初学英语开口就说 A册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:JoannaKuang,匡伟华主编
- 出 版 社:长春:长春出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7806048502
- 页数:173 页
What s your name?你叫什么名字? 1
What s wrong?怎么啦? 1
Unit16 1
(B册) 1
(A册) 1
Good afternoon,teacher.老师,下午好。 3
What s your sister s name?你姐(妹)叫什么名字? 6
What s the matter?出什么事啦? 6
What s your brother s name?你兄弟的名字叫什么? 8
What s the matter with your foot?你的脚怎么啦? 10
What s your address?你的地址(通迅处)? 10
What s the trouble?有什么烦恼? 12
The Alphabet 字母表 12
Unit17 16
What s the weather like?今天天气怎么样? 16
What s your phone number?你的电话号码? 17
What s the temperature?气温多少度? 19
What s nine plus one?9+1是多少? 19
What s this in English?这个用英语怎么说? 21
What kind of sports do you like?你喜欢哪种体育运动? 22
What s that in English?那个用英语怎么说? 23
What s that in Picture 2?图2中那个是什么? 25
Which book is suitable for children?哪本书适合儿童阅读? 25
What s that over there?那边那个是什么? 27
Unit4 29
What are these(those)?这些(那些)是什么? 29
Unit18 31
Who is the tallest person in your class?你们班谁最高? 31
What are these in English?这些用英语怎么说? 32
Review复习 33
What are they?它(他)们是什么? 35
What are these buildings?这些建筑物是什么? 37
Unit5 37
Is there an elevator in the building?这栋楼有电梯吗? 37
Is this a school?这是一所学校吗? 40
Can t you find something useful to do?你不能找点有用的事情做吗? 41
Is she a teacher?她是老师吗? 42
Can you do it alone?你能单独做好吗? 44
what are those things on the hill?山上那些是什么? 44
Unit19 46
Shall we go to the park?我们去公园好吗? 46
Unit6 46
What are you doing?你在做什么? 46
Shall we go by bus?我们乘公共汽车去好吗? 48
What is he doing?他在做什么? 48
Let s go and see a film ,shall we?咱们去看电影,好吗? 51
What are the children doing?孩子们在做什么? 51
Are there any flowers on the desk?课桌上有花吗? 54
Will you come again in the afternoon?你下午再来一趟好吗? 54
Unit7 55
What are you going to do tomorrow?明天你打算做什么? 55
What s she going to do next year?明年她将做什么? 57
Can you speak English?你能讲英语吗? 57
Unit20 57
What s on the table?桌子上是什么? 59
Can you go to the movise with me on Friday?星期五你能和我去看电影吗? 61
What s in my hand?我手里是什么? 62
Unit8 64
What s in the room?房间里是什么? 64
Can you tell me where the nearest post office is?你能告诉我最近的邮局在哪吗? 65
What are you looking for?你在找什么? 67
Could you help me,please?请帮我一下好吗? 67
What colour is it?它是什么颜色的? 69
Unit21 71
May I use it?我可以用一下......吗? 71
What colour is the coat?这件衣服是什么颜色的? 72
What do you want to be?你将来要做什么工作? 74
Unit9 74
Must I return it tomorrow?明天我必须还吗? 76
What does your sister want to be?你姐(妹)打算做什么? 76
Whar are you going to do?你要做什么? 78
I should like several of your best apples.我想要几个你的最好的苹果。 80
What s above the desk?在课桌的上方有什么? 80
What day is it today?今天星期几? 82
Unit10 82
What day is it tomorrow?明天星期几? 84
Can you give me my shoes?把我的鞋给我好吗? 85
What row are you in?你在第几排? 86
How do you feel today?今天你感觉怎样? 87
Unit22 87
Review复习 88
What time is it?几点了? 90
Unit11 90
How do you come to school,by bus or by bike?你怎样来上学,乘公共汽车还是骑自行车? 92
What s seven plus eight?7+8=? 94
How can I get to the Children Park?去儿童公园怎么走? 96
What s your number?你多少号? 96
What year is it?这是哪一年? 98
How often do you receive letters from your brother in Canada?你多长时间能接到一封你兄弟来自加拿大的信? 99
Unit12 101
What s in the box?箱子里是什么? 101
Unit23 102
How many pencils are there on the desk?桌上有多少支铅笔? 102
What s she time?什么时间了? 104
How much does the coat cost?这件上衣多少钱? 106
What s the time by your watch?你的表几点了? 106
What time does the bookshop open?书店几点开门? 108
Where is the toilet,please?请问,卫生间在哪? 109
What time do you get up?你几点起床? 110
Unit13 110
What do you do every morning?你每天早晨做什么? 112
Where is the supermarket?超市在哪? 114
What do you do every evening?你每天傍晚做什么? 114
What do you do after supper?晚饭后你做什么? 117
Unit24 119
Unit14 119
Where does he live?他住在哪? 119
What do you do when it rains?下雨时你做什么? 119
Where have you been?你去哪了? 122
What time does your mother get up?你妈妈几点起床? 122
When are you going to buy a pesent for him?你打算什么时候去给他买礼物? 127
What did you do yesterday?昨天你做什么了? 127
What did the teacher say just now?刚才老师说什么了? 130
When does the play begin?戏在什么时候开演? 131
Unit25 134
Why is he absent today?他今天为什么缺席? 134
What s the date today?今天几号? 135
Unit15 135
Why are you standing here?你为什么站在这里? 136
What month is it?这是几月份? 139
Why did you have a bad headache?你为什么头痛得厉害? 140
What day was it yesterday?昨天星期几? 141
Why is there a lot of noise near your building?为什么你家大楼附近有许多喧闹声? 143
What did you do over the weekend?周末你干什么了? 143
词汇表 146
词汇表 146
附表1:名词的复数形式 165
附表1:名词的复数形式 165
附表2:不规则动词 167
附表2:不规则动词 167
附表3:国际音标 170
附表3:国际音标 170
附表4:表示方位的常用介词 172
附表4:表示方位的常用介词 172
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