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英语阅读突破书系  掌握词汇3000  第2版
英语阅读突破书系  掌握词汇3000  第2版

英语阅读突破书系 掌握词汇3000 第2版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:杜瑞清总主编;刘培红,贾丽萍主编(天津中医药大学)
  • 出 版 社:世界图书出版西安公司
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:750622187X
  • 页数:303 页
《英语阅读突破书系 掌握词汇3000 第2版》目录

☆Unit1 1

TextⅠ Slowly, the Net Begins to Widen慢虽慢,网络仍是逐步拓展 1

TextⅡ Netiquette网上礼仪 6

Reading For Fun What Gender Are Computers?计算机是什么性别? 12

☆Unit2 13

TextⅠ Brilliant Korea梦寐的南韩 13

TextⅡ To Be of Not to Be, That Is the Question是吃素还是食荤,真是左右为难 19

Reading For Fun Musical Malaprops可笑的谬误 24

☆Unit3 25

TextⅠ The Voice of the American President美国总统如此评说 25

TextⅡ Free As a Bird像鸟一样自由 30

Reading For Fun What s the Speed Limit Here?这里限速多少? 35

☆Unit4 37

TextⅠ Bring on the Buttered Toast享用免费早餐,健康少年一代 37

TextⅡ Horticulture园艺 43

Reading For Fun Everywhere, Everywhere哪儿哪儿都漂亮 48

☆Unit5 49

TextⅠ Now, It s Threading线拔美容正当时 49

TextⅡ Electric Fish电鱼 55

Reading For Fun Easy Money钱好挣 60

☆Unit6 61

TextⅠ Barbie Her Secret Story“芭比”的秘密 61

TextⅡ The Titanic Riddle泰坦尼克之谜 69

Reading For Fun A Beautiful Girl Likes Diamond Ring漂亮女郎爱钻戒 76

☆Unit7 78

TextⅠ First Dolly, Then Mickey, Who else Now?先前有多莉,后来是米奇,现在该谁了? 78

TextⅡ Why I Want a Wife女人也想要老婆 85

Reading For Fun Being Both Angry and Hungry饥怒交加 92

☆Unit8 93

TextⅠ Motorola: Dramatic Ups and Downs大起大落的摩托罗拉 93

TextⅡ This Way Leads to MBA迈向工商管理 101

Reading For Fun Who Is More Stupid?究竟谁更蠢? 108

☆Unit9 109

TextⅠ Forever Hong Kong魅力无穷的香港 109

TextⅡ Gossip Columns Are Always after You花边新闻毁你没商量 116

Reading For Fun Words to Startle语出惊人 123

☆Unit10 124

TextⅠ Time Comes for the Superwatch超级手表的时代 124

TextⅡ Money and Its Functions货币及其功能 131

Reading For Fun But the Answers Have Changed可是答案已经不同了 135

☆Unit11 136

TextⅠ Birds on the Wing飞鸟 136

TextⅡ The Difference Between Plants and Animals植物和动物的区别 143

Reading For Fun The Man Knows the Future这个人能未卜先知 148

☆Unit12 149

TextⅠ So Young, So Addicted这么年轻就如此上瘾 149

TextⅡ The Changing American Family变化中的美国家庭 154

Reading For Fun May I Look at the Book Again?我可以再看看那本书吗? 158

☆Unit13 159

TextⅠ How the Piano Got to the Top钢琴是怎样成为乐器之王的 159

TextⅡ Why Don t Girls Think like Boys?为什么女孩不像男孩那样思考? 165

Reading For Fun I Always Have Trouble with My Nose or Ears我的鼻子和耳朵总是难受 170

☆Unit14 171

TextⅠ 50 Things to Do Before I Die我死之前要做的50件事情 171

TextⅡ 10 Cities Seek 2008 Olympic Bid十城市展开2008年奥运会申办竞赛 176

Reading For Fun But I m Not Having My Hair All Cut Off但是我并没有把头发全部剪光呀? 181

☆Unit15 182

TextⅠ Break Those Bad Habits打破那些坏习惯 182

TextⅡ Marriage in Iran and America: A Study in Contrasts伊朗和美国婚俗的对比研究 190

Reading For Fun The Case Is Not as Easy as I Thought at First此案并非起初那样简单 195

☆Unit16 196

TextⅠ You Are What You Think其思即其人 196

TextⅡ Tasty Foods That Help You Lose Weight美味佳肴更能助你减肥 203

Reading For Fun I Am His Second Wife我就是他的第二位太太 208

☆Unit17 209

TextⅠ How to Relax in a Crowd众人之中如何放松 209

TextⅡ How to Cope with Criticism如何对待批评 217

Reading For Fun You Are Looking for a Television Set你要寻找的是一台电视机 222

☆Unit18 223

TextⅠ Millennium Bug Fears Seen Rising in 1999千年虫恐慌弥漫1999年 223

TextⅡ The Internet Economy因特网经济 230

Reading For Fun Mr. Grey and a Thief格雷先生和小偷 235

参考译文 236

练习答案 293
