唐宋词一百首 汉英对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:许渊冲选译
- 出 版 社:北京:中国对外翻译出版公司;北京:商务印书馆
- 出版年份:1991
- ISBN:7500101449
- 页数:252 页
《一百丛书》总序 1
前言 1
无名氏 2
1 鹊踏枝Tune:“The Magpie on a Branch” 2
无名氏 4
2 摊破浣溪沙Tune:“Broken Form of Sand of Silk-washinng Stream” 4
李白 6
3 菩萨蛮Tune:“Buddhist Dancers” 6
4 忆秦蛾Tune:“Dream of a Maid of Honour” 8
张志和 10
5 渔歌子Tune:“A Fisherman s Song” 10
白居易 12
6 长相思Tune:“Everlasting Longing” 12
刘禹锡 14
7 竹枝词Tune:“Bamboo Branch Song” 14
8 浪淘沙Tune:“Ripples Sifting Sand” 16
9 梦江南Tune:“Dreaming of the South” 18
温庭筠 18
10 河传Tune:“From the River” 20
皇甫松 22
11 忆江南Tune:“The South Recalled” 22
韦庄 24
12 菩萨蛮Tune:“Buddhitst Dancers” 24
李珣 26
13 南乡子Tune:“Song of a Southern Country” 26
14 酒泉子Tune:“Fountain of Wine” 28
孙光宪 28
冯延巳 30
15 谒金门Tune:“Paying Homage at the Golden Gate” 30
李煜 32
16 破阵子Tune:“Dance of the Cavalry” 32
17 相见欢Tune:“Joy at Meeting” 34
18 鸟夜啼Tune:“Crows Crying at Night” 36
19 浪淘沙Tune:“RiPPles Sifting Sand” 38
20 虞美人Tune:“The Beautiful Lady Yu” 40
21 长相思Tune:“Everlasting Longing” 42
林道 42
潘阆 44
22 酒泉子Tune:“Fountain of Wine” 44
柳永 46
23 昼夜乐Tune:“Joy of Day and Night” 46
24 雨霖铃Tune:“Bells Ringing in the Rain” 48
25 望海潮Tune:“Watching the Tidal Bore” 52
26 八聲甘州Tune:“Eight Beats of a Ganzhou Song” 56
27 渔家傲Tune:“Pride of Fisherman” 60
范仲淹 60
28 苏幕遮Tune:“Screened by Southern Curtain” 62
张先 64
29 玉楼春Tune:“Spring in Jade Pavilion” 64
晏殊 66
30 浣溪沙Tune:“Sand of Silk-washing Stream” 66
31 破阵子Tune:“Dance of the Cavalry” 68
张昪 70
32 离亭燕Tune:“Swallow Leaving Pavilion” 70
33 生查子Tune:“Mountain Hawthorn” 72
欧阳修 72
34 蝶恋花Tune:“Butterflies Lingering over Flowers” 74
王安石 76
35 桂枝香Tune:“Fragrance of Laurel Branch” 76
36 南乡子Tune:“Song of a SOUthern Country” 80
王觀 82
37 卜算子Tune:“Song of Divination” 82
苏轼 84
38 虞美人Tune:“The Beautiful Lady Yu” 84
39 江城子Tune:“A Riverside Town” 86
40 江城子Tune:“A Riverside Town” 88
41 水调歌头Tune:“Prelude to the Melody of Water” 90
42 浣溪沙Tune:“Sand of Silk-washing Stream” 94
43 浣溪沙Tune:“Sand of Silk-washing Stream” 96
44 永遇乐Tune:“Joy of Eternal Union” 98
45 西江月Tune:“The Moon over the West River” 102
46 定风波Tune:“Calming the Waves” 104
47 念奴矫Tuae:“Charm of a Maiden Singer” 106
48 临江仙Turle:“Immortal at the River” 110
49 水龙吟Tune:“Water Dragon Chant” 112
50 蝶恋花Tuae:“Butterfiles Lingering over Flowers” 116
李之仪 118
51 卜算子Tune:“Song of Divination” 118
黄庭坚 120
52 清平乐Tune:“Pure Serene Music” 120
泰觀 122
53 鹊桥仙Tune:“Immortal at the Magpie Bridge” 122
54 踏莎行Tune:“Treading on Grass” 124
贺? 126
55 捣练子Tune:“Song of Broken Chains” 126
56 鹧鸪天Tune:“The Partridge Sky” 128
周邦彦 130
57 苏幕遮Tune:“Screened by Southern Curtain” 130
58 蝶恋花Tune:Butterflies Lingering over Flowers” 132
朱敦儒 134
59 相见欢Tune:“Joy at Meeting” 134
60 如梦令Tune:“Like A Dream” 136
李清照 136
61 一剪梅Tune:“A Twig of Mume Blossoms” 138
62 醉花阴Tune:“Tipsy in the Flower s Shade” 140
63 渔家傲Tune:“Pride of Fishermang” 142
64 凤凰台上忆吹箫Tune:“Playing Flute Recalled on Phoenix Terrace” 144
65 声声慢Tune:“Slow,Slow Tune” 148
66 永遇乐Tune:“Joy of Eternal Union” 152
陈舆羲 156
67 临江仙Tune:“Immortal at the River” 156
68 贺新郎Tune:“Congratulating the Bridegroom” 158
张元干 158
岳飞 162
69 满江红Tune:“The River All Red” 162
70 满江红Tune:“The River All Red” 166
71 小重山Tune:“Manifold Little Hill” 170
陆游 172
72 钗头凤Tune:“Phoenix Hairpin” 172
73 诉衷情Tune:“Telling of Innermost Feelings” 176
74 卜算子Tune:“Song of Divination” 178
张孝祥 180
75 念奴娇Tune:“The Charm of A Maiden Singer” 180
76 西江月Tune:“The Moon over the West Rivet” 184
辛弃疾 185
77 水龙吟Tune:“Water Dragon Chant” 186
78 菩萨蛮Tune:“Buddhist Dancers” 190
79 摸鱼儿Tune:“Groping for Fish” 192
80 清平乐Tune:“Pure Serene Music” 196
81 清平乐Tune:“Pute Serene Music” 198
82 采桑子Tune:“Song of Picking Mulberry” 200
83 青玉案Tune:“Green Jade Cup” 202
84 破阵子Tune:“Dance of the Cavalry” 204
85 西江月Tune:“The Moonover the West River” 206
86 西江月Tune:“The Moonover the West River” 208
87 鹧鸪天Tune:“The Partridge Sky” 210
88 永遇乐Tune:“Joy of Eternal Union” 212
89 南乡子Tune:“Song of a Southern Country” 216
90 水调歌头Tune:“Prelude to Water Melody” 218
陈亮 218
刘遇 222
91 西江月 Tune:“The Moonover the West River” 222
姜夔 224
92 扬州慢Tune:“Slow Tune of YangZhou” 224
93 鹧鸪天Tune:“The Partridge Sky” 228
刘克庄 230
94 玉楼春Tune:“Spring in Jade Pavilion” 230
95 八聲甘州Tune:“Eight Beats of a Ganzhou Song” 232
吴文英 232
96 风入松Tune:“Wind Through Pines” 236
刘辰翁 238
97 柳梢青Tune:“Green Tip of Willow Branch” 238
文天样 240
98 念奴娇Tune:“Charm of a Maiden Singer” 240
99 沁园春Tune:“Spring in the Garden of Qin” 244
张炎 248
100 清平乐Tune:“Pure Serene Music” 248
参考书目 250
- 《清代宋词学研究》曹明升著 2019
- 《宋词小札》刘逸生著 2019
- 《北宋词闺阁书写之研究 下》张嘉惠著 2015
- 《中国关键词 19大篇 汉英对照 2 权威解读当代中国》中国外文出版发行事业局,当代中国与世界研究院,中国翻译研究院著 2018
- 《北宋词闺阁书写之研究 上》张嘉惠著 2015
- 《古镜录 唐宋小说精选》汪辟疆编 1946
- 《中华之美丛书 诗经与诗意画 汉英对照》秦慧敏责任编辑;(中国)许渊冲 2019
- 《唐宋八大家鉴赏辞典》刘洪仁,刘细涓编著 2018
- 《中国唐宋时期的战争》指文烽火工作室著 2019
- 《唐五代两宋词简史》郑振铎著 2019
- 《中国当代乡土小说文库 本乡本土》(中国)刘玉堂 2019
- 《异质性条件下技术创新最优市场结构研究 以中国高技术产业为例》千慧雄 2019
- 《中国铁路人 第三届现实主义网络文学征文大赛一等奖》恒传录著 2019
- 《莼江曲谱 2 中国昆曲博物馆藏稀见昆剧手抄曲谱汇编之一》郭腊梅主编;孙伊婷副主编;孙文明,孙伊婷编委;中国昆曲博物馆编 2018
- 《英汉翻译理论的多维阐释及应用剖析》常瑞娟著 2019
- 《中国制造业绿色供应链发展研究报告》中国电子信息产业发展研究院 2019
- 《中国陈设艺术史》赵囡囡著 2019
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 七年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019
- 《《走近科学》精选丛书 中国UFO悬案调查》郭之文 2019
- 《清至民国中国西北戏剧经典唱段汇辑 第8卷》孔令纪 2018