图 73
Portrait of Ge Chonghua 74
葛仲华像图 74
春江渔父图 75
Old Fisherman on the Spring River 75
Listening to the Cicadas in Autumn 76
秋声赋图 76
Crossing the Bridge in the Rain 77
Watching Geese on the Frosty Cliff 77
霜崖眺雁图 77
风雨渡桥图 77
梅边摧鹤图 78
五月披裘图 78
Fishing by the River 78
An Old Man and a Crane 78
A Figure Painting 79
Judging an Ink-Stone 79
蕉荫品砚图 79
仕女图 79
佛像图 80
Portrait of the Buddha 80
Fishing by the Autumn Forest 81
秋溪垂钓图 81
竹林深处图 82
The Bamboo Grove 82
山水图 83
A Landscape 83
Rosy Clouds from the East 83
紫气东来图 83
A Landscape 84
墨笔山水图 84
荷鸭图 85
A Landscape 85
Ducks and Lotus 85
山水图 85
Crane and Deer 86
绥山鹤鹿图 86
Swallows,Peach and Cypress Trees 87
Pelargonium and Bulbuls 87
天竹白头图 87
桃柏双燕图 87
Phoenix and Wutung Trees 88
梧桐双凤图 88
临八大山人八哥图 89
Imitation of Bada Shanren s Myna 89
白头富贵图 90
Peony and Bulbul 90
孔雀图 91
Lotus Flowers 91
Peacock 91
荷花图 91
Wisteria and Mandarin Ducks 92
紫藤鸳鸯图 92
Pelargonium and Pheasants 93
天竹雉鸡图 93
Flowers and Birds 94
花鸟图 94
Wisteria and Birds 95
紫藤双鸟图 95
Azalea and Birds 96
杜鹃双雀图 96
Peony in the Rock 97
宝贵寿考图 97
Bamboo and Birds 98
灵竹山鸟图 98
Nine Egrets 99
九思图 99
Bean Treleis and Birds 100
豆架双鸡图 100
Morning Glory 101
凌霄图 101
猫戏图 102
Cats 102
桃石群鸟图 103
Peach Tree,Rock and Birds 103
Reeds and Ducks 104
芦鸭图 104
秋卉双禽图 105
Autumn Flowers and Birds 105
蕉菊仙鹤图 105
Cranes 105
Yulan Magnolia and Peacock 106
天竹鹌鹑图 106
玉兰孔雀图 106
Pelargonium and Quails 106
桃猴图 107
紫藤鹅图 107
Peach and Monkey 107
Wisteria and Geese 107
Rooster,Flower and Rock 108
芦花禽鸟图 108
雄鸡花石图 108
Reeds and Birds 108
天竹水仙图 109
Weeping Willow and Swallows 109
Pelargonium and Narcissus 109
风柳群燕图 109
天竹白鹇图 110
Pelargonium and Silver Pheasant 110
Palm and Birds 110
棕榈鸡图 110
Wisteria and Two Birds 111
豆花鸳鸯图 111
紫藤双鸡图 111
Bean Flowers and Mandarin Ducks 111
Peach,Yulan Magnolia and Birds 112
玉堂春晓图 112
The River in Late Autumn 113
Green Peach Trees and Spring Swallows 113
碧桃春燕图 113
江上秋痕图 113
梅竹双清图 114
腊梅雄鸡图 114
Winter Plum and Rooster 114
Plum and Bamboo 114
月季猫石图 115
Rose,Cat and Rock 115
萍花八哥图 116
Flower and Myna 116
午瑞图 117
Loquat,Lotus and Calamus 117
桃花灵芝图 118
花荫小犬图 118
Flower and Dog 118
Peach Flowers and Glossy Ganoderma 118
桃花白鸡图 119
Peach Flower and Birds 119
岁朝图 120
玉堂富贵图 120
Peony and Birds 120
Celebrating the New Year 120
Pine Trees and Cranes 121
松鹤延年图 121
Willow and Myna 122
杨柳八哥图 122
Pine and Partridge 123
苍松鹧鸪图 123
四季平安图 124
Bamboo,Chrysanthemum and Quails 124
桃梨鹌鹑图 125
Peach,Pear and Quail 125
Willows,Reads and Birds 125
柳塘鹭雀图 125
Figure Painting 126
仕女图册 126
Flowers,Birds and Human Figures 138
花鸟人物图册 138
Flowers and Birds 144
花鸟图册 144
Enjoying the Cool on the Willow Bank 148
柳岸纳凉图卷 148
Jin Mingzhai s Portrait 149
金明斋肖像图 149
任预 149
Paintings by Ren Yu 149
金明斋肖像图 150
Jin Mingzhai s Portrait 150
Watching Waterfall 151
观瀑图 151
Three Laughing Old Men by the Tiger Stream 152
虎溪三笑图 152
Painting Monkeys 153
画猴图 153
Mountains and Figures 154
山水人物图屏 154
Landscape 156
山水图册 156
Twelve Animals 166
十二生肖图册 166
Paintings by Ren Qi 168
Lotus Flowers and Birds 168
任淇 168
荷花双凫图 168
Paintings by Ren Jin 169
Portrait of the Buddha 169
佛像图 169
任堇 169
Paintings by Ren Xia 170
Figure 170
任霞 170
人物诗意图 170
In the Autumn Forest 171
秋林策杖图 171
Landscape 172
Paintings by Li Fu 173
Singing 173
小红低唱图 173
郦馥 173
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