英语幽默与口语表达训练 英中对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:邱耀德,王淑香编著
- 出 版 社:海口:南海出版公司
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:7544204472
- 页数:346 页
1.Qualification 1
2.An appointment 2
3.Wrong place! 3
4.Selfish? 4
5.Frugal 5
6.More rare! 7
7.Experience 8
8.Buy it,but don't use it! 9
9.I'm used to it 11
10.A copy 12
11.No charge! 13
12.Help for two 15
13.Coincident 17
14.Formal announcement 19
15.Creativity 20
16.Never agree 21
17.Mother No's best 22
18.Smooth talk 23
19.Real criticism 24
20.Obey Simon only 26
21.Smart or not? 28
22.Seeing nothing 29
23.Jamie looks great 31
24.The least to buy 32
25.The art of bribery 34
26.Filling a form 35
27.The Devil and the Lord 37
28.So what? 38
29.Cooking show 39
30.The cured 40
31.Flower talk 42
32.Fishing in vain 43
33.More than necessary 45
34.Universal sign 47
35.Horse or house? 49
36.Child's imitation 50
37.Regulations 52
38.Wrongly dressed 53
39.Immaculate deception 55
40.Bragging 56
41.Not everything is perfect! 58
42.Change places_ 59
43.Straight forward 60
44.Quick-learner 61
45.Know him well 62
46.One pint low 63
47.No more eye-doctor 65
48.Look differently 66
49.Stick to the rule 68
50.Blame 69
51.Sudden turn 70
52.Be a passenger 72
53.Equal treat 73
54.Definition 74
55.Tests 76
56.Different duty 77
57.Be a driver! 79
58.Patent 80
59.I don't know her well 81
60.Over-reacted 83
61."Care" 85
62.Surprise! 86
63."Travel restriction" 88
64.Send him away! 89
65.Tit for tat 91
66.The runways are clear 93
67.Dream world 94
68.Blank expression 95
69.Ripe old age 96
70.Excuse 97
71.I've got one more! 99
72.Advice 100
73.Truth 101
74.Hindsight 102
75.Treat differently 104
76.Besides the card 105
77.She wants a career 107
78.The use of a shovel 108
79.Such a doctor 109
80.No more babies! 110
81.Mothers 111
82.Symbol 113
83.Bring up 114
84.The biggest depositor 115
85.Memory school 117
86.Taken for granted 118
87.Who's married? 119
88.Pick-me-up 120
89.Handle with care 121
90.Too much effect 122
91.Afraid of my brother 123
92.Prayer 124
93.Financial advice 126
94.Competition 127
95.Ways and Means 128
96.Strategy 130
97.Cause 131
98.Punishment 132
99.Tattoo 133
100.Share 135
101.Luck? 137
102.Send in the clowns 138
103.Man of precision 139
104.Miss Forgetful 141
105.Doctor's promise 142
106.Wrong judgement 143
107.Alternative help 145
108.Half-lost 146
109.Pay attention 148
110.Always wrong 149
111.Obvious identity 151
112.Being serious! 153
113.Hat-abuse 154
114.Night inspection 156
115.Music for garbage 157
116.He seems to understand 159
117.Embarrassment 160
118.Beyond the call 162
119.Solution to problems 163
120.Sale! 164
121.Read it! 165
122.Being Cheated 166
123.Dating for Mother 168
124.No answer 169
125.Good question 171
126.Injured at Pearl Harbor 172
127.Perfect understanding 174
128.Who's driving? 175
129.Best compliment 176
130.Which is more dangerous? 177
131.Cover up 179
132.Right 180
133.Reasoning 181
134.On purpose! 182
135.Challenge 183
136.Still care! 185
137.Only one! 186
138.Nothing convenient 187
139.Too sensitive 189
140.Fashion 190
141.Lobster"tale" 192
142.Mistaken 193
143.Ready for bargain 194
144.Got a black eye 196
145.Double meaning 197
146.Undercover Dog 198
147.Good deed 200
148.Interpretation 201
149.Trained carpenters 203
150.Side-effect 204
151.I'm your son 205
152.New friends 207
153.True feelings 208
154.Guests 210
155."Stubborn" 211
156.Gifted children 212
157.Chatting 214
158.Sardines'complaint 215
159."Clever"doctor 216
160.Both a mother and a teacher 217
161.Follow the instructions 218
162.Patient and his doctor 219
163.A little zookeeper 221
164.Police hospitality 223
165.An expensive investment 225
166.A smart bird 227
167.A heavy sleeper 228
168.One engine left 230
169.A penny pincher 232
170.An extensive menu 233
171.An amusing assumption 235
172.A smart kid 237
173.A wolf story 240
174."One surpasses the other" 242
175.Wife's desire 243
176.Give and take 245
177.It's a reminder! 246
178.Being considerate 248
179.Peter decides the grade 249
180.Home alone 251
181.Fame and hardwork 253
182.Senior citizens 254
183.Feedback 256
184.An easy way 257
185.Bulletin board 259
186.Identification 260
187.Greetings 262
188.Peer pressure 263
189.As the years turn 264
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