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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:朱威烈,方光明主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1988
  • ISBN:7810090607
  • 页数:323 页

Developing Countries Problems in Opening to the Outside World Tan Shizhong 1

它山之石,可以攻玉——代前言 朱威烈 1

Other s Experiences May Help One Overcome One s Shortcomings:A Few Words by Way of Introduction Zhu Weilic 1

发展中国家对外开放的若干问题 谈世中 1

试论亚非国家的对外开放 方光明 14

How to Look at Open Policy in Afro-Asian Countries Fang Guangming 14

亚非国家对外开放的经验与教训 陶坚 21

Positive and Negative Lessons of Open Policy in Afro-Asian Countries Tao Jian 21

亚洲四个新兴工业国家和地区对外开放的成功经验及其借鉴作用 范永进 31

Asia s Four New Industrial Countries and Regions:Experience in Open Policy and Its Enlightenment to China s Economic Reform Fan Yongjin 31

Problems in Open Policy and Measures Taken in East Asian Industrial Countries and Regions Jiang Yan 39

东亚新兴工业国家和地区对外开放中的问题与采取的措施 蒋嫣 39

试论亚洲部分国家和地区的投资环境及其影响 尤安山 贺晓琴 47

Investment Environment and Its Effects in Some Asian Countries and Regions You Anshan,He Xiaoqing 47

Economic Development and Open Policy in Asian Countries Lin Hanjun 55

东盟国家的经济发展与对外开放 林汉隽 55

Readjustment of Economic Development Stratagy in Asian Countries:Multiplication of Export Markets and Diversification of Products Li Jinwu 68

东盟国家经济发展战略的再调整—出口市场多元化与产品多样化 李晋五 68

东盟国家经济近两年的困难与对策 季国兴 78

Recent Economic Difficulties and Adjustments in Asian Countries Ji Guoxing 78

Open Poli?y in Postwar Thailand Yan Zhongwu,Shi Huiyei 85

浅谈战后泰国的对外开放 严重五 施辉业 85

拉玛五世的开放改革与暹罗国家的现代化 沈立新 93

Rama V s Open Policy and Reform And Siam s Effort to Modernize the Country Shen Lixing 93

Utilization and Control of Foreign Capital in Malaysia Zhu Anqi 103

马来西亚对外资的利用和管制 朱安琪 103

新加坡引进外资的经验和特点 林均红 117

Introduction of Foreign Capital in Singapreo:Experlence and Features Ling Junhong 117

Economic Development and Open Policy in Burma Mao Yinhuan 126

缅甸的经济发展和对外开放初析 冒荫? 126

India s Policy of Economic Cooperation with Foreign Countries since Independence Yuan Fangsheng,Yuan Chuanwei 133

略论印度独立以来对外经济合作政策 袁放生 袁传伟 133

Revalation of Disintegration of Iran s Monarchy Zhu Liyin 145

从伊朗王权的崩溃谈起 朱黎颖 145

Prlvate Economy in the Gulf Region Cai Weiliang 152

海湾地区私有经济纵横谈 蔡伟良 152

Open Policy and Economic Development in Jordan Zhang Shizhi 160

约旦的开放政策和经济发展 张士智 160

Open Policy and Reform in Turkey Li Guofu,Sun Kun 173

土耳其的开放与改革 李国福 孙鲲 173

Window of Egypt s Open Door Policy:Port Said Free Zone Chen Peiming 183

埃及经济开放政策的窗口—塞得港自由区 陈佩明 183

Implementation and Readjustment of Egypt s Open Door Policy Huang Qiangang 192

埃及经济开放政策的实施和调整 黄建纲 192

Egypt s Open Door Policy under Sadat Tian Zhongqing 199

试论萨达特时期埃及的经济开放政策 田中青 199

Failure of Contemporary Egypt s Open Door Policy:Causes Political and Cultural Origins Pan Guang 207

近代埃及经济开放政策未成功之原因及其政治、文化根源 潘光 207

Two Reforms and Open Door Policies in Modern and Contemporary History of Egypt Chen Wanli 225

简论埃及近现代史上的两次改革开放 陈万里 225

Labour Markets in the Middle East and China s Labour Export Zhang Guowei 232

中东劳务市场和我国的劳务输出 张国伟 232

Middle East s Commodity Markets and China s Trade with Middle East Countries Li Weijian 243

中东的商品市场和我国同中东国家的贸易 李伟建 243

Impact of Africa s Open Policy on Economic Development Liu Weichu 252

非洲对外开放对经济发展的影响 刘维楚 252

Economic Free Zone in African Countries Chai Zhiyun 263

非洲国家的经济自由区 蔡志云 263

What the Economic Development in Tunisia Shows Zhao Huijei 272

突尼斯经济发展的启示 赵慧杰 272

Utilization of Foreign Capitals in Cote d Ivoire and its Advautages and Disadvantages Yu Jianhua,Shen Yiaoping 285

科特迪瓦利用外资及其得失 余建华 沈跃萍 285

West Africa s Opening to the Outside World,the Impaet of Smuggling and Smuggled Goods Cheng Ti 300

西非的对外开放和走私、“水货”的冲击现象 陈惕 300

Lenin on Significance and Principles of Open Policy(1920~1924) Ling Shongle 306

列宁论对外经济开放的意义和原则(1920~1924) 林松乐 306
