现代英语教程 一级下 2PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:楼光庆主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7560017258
- 页数:217 页
Lesson One 1
Text: The Sea 2
Grammar: Adjectives Adverbs: Comparative Superlative Degrees 6
Writing: Paragraph-Topic Senterce 10
Reading: The Pyramids 20
Lesson Two 25
Text: A Letter to Teacher 26
Grammar: I. Attributive Clause 29
II. Possessive Pronoun 33
Writing: Paragraph-Developer ,Transitional Sentence Conclusion 34
Reading: Mountaineering 43
Lesson Three 47
Text: Kites 48
Grammar: Voice 52
Writing: Paragraph-Unity 56
Reading: Can Animals be Made to Work for Us? 64
Lesson Four 67
Text: Late One Evening 68
Grammar: I. past Perfect 74
II. Past Perfect Progressive 76
Writing: Paragraph-Coherence(1) 78
Reading: The Longest Race 89
Lesson Five 93
Text: Fire! Fire! 94
Grammar: I. Past Progressive 98
II. The Articles 101
Writing: Paragraph-Coherence(2) 102
Reading: Walt Disney 111
Lesson Six 115
Text: Memory 116
Grammar: Indirect Speech 118
Writing: List Example Paragraphs 121
Reading: What Is Intelligence? 127
Lesson Seven 131
Text: Oil 132
Grammar: IT Structures 136
Writing: Chronological Paragraphs 137
Reading: Greetings Around the World 146
Lesson Eight 149
Text: Crazy About Animals 150
Grammar: Present Participle 154
Writing: Classification Definition 155
Reading: Phobias 162
Lesson Nine 165
Text: How to Make Money -And How Not to? 166
Grammar: Past Participle 171
Writing: Comparison Contrast 177
Reading: Breakfast and Better Health 180
Lesson Ten 185
Text: Time to Leave the Nest Yet ? 186
Grammar: Gerund 191
Writing: Cause Effect 192
Reading: The Umbrella 199
Appendix 203
Vocabulary List 203
成人高等教育专科公共英语调查 213
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