唐诗三百首新译 英汉对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:许渊冲,陆佩弦等编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国对外翻译出版公司;商务印书馆(香港)有限公司
- 出版年份:1988
- ISBN:7500100736
- 页数:411 页
On Tang Poetry and English Poetry Xu Yuan-zhong 1
Luo Binwang(640?-684 ?) 1
On HearingCicadasinPrison Tr.Liu Yiqing 1
Contents 1
In Reply to Magistrate Lu’s Poem:An Excursion in Early Spring Tr.Ni Peiling 2
Farewell to Vice-Prefect Du Tr.X.Y.Z. 3
Written at the North Post House on the Da yu Ridge Tr.Du Tianchong 4
Lines Tr.Liu Shimu 5
Alone Tr.Wang Shiren 6
A Survey ofTang Poetry and 300 Tang Poems Wu Juntao Tr.Yang Liyi 7
Coming Home Tr.X.Y.Z. 7
On Climbing·Youzhou Tower Tr.X.Y.Z. 8
Viewing the Moon and Missing the De ar One Afar Tr.Ni Peiling 9
Thoughts Tr.Qiu Ke’an 10
Sacrificing to Confucius and Mou?ing Him When Passing Through Lu Tr.Suo Tianzhang 12
Starting for the Front Tr.X.Y.Z. 13
Wang Han(687-735?) 13
On the Stork Tower Tr.X.Y.Z. 14
Out of the Great Wall Tr.X.Y.Z. 15
Returning to the South Mountain at the Year’s End Tr.WuJuntao 16
parting Words to Wang Wei Tr.Wu Juntao 17
To My Old Friend in Yangzhou from a Boat Moored at Night on Tonglu River Tr.Wu Juntao 18
Mooring on the River at Jiande Tr.X.Y.Z. 19
Waiting in Vain for Ding.the Eldest Among His Brothers,When Lodging in Buddhist Priest Ye’s Mountain Hut Tr.Wu Juntao 20
To Zhang,the Fifth Among His Brothers,When Mounting Orchid Mountain on an Autumn Day Tr.Wu Juntao 21
Thinking of Xin,the Eldest Among His Brothers,in South Pavilion on a Summer Day Tr.Wu Juntao 22
Song of Returning to Deer-Gate Mountain at Night Tr.Wu Juntao 23
Mounting Xian Mountain with Friends Tr.Wu Juntao 24
To Prime Minister Zhang from the Bank of Dongting Lake Tr.Wu Juntao 25
Visiting an Old Friend’s Cottage Tr.X.Y.Z. 26
Thoughts on a Day When Cold Winds Come Early Tr.Wu Juntao 27
A Spring Morning Tr.X.Y.Z. 28
To Buddhist Priest Yuan from Changan Tr.Wu Juntao 29
Dining in Taoist Priest Mei’s Mountain Hut Tr.Wu Juntao 30
A Warrior and a Singer Tr.Xu Zhongjie 31
A Send-off to Chen Changfu Tr.Xu Zhongjie 32
Seeing Off Prefect Li Degraded to Xiazhong and Prefect Wang Degraded to Changsha Tr.Tao Jie 1 33
Deeply Moved by Music Tr.Xu Zhongjie 34
On Hearing Dong Tinglan Play the Song ofthe Tartar Pipe,Written also for Minister Fang Tr.Liu Nienling 36
On Hearing An Wanshan Play the Tartar Reed-Pipe Tr.Liu Nienling 39
An Old War Song Tr.X.Y.Z. 41
Seeing Wei Wan Off to the Capital Tr.ZhangWenhao 42
Boating on the Ruoye Stream in Spring Tr.Qiu Ke’an 43
Enjoying the Moonlight with My Cousin in the South Study and ThinkingofMy Friend Prefect Cui in Shanyin Tr.Tao Jie 44
A Song ofthe Frontier Tr.Tao Jie 45
A Frontier Song Tr.Tao Jie 46
Spring Court Plaint Tr.Tao Jie 47
Sorrow of a Young Bride in Her Boudoir Tr.X.Y.Z. 48
Seeing Xin Jian Off at Hibiscus Pavilion Tr.TaoJie 49
On the Frontier Tr.X.Y.Z. 50
A Court Lady Who Lost the Emperor’s Favor Tr.X.Y.Z. 51
Zu Yong(699-746?) 52
A Distant View ofJi Gate Tr.Zhu Jiongqiang 52
Looking at the Zhongnan Mountain After Snowfall Tr.Yang Zhouhan 53
Green Stream Tr.Wu Juntao 54
At My Villa in Zhongnan Tr.Sun Liang 55
The Village on RiverWei Tr.WuJuntao 56
A Farewell Tr.Wu Juntao 57
Seeing Qiwu Qian Off to His Native Cou ntry After His Failure in the Examination Tr.Wu Juntao 58
A Song ofXi Shi Tr.Wu Juntao 59
The Old General Tr.Xu Zhongjie 60
The Legend of the Peach Blossom Valley Tr.Loh Bei-yei 64
The Maid of Luoyang Tr.Loh Bei-yei 67
Retirement at Wangchuan-To Pei Di Tr.Huang Xingsheng 70
My Mountain Villa in an Autumn Evening Tr.Wu Juntao 71
On Coming Back to Mount Song Tr.Sun Liang 72
Mount Zhongnan Tr.Sun Liang 73
Paying Visit to Incense Storing Temple Tr.Wu Juntao 74
Farewell to Prefect Li of Zizhou Tr.Huang Xingsheng 75
Gazing Afar by the Han River Tr.Sun Liang 76
The Eight-Battle-Formations Tr.Wu Juntao 1 77
Written at the Rural Retreat at Wangchuan During a Prolonged Rain Tr.Zeng Bingheng 77
A Parting Tr.X.Y.Z. 78
A Rencontre Tr.Lin Tongzhu 79
Thinking of My Brothers on Mountain-Climbing Day Tr.X.Y.Z. 80
Love Seeds Tr.X.Y.Z. 81
In Response to Subprefect Zhang Tr.Huang Xingsheng 82
Answering the Imperial Call to Wrlfe in Reply to His Majesty’s Poem:Viewing the Scene in Spring Rain on an Excursion Tr.Zeng Bingheng 83
Replying to Secretary Jia Zhi’s Poem An Early Levee atDamingPalace Tr.Huang Xingsheng 84
To the Court-Affair Administrator Guo Tr.Zeng Bingheng 85
Hut Among the Bamboos Tr.X.Y.Z. 86
The Deer Enclosure Tr.X.Y.Z. 87
A Farewell Song Tr.X.Y.Z. 88
An Autumn Night Tr.X.Y.Z. 89
Ascending the Yueyang Tower Tr.Wu Juntao 1 89
QiuWei(701-796 ?) 90
Failing to Find the Hermit of West Hill at Home Tr.Qiu Ke’an 90
Cui Shu To Prefect Liu-Mounting the Divine Terrace on the Double Ninth Festival Tr.Wan Changsheng 91
Leaving the White Emperor Town for Jiangling Tr.X.Y.Z. 92
Farewell Beyond the Thorn-Gate Gorge Tr.X.Y.Z. 93
Seeing Meng Haoran Off at Yellow Crane Tower Tr.X.Y.Z. 94
Thoughts on Old Time from a Night Mooring near Cattle Hill Tr.X.Y.Z. 95
Ballad ofa Merchant’s Wife Tr.X.Y.Z. 96
To Meng Haoran Tr.Zhang Longxi 99
TheMoon overtheMountain Pass Tr.X.Y.Z. 100
Parting at a Tavern inJinling Tr.X.Y.Z. 101
Hard Is the Road to Shu Tr.X.Y.Z. 102
The Beautiful Lady Yang Tr.X.Y.Z. 105
Desce nding Zhongnan Mountain and Meeting Husi the Hermit Tr.X.Y.Z. 107
Drinking Alone under the Moon Tr.X.Y.Z. 108
Hard Is the Wav of the World Tr.X.Y.Z. 109
Invitation to Wine Tr.X.Y.Z. 112
Mount Skyland Ascended in a Dream-A Song of Farewell Tr.X.Y.Z. 114
Farewell to Uncle yun,the Imperial Librarian at Xie Tiao’s Pavilion in Xuanzhou Tr.X.Y.Z. 117
On Hearing a Monk from Shu Playing His Lute Tr.X.Y.Z. 118
Songof Mount Lu-To Censor Lu Xuzhou Tr.X.Y.Z. 119
On Phoenix Terrace at Jinling Tr.X.y.Z. 121
Lovesickness Tr.X.Y.Z. 122
Longing on Marble Steps Tr.Wan Zhaofeng 124
A Tranquil Night Tr.X.Y.Z. 125
Farewell to a Friend Tr.X.Y.Z. 126
Waitingin Vain Tr.X.Y.Z. 127
A Faithful Wife Longing for Her Husband in Spring Tr.X.Y.Z. 128
Ballads ofFour Seasons Tr.X.Y.Z. 129
Liu Shenxu 131
Title Missing Tr.Du Tianchong 131
Wang Wan Lying at Anchor Under Baigu Hill Tr.Ni Peiling 132
SongoftheNorthern Frontier Tr.X.Y.Z. 135
Passing Huayin Tr.Luo Zhiye 137
Yellow Crane Tower Tr.X.Y.Z. 138
A Riverside Song Tr.X.Y.Z. 139
The PeachBlossomValley Tr.LiFuning 140
Looking at Mountain Tai Tr.WuJuntao 141
Song ofthe Conscripts Tr.X.Y.Z. 142
A Song ofFair Ladies Tr.WuJuntao 144
Mourning for a Prince Tr.WuJuntao 146
Mourningby theWindingRiver Tr.WuJuntao 148
The Moonlit Night Tr.Wu Juntao 150
A Spring View Tr.Wu Juntao 151
Lodging at the Yamen to the Left of the Imperial Palace on a Spring Night Tr.Wu Juntao 152
In the Second Year of Zhide,I Escaped through the Golden-Lights Gate to Fengxiang along a Narrow Footpath.Now at the Beginning of the First Year of Qianyuan,Demotedfrom the Post of Left-Hand Imperial Adviser to an Official of Huazhou County,and Bid 153
To Hermit Wei,the Eighth Among His Brothers Tr.Wu Juntao 154
The Surpassing Beauty Tr.Wu Juntao 156
Dreaming of Li Bai,Two Poems Tr.Wu Juntao 158
Thinking of My Brothers on a Moonlit Night Tr.Wu Juntao 160
Thinking of Li Bai at the End of the Sky Tr.WuJuntao 161
The Temple of the Prime Minister of Shu Tr.Wu Juntao 162
Receiving a Guest Tr.Wu Juntao 163
A View Outfield Tr.Wu Juntao 164
Four Rhymes to Lord Yah Wu When Once Again Seeing Him Off at the Courier Station of Fengji Tr.Wu Juntao 165
Recapture of the Regions North and South of the Yellow River Tr.X.Y.Z. 166
Upon Leaving the Tomb of Grand Military Governor Fang Tr.Wu Juntao 167
On a Tower Tr.X.Y.Z. 168
Odeon aPainting-ToGeneralCaoBa Tr.Wu Juntao 169
Looking at the Painting of Steeds by General Cao in RecorderWei Feng’s House Tr.Wu Juntao 172
Lodging at the Yamen Tr.WuJuntao 175
Nocturnal Reflections While Travelling Tr.Wu Juntao 176
The Ancient Cypress Tr.Wu Juntao 178
Contemplations on the Historical Sites,Five Poems(Two Selections) Tr.Wu Juntao 180
A Night in a Chamber Tr.Wu Juntao 182
To Censor Han Zhu Tr.Wu Juntao 183
Climbing the Height Tr.X.Y.Z. 185
Watching a Sword Dance Performed bv the Pupil of 186
the Elder Sister of Gongsun-With a Preface Tr.Wu Juntao 186
Coming Across Li Guinian on the Southern Shore Tr.X.Y.Z. 190
Composed at the Beginning of the New Year Tr.Wang Ban 191
Bidding Farewell to Grand Censor Li Returning to His Country House in Hanyang Tr.Wang Ban 192
Ascending the Wugong Terrace in Au tumn for a Distant View Tr.Wang Ban 193
To South Stream for Taoist Chang Tr.Wang Ban 194
At a Farewell Dinner for Wang the EleventhSetting Out onTravelstothe South Tr.WangBan 195
Parting with Two Friends Also Sent into Exile Tr.Du Tianchong 196
Passing by the Place Where Jia Yi Lived in Exile Tr.Du Tianchong 197
To a Friend-Gazing out over the Lake toward Yueyang at Sunset Tr.DuTianchong 198
Zither Playing Tr.Yang Zhouhan 199
Leave-Taking of a Buddhist Monk Tr.Yang Zhouhan 200
Parting with the Monk Lingche Tr.X.Y.Z. 201
On Meeting a Messenger Going to the Capital Tr.X.Y.Z. 202
Climbing the Pagoda at Ci’en Temple with Gao Shi and Xue Ju Tr.Qiu Ke’an 203
Song of Running-Horse River in Farewell to General Feng on His Western Expedition Tr.X.Y.Z. 205
A Send-off to General Feng from Luntai upon His Western Expedition Tr.Xu Zhongjie 207
Song of White Snow in Farewell to Secretary Wu Going Back to the Capital Tr.X.Y.Z. 210
To Censor Du Fu in the Left Court Tr.Wang Minyuan 212
Replying to Secretary Jia Zhi’s Poem An Early Levee at Daming Palace Tr.Huang Xingsheng 213
Spring Thoughts Tr.Wang Jianzhong 214
A Moonlit Night Tr.X.Y.Z. 215
Liu Fangping 215
Loneliness Tr.X.Y.Z. 216
A Parting Wish Tr.Yang Zhouhan 217
Pei Di(716-?) 217
To Officers After the Retreat of the Raiders Tr.Qiu Ke’an 218
A Tippler’s Song on Rock Fish Lake Tr.Xu Zhongjie 220
An Invitation to My Friend Councillor Yang from My Study at Gu Kou Tr.Zhang Guruo 221
Seeing a Japanese Bonze Off to Japan Tr.Zhang Guruo 222
To Master Pei,a Palace Official Tr.Wang Shiren 223
Mooring at Night by Maple Bridge Tr.X.Y.Z. 224
Zhang Ji 224
Han Hong 225
Responding to Cheng Yan’s Poem on Autumn Night Tr.Wang Minyuan 225
An Inscription for Xian You Temple Tr.Huang Xingsheng 226
“Cold Food”Festival Tr.Hu Zhuanglin 227
Sikong Shu 228
Seeing a Friend Off to the North After the Quelling of the Rebels Tr.ZhangGuruo 228
Parting with My Friend Han Shen After a Night’s Lodging in the Hospice of Yun Yang County Tr.ZhangGuruo 229
Pleased at My Cousin Lu Lun’s Passing a Night with Me Tr.ZhangGuruo 230
Not Finding Lu Hongjian at Home Tr.Hu Zhuanglin 231
Jiao Ran 231
Li Duan 232
The Zitherist Tr.X.Y.Z. 232
A Palace Poem Tr.X.Y.Z. 233
Liu Zhongyong 234
A Soldier’s Complaint Tr.Li Funing 234
A Chance Meeting of Old Acquaintances at an Inn Tr.Hu Zhuanglin 235
Wei Yinguu(737-792?) 236
Entertaining Literary Scholars in My Official Residence on a Rainy Day Tr.Li Funing 236
On Setting Out on the Yangtze;For Secretary Yuan Tr.Li Funing 237
For the Mountain Hermit of Quanjiao Tr.Li Funing 238
To My Daughter,on Her Marriage into the Yang Family Tr.Li Funing 239
On Meeting Feng Zhu at Changan Tr.Li Funing 241
Mooring at Dusk in Xuyi County Tr.Loh Bei-yei 242
The Eastern Suburbs Tr.Loh Bei-yei 243
Happy Meeting on the Huai with an Old Friend from Liangzhou Tr.Loh Bei-yei 244
A Valediction:To Li Cao.in an Evening Drizzle Tr.Loh Bei-yei 245
To Li Dan Tr.Loh Bei-yei 246
To Second Board Secretary Qiu in an Autumn Night Tr.Zhang Guruo 247
On the West Stream at Chuzhou Tr.X.Y.Z. 248
Lu Lun(748-800?) 249
Seeing Li Duan Off Tr.Hu Zhuanglin 249
ANight-MooringatEzhou Tr.WangShiren 250
Border Songs Tr.X.Y.Z. 251
Meeting with My Cousin Only to Part Tr.Ni Peiling 253
A Southern Song Tr.X.Y.Z. 254
Ascending at Night the Gate-Tower of the Triumphal Town and Hearing a Flute Tr.X.Y.Z. 255
A Faithful Widow Tr.Qiu Ke’an 256
Song of a Roamer Tr.X.Y.Z. 257
The Forlorn Wife Tr.Yang Zhouhan 258
Chang Jian 259
Overnight Tarry in Wang Changling’s Hermitage Tr.Loh Bei-yei 259
In the Rear Buddha Hall of the Broken Hill Temple Tr.Loh Bei-yei 260
Wang Jian(766?-830?) 261
A Bride Tr.X.Y.Z. 261
Zhang Ji (766 ?-830?) 262
To an Old Friend Lost in Tubo Tr.Tao Jie 262
Mountain Rocks Tr.Xu Zhongjie 263
To Zhang Gongcao on the Moon Festival Tr.Xu Zhongjie 266
A Poem l nscribed on the Entrance Gate of a Temple on Heng Mountain Tr.Liu Nienling 270
An Ode tothe Stone Drums Tr.LinTongqi 273
At the Temple of Liu Bei Tr.Bai Xiaodong 281
Meditating on the Past at West Fort Mountain Tr.Hu Zhuanglin 282
The Street of Mansions Tr.X.Y.Z. 283
A Song ofSpring Tr.X.Y.Z. 284
The Everlasting Regret Tr.X.Y.Z. 285
Song ofa Pipa Player Tr.X.Y.Z. 292
Grass Tr.X.Y.Z. 297
On a Moonlit Night-To My Brothers and Sisters Dispersed After the Unrest in Henan and the Famine in Guannei Tr.Jin Di&Colin Crisp 298
A Note to Liu Shijiu Tr.Jin Di&Colin Crisp 299
Palace Plaint Tr.X.Y.Z. 300
An Early Morning Visit to the Buddhist Priest Chao to Read the Chan Scriptures Tr.Feng Xiang 301
Dwelling by a Stream Tr.Feng Xiang 302
An Old Fisherman Tr.BaiXiaodong 303
To Four Friends in Exile Tr.X.Y.Z. 304
Fishing in Snow Tr.X.Y.Z. 305
To My Deceased Wife Tr.X.Y.Z. 306
Looking for a Hermit Without Finding Him Tr.X.Y.Z. 308
Du Qiuniang 309
The Golden Dress Tr.X.Y.Z. 309
Zhu Qingyu 310
Within the Palace Tr.X.Y.Z. 310
To the Lord Examiner on the Eve of Examinations Tr.X.Y.Z. 311
Xu Hun 312
Early Autumn Tr.Wang Minyuan 312
Inscribed on the Post House at Tong Pass on an Autumn Trip to the Capital Tr.Tao Jie 313
Poem Written on Pleasure Plateau Before Departing for Wuxing Tr.Yuan Kejia 314
The Red Cliff Tr.X.Y.Z. 315
Mooring on River Qinhuai Tr.X.Y.Z. 316
To Han Chuo,Magistrate of Yangzhou Tr.Yuan·Kejia 317
Parting Tr.X.Y.Z. 318
The Golden Valley Garden in Ruins Tr.X.Y.Z. 319
A Night at an Inn Tr.Wang shi-ren 320
A Confession Tr.X.Y.Z. 321
An Autumn Night Tr.X.Y.Z. 322
The Swan-Song Tr.X.Y.Z. 323
Zhang Hu (?-859 ?) 323
A Maid of Honor Tr.X.Y.Z. 324
Long-Life Terrace(two poems) Tr.Li Funing 325
Written on the Wall of Jinling Ferry-House Tr.Li Funing 327
To an East-Bound Friend Tr.Hu Zhuanglin 328
Ferrying South from Lizhou Tr.Hu Zhuanglin 329
The Temple of Su Wu Tr.Hu Zhuan in 330
She Wails on a Jade Lute Tr.Hu Zhuanglin 331
Chen Tao(812?-885 ?) 332
The Riverside Battleground Tr.X.Y.Z. 332
TheHan YuMemorialStele T r.LinTongqi 333
To- Tr.Feng Xiang 339
A Message to Official Ling Hu Tr.Bai Xiaodong 340
Falling Flowers Tr.Tao Jie 341
The Jade Pool Tr.Bai Xiaodong 342
A Bright Scholar Tr.X.Y.Z. 343
Written on a Rainy Night to My Wife in the North T r.X.Y.Z. 344
To One Unnamed Tr.X.Y.Z. Liu Yiqing 345
Poem Without aTitle Tr.X.Y.Z. 347
The Cicada Tr.Liu Shimu 348
Untitled Poems Tr.X.Y.Z. 349
Reflections at a Military Post Tr.Huang Xinqu 351
The Sad Zither Tr.X.Y.Z. 352
A Marble Screen Tr.Bai Xiaodong 353
Spring Rain Tr.Hu Zhuanglin 354
Thoughts in the Cold Tr.Wu Xianglin 355
Wind and Rain Tr.Liu Yiqing 356
The SuiPalace in the South Tr.BaiXiaodong 357
The Sui Palace Tr.Huang Xinqu 358
To the Moon Goddess Tr.X.Y.Z. 359
At the North Green Vine Hermitage Tr.Tao Jie 360
On the Merry-Making Plain Tr.X.Y.Z. 361
Crossing the River Han Tr.X.Y.Z. 362
Xue Feng 363
Court Ladies Tr.WangJianzhong 363
Ma Dai 364
My Stay in the Riverside Hut in Autumn Tr.Ni Peiling 364
Thinking of the Past on the Xiang River Tr.Ni Peiling 365
At Mawei Hill Tr.Hu Zhuanglin 366
Night Thoughts on Terrace Tower Tr.Hu Zhuanglin 367
A Jinling Landscape Tr.X.Y.Z. 368
ZhangQiao 369
Written at the Frontier Tr.Suo Tianzhang 369
TheChillingWeather Tr.BaiXiaodong 370
A Complaint in Spring Tr.X.Y.Z. 371
Jin Changxu 371
A Palace Maid’s Lament in Spring Tr.Loh Bei-yei 372
Cui Tu 373
Thoughts on a New Year’s Eve Tr.Ni Peiling 373
A Lone Wild Goose Tr.Ni Peiling 374
Qin Taoyu 375
Soliloquy of a Poor Girl Tr.Wang Shiren 375
Zhang Bi 376
To My Love Tr.X.Y.Z. 376
General Geshu Tr.X.Y.Z. 377
Anonymous 377
Anonymous 378
Cold Food Day Tr.X.Y.Z. 378
Appendix Ⅰ 379
The Capsule Biographies of the Poets WuJuntao Tr.Yang Liyi 379
Appendix Ⅱ 395
The Capsule Biographies of the Translators 395
Appendix Ⅲ 403
A Bibliography of the English Translations of Tang Poetry Ed.Wang Lina 403
WangBo(650- 676
CChen Zi’ang(661~ 700
Du Shenyan(645?- 708
ZhangXu(C. 711
Song Zhiwen(656?- 712
Shen Quanqi(656?- 714
Zhang Jiuling (678~ 740
Meng Haoran(689- 740
Wang Zhihuan(688- 742
He Zhizhang(659- 744
Qiwu Qian(692- 749
Li Qi(690?- 754
Cui Hao(704?- 754
Wang Changling(698- 757
Wang Wei(701- 761
Emperor Xuanzong(Li Long?.685- 762
LiBai(or Li Po,701- 762
Gao Shi(701- 765
Huangfu Ran(716- 769
Cen Shen(715- 770
Du Fu (or Tu Pu,712- 770
YuanJie(719- 772
Qian Qi (722- 780
Dai Shulun(732- 789
Liu Changqing(714- 790
Gu Kuang(725- 814
Meng Jiao(751- 814
Quan Deyu (759- 818
Liu Zongyuan(773- 819
Han Yu(768- 824
Li Yi(748- 829
Yuan Zhen(779- 831
Liu Yuxi(772- 842
Jia Dao (779- 843
BaiJuyi (772- 846
Du Mu(803- 852
Li Shangyin(813- 858
Wen Tingyun (812- 870
Li Pin(818- 876
Zheng Tian(823- 882
Du Xunhe(846- 907
Wei Zhuang(836?- 910
Han Wo(844- 923
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