- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:云南师范大学学术技术文库编辑委员会编
- 出 版 社:北京市:民族出版社
- 出版年份:1998
- ISBN:7105031433
- 页数:414 页
换位群为巡回群且属于中核的P群 刘声烈 1
On-conformally flat contact metric manifolds 郭震等 15
On complete second order linear differential equations in banach spaces 肖体俊 梁进 27
Widder-Arendt theorem and integrated semigroups in locally convex space 肖体俊 梁进 49
O1的一个分解定理 李昂生 71
Score vectors of Kotzig tournaments 林毓材等 83
生长曲线模型中协差阵的最优非负估计 蒋文江 94
社会治安宏观动力系统模型 吕冠国 邵南 109
全文种字处理问题 林毓材 123
New algorithm for optimization of computer color matching 曾华等 136
Fast-scanning spectrophotometry system using a new compensatory model廖宁放等 144
A historical light curve of 3C 345and its periodic analysis 张雄等 157
New method of calculating the correction factors for the measurement of sheet resistivity of a square sample with a square four-point probe 石俊生等 169
Optimum inclinations for the entire year of south-facing solar collectors in China 林文贤 179
Parameteric studies of thermosyphon solar water systems with electric heaters 林文贤 吕恩荣 185
太阳电池发电系统设计新方法 陈庭金 王履芳 196
SnO2薄膜结构 王东城 杨民举 207
Rigorous bounds to information entropies for atomic systems 陶建民 李国宝 216
Lower bounds to the first -order gradient corrections in the gradient expansion of the kineticand exchange-energy functionals 陶建民 李健民 228
Photosubstitution reactions of M(CO)4 (1,10-phenanthroline)(M=Mo,W)·Influence of entering ligand ,irradiation wavelength, and pressure 傅文甫 Rudi.van Eldik 238
Photo-substitution reactions of Cr(CO)4 (1,10-phenanthroline),Mechanistic information from entering nucleophile, irradiation wavelength and pressure dependences 傅文甫 @Rudi.van Eldik 259
Aneuploidy induction by water extract from Tripterygium Hypoglaucum(Level)Hutch in mouse bone marrow cells 汪旭等 275
Clastogenic effects of known and suspect spindle poisons studies by chromosome analysis in mouse bone marrow cells 汪旭 I.D.Adler 285
Calmodulin-binding proteins from zea mays germs 龚明 李忠光 297
Involvement of calcium and calmodulin in the acquisition of heat-shock induced thermotolerance in maize seedlings 龚明等 308
Nitrate-reducing bacteria on rat tongues 李红等 325
Improvement of seed potato production and its problems in Yunnan 王军 347
马铃薯种质资源在云南在适应性对晚疫病抗性的评价 王军等 358
云南龙竹、大叶慈竹育苗技术研究 谭宏超 375
滇池及其流域水平衡和水资源问题的初步探讨 王超南 385
哀牢山自然保护区及其附近的地质地貌 陈永森 叶联发 401
后记 414
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