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近世家族与政治比较历史论文集  上

近世家族与政治比较历史论文集 上PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:28 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:中央研究院近代史研究所编
  • 出 版 社:中央研究院近代史研究所
  • 出版年份:1992
  • ISBN:957671057X
  • 页数:1150 页
《近世家族与政治比较历史论文集 上》目录

(上册) 1

Politics,Examinations and the Chinese Society,1000-1500:Reflections on the Rise of the Local Elite and the Civil Society in Late Imperial China.&Thomas Lee(李弘祺) 1

Property Law and Uxorilocal Marriage in the Sung Period&Patricia Ebrey 33

Friendship and Its Friends in the Late Ming&Joseph P.McDermott 67

从曾国藩家书说起&刘广京 97

李鸿章的家世与人际关系&李国祁 119

Private Life and Political Culture As Seen in the Hung-Lou-Meng&Whalen Lai 163

好的开始:近世士人子弟的幼年教育&熊秉真 201

清初上海的审判与调解——以『历年记』为例&岸本美绪 239

The Written and the Unwritten:The Political Agenda of the Written Genealogy&David Faure 259

Ordering Ancestors and the State:Chang Hsüeh-ch'eng(1738-1801)and Lineage Discourse in Eighteenth-Century China&Kai-wing Chow 297

Formation and Function of Three Lineages in Hunan&刘翠溶 327

Classical Revival and the Gender Question:China's First Querelle Des Femmes&Susan Mann 377

To Chasten the Society:The Development of Widow Homes in the Ch'ing,1773-1911&梁其姿 413

The Complicity of Women in the Qing Good Woman Cult&Dorothy Ko 451

Women and the Family in Mid-Ch'ing Social Thought:The Case of Ch'en Hung-mou&William T.Rowe 489

The Grand Secretary's Family:three Generations of Women in the Family of Wang Hsi-chüeh&Ann Waltner 541

The 'Constant World'of Wang Chao-Yüan:Women,Education,and Orthodoxy in 18th Century China—A Preliminary Investigation&Harriet T.Zurndorfer 579

(下册) 621

日本殖民时代的基隆颜家与台湾矿业&陈慈玉 621

日据时期的板桥林家——一个家族与政治的关系&许雪姬 657

昆山三徐与清初政治&王家俭 699

论乾隆朝初期之满党与汉党&赖惠敏 721

Private Property Rights and Family Pocess:A Study of the Ta-tsu-hu(Primary-rent holders)in Frontier Taiwan,1700-1850&陈秋坤 745

Lineages and Local Government in Late Imperial and Modern China&R.Bin Wong(王国斌) 779

家训体制之传衍及门风官声之维系&王尔敏 807

清律的屈法以伸情——亲属犯罪的罪刑原则与效果&巨焕武 847

新文化运动时期对中国家庭问题的讨论,1915-1923&张玉法 901

Family and State in Qing China:Marriages in the Tongcheng Lineage,1650-1880&Ted A.Telford 921

"Seek a Loyal Subject in a Filial Son":Family Roots of Political Orientation in Chinese Society&G.William.Skinner 943

Family Organization and Economic Innovation in Northwest Europe and Imperial China,c.1780-1900&Jack A.Goldstone and Lisa Hoffman 995

Early Chinese Revolutionaries:Autonomy,Family and Nationalism&Don C.Price 1015

《女界钟》与中华女性的现代化&李又宁 1055

Sex Work and Social Order:Prostitutes,Their Families,and the State in Twentieth-Century Shanghai&Gail Hershatter 1083

Urban Families and the Post-Mao State:Politics and the Patrilateral Tilt&Deborah Davis 1125
