- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张冠林编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:1988
- ISBN:7560003125
- 页数:159 页
Ⅰ.List of Phonetic Symbols 1
Ⅱ.Simple Classification of English Vowels and Consonants 2
Ⅲ.Exercises for the English Vowels 3
1.Exercises for the 4 Front Vowels 3
2.Exercises for the 5 Back Vowels 9
3.Exercises for the 3 Central Vowels 16
4.Exercises for the 5 Rising Diphthongs 19
5.Exercises for the 3 Centering Diphthongs 25
Ⅳ.Exercises for the English Consonants 29
1.The Stop Consonants 29
2.The Friction Consonants 34
3.The Affricate Consonants 44
4.The Nasal Consonants 49
5.The Lateral Consonants 53
6.The Semi Vowels (Glides) 55
1.Initial 58
Ⅴ.Exercises for Consonant Clusters 58
2.Final 59
Ⅵ.Exercises for Incomplete Plosion,Nasal and Lateral Plosion 61
1.Incomplete Plosion 61
2.Nasal Plosion 62
3.Lateral Plosion 63
Ⅶ.Exercises for Important Weak Forms 64
Ⅷ.Reading Materials for the Practice of Pausing 74
Ⅸ.Exercises for Liaison 81
1.Consonat+Vowel 81
2.r-linking 81
3.Vowel+Vowel 82
Ⅹ.Stress 83
1.Word Stress 83
2.Stress Shifts 84
3.Sentence Stress 85
Ⅺ.Rhythm 91
1.Exercises for Rhythm 91
2.Poems for Rhythm Practice 93
Ⅻ.Intonation 100
1.Simple Intonation 100
2.Combined Intonation 105
3.The Intonation of Question-tags 112
4.The Intonation of Vocatives 114
5.The Intonation of Parentheses 116
6.The Intonation of Reporting Phrases 117
7.Reading Materials 118
Appendix 1.Supplementary Exercises to be Used as Test Materials 127
1.Pronunciation of English Vowels 127
2.Pronunciation of English Consonants 128
4.Word Stress 131
3.The Incomplete Plosives,Nasal and Lateral Plosion 131
5.Intonation 133
Appendix 2.Ear Training Exercises 138
Appendix 3.English Songs for FirstYear Students 146
1.You Are My Sunshine 146
2.Red River Valley 147
3.Donna,Donna 147
4.Que Sera Sera 149
6.Doggie 150
5.Sing 150
7.Judy,Judy,Judy I Love You 151
8.The Green Green Grass of Home 152
9.Over and over I Whisper Your Name 154
10.Sad Movies 155
11.Take Me Home Country Roads 155
12.Lamon Tree 156
13.On Top of the World 158
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