- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:周伟等编著
- 出 版 社:北京:气象出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7502915397
- 页数:201 页
一、易错词语辨析 1
a,one 1
ago,before 2
a great deal,a great deal of 2
another,other 3
a lot of,many,much,plenty of 4
also,either,too 5
among,between 6
angry with,angry at 6
at,in,on(时间方面) 7
at+地点,in+地点 8
at table,at the (a) table 9
be going to,will 9
besides,except 10
borrow,lend 11
bring,carry,take 12
by the end of,at the end of 13
by,at,beside 14
can,be able to 15
death,die,dead 16
during,in,for 17
each,both,every 18
each other,one another 19
either,too 19
else,other 20
everyday,every day 21
every one,everyone 21
few,a few 22
find,find out,look for 23
for a long time,for long time 24
for some time,in some time 25
good,well 27
go to,go to the 27
go the bed,go to sleep,be asleep,sleep 28
happen,take place 29
have,there be 30
have to,must 31
hear of,hear from,hear about 32
home,house,family 33
how long,how soon,how often 34
huge,large,great,big 36
ill,sick 37
in front of,in the front of 38
in the tree,on the tree 39
in time,on time 39
in the way,in that(this) way 40
in+时间状语,after+时间状语 40
in+时间状语,within+时间状语 42
join,take part in 44
just,just now,a moment ago 45
keep,borrow 46
laugh,smile 47
learn,study 47
like,love,enjoy 48
listen to,listen for,listen in 49
little,a little 50
long before,before long 50
look after,take care of 51
look,see,watch 51
maybe,may be 52
missing,losing 53
neither,both 54
near,nearby,nearly 55
no,not 56
none,no one 57
no longer,no more 58
on one s way,in one s way 59
other,others,the other,the others 60
place,room 62
put on,wear 62
raise,rise 63
sometime,sometimes,some time 64
so,such 65
speak,say,tell,talk 66
s,s 68
spend,take 69
still,yet 70
take a train,by train, on (in) the train 71
take place,take the place,take one s place 72
the Brown,Brown s 73
the other day,some day 74
the number of,a number of 74
throw at,throw to 75
very,much 76
yet,already 77
二、易错句型辨析 79
ask sb.to do sth. 79
as+a.(ad.)原级+as… 80
as much again as… 81
be afraid to do sth. (be afraid that) 82
be afraid of sb. (sth.) 82
begin to do sth. (begin doing sth.) 83
be good at sth. 84
be late for… 85
be made in (be made of,be made from) 85
be strict with(be strict in) 86
be worth doing 87
be+数量+计量单位+long(heavy,high,tall,old等) 88
can t help doing sth. 88
either…or… 89
enough to do sth. 90
enjoy doing sth. 90
finish doing sth. 91
forget to do sth.(forget doing sth.) 92
have been(have gone)+介词短语 92
had+过去分词 93
have+过去分词 95
have+名词+过去分词(现在分词) 97
had better do sth. 99
hear from sb. 99
how about… 100
help sb.with sth.(help sb. (to) do sth.) 100
hit (catch,pull)sb.+介词+the+身体某部位 101
in order to (in order that,so that) 101
It s good to do sth. 103
It s time for sb. to do sth. 103
It seems that 104
It takes sb.some time to do sth. 105
keep sb.doing sth. 106
less than(no less than,not less than) 107
let sb.do sth. 107
like doing sth.(like to do sth.) 108
make sb. do sth. 109
make+sb.+职位 110
more…than… 110
neither…nor… 111
not…but… 113
not only…but also… 114
not…or…(not…and…) 115
not…until… 116
play with 118
not as (so)+a.(ad.)原级+as… 118
pay…for… 119
see sb. doing sth.(see sb.do sth.) 120
send for (go for) 121
show sth. to sb.(show sb. sth.) 122
so…that 122
something must be done to do sth. 124
something is wrong with 124
start to do sth.(start doing sth.) 125
stop to do sth.(stop doing sth.) 125
the+比较级…,the+比较级… 126
take sb.to some place 127
teach sb. a lesson (give sb. a lesson) 128
tell sb. about sth. 128
there be (have(has)) 129
there is something wrong with 130
too…(for sb.)to… 130
waste time doing sth. 132
warn sb.of sth. 133
with one s help 133
What s wrong with 134
What s the matter with 134
三、综合自测练习 136
易错词语辨析练习 136
易错句型辨析练习 142
综合自测练习答案 148
四、附录 150
北京市1990年初中毕业、升学统一考试英语试卷 150
北京市1991年初中毕业、升学统一考试英语试卷 163
北京市1992年初中毕业、升学统一考试英语试卷 176
北京市1993年初中毕业、升学统一考试英语试卷 188
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