- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:叶胜年,巫德安注
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7810804626
- 页数:234 页
PART Ⅰ The Beginnings of European Civilisation 3
1 The Greatness of Athens 3
2 The Greatness of Sparta 10
3 Greek Thought and Art 19
4 The Source of Rome's Greatness 29
5 Rome's Great Rival 35
6 Julius C?sar 41
7 The Roman Emperors 48
PART Ⅱ The Middle Ages and the Rise of European Nationali-ties8 Constantine and the Triumph of Christianity 59
9 The Coming of the Barbarians and Charles the Hammer 66
10 Charles the Great 72
11 Hildebrand:Pope Gregory Ⅶ. 81
12 Frederick Barbarossa 89
13 Saladin and the Crusades 97
14 SFrancis and the Revival of Religion 104
15 S.Louis 111
16 Russia and the Tartar Invasion 117
17 The Growth of the Towns 122
18 The Hundred Years'War and Jeanne Darc 129
PART Ⅲ Modern History 139
Introduction 139
19 The Greatness of Spain and Isabella of Castile 141
20 Christopher Columbus 147
21 Luther and the Reformation 154
22 The Revolt of the Netherlands and William the Silent,Prince of Orange 162
23 Henry Ⅳ.of France 169
24 The Thirty Years'War and Gustavus Adolphus 176
25 Louis ⅩⅣ.of Francev 183
26 Peter the Great 190
27 Frederick the Great,King of Prussiav 197
28 The French Revolutionv 205
29 Napoleon Bonaparte 213
30 Victor Emmanuel 221
31 Bismarck and German Unity 228
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