English Book 3PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈琳主编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民教育出版社
- 出版年份:1981
- ISBN:9012·0102
- 页数:194 页
Reading LessonsLesson One 2
Text Learning a LanguageGrammar The Attibutive Clause(Ⅰ)The Relative Pronoun'What'Lesson Two 12
Text A Pupil of LisztGrammar The Appositive ClauseThe Past Perfect TenseLesson Three 21
Text Fresh Air Will Kill YouGrammar Direct Speech and Indirect SpeechLesson Four 31
Text A DictionaryGrammar The active Voice and the Passive VoiceLesson Five 42
Text The Song of Joe HillGrammar Modal Verbs:Could,Would,Should,MightLesson Six 50
Text ElectricityGrammar The Anticipatory 'It'Lesson Seven 59
Text Post Haste(Ⅰ)Grammar The ParticiplesLesson Eight 69
Text Post Haste(Ⅱ)Grammar The GerundLesson Nine 78
Text The World's Greatest MeteoritesGrammar The Attributive Clause(Ⅱ)Lesson Ten 87
Text How Marx Learned Foerign LanguagesGrammar The Complex ObjectInversionOral LessonsⅠ.Traveling 97
Ⅱ.At a Restaurant 103
Ⅲ.Last Day of Vacation 108
Ⅳ.Planning a Buffet Dinner 112
Ⅴ.Shopping 118
Ⅵ.A Birthday Gift 123
Ⅶ.Nancy Makes a Pie 130
Ⅷ.George Fixes the Lawn Mower 136
Ⅸ.Mr Phillips Fixds the Radio 142
Ⅹ.Johnny Falls off His Bicycle 147
AppndicesKey to Exercises 154
Vocabulary 177
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