- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(日)岩田一男著;李炳炎,符家钦编译
- 出 版 社:北京:中国对外经济贸易出版社
- 出版年份:1989
- ISBN:780004100X
- 页数:237 页
第一章最常用的谚语 1
目 录 1
1. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 2
(双鸟在林,不如一鸟在手) 3
2. A burnt child dreads the fire 3
(烧伤的孩子最怕火) 4
3.A day after the fair 4
(错过良机;为时已晚) 5
4. A drowning man will catch at a straw 5
(落水抓稻草;病急乱投医) 6
5.A faint heart never won a fairlady 6
(懦夫难得美人心) 7
6.A friend in need is a friend indeed 7
7.A rolling stone gathers no moss 8
(患难见知交) 8
(滚石不生苔,转业不聚财) 9
8.A stitch in time savesnine 9
(及时处理,事半功倍) 10
9.A watched pot never boils 10
(性急锅不开) 11
10.After a storm comes a calm 11
(雨过天晴) 12
11.All is fair in love andwar 12
(情场战场,不择手段) 13
12.All is not goldthat glitters 13
(发光者未必是黄金) 14
13.Allwork and noplaymakes Jack a dull boy 14
14. An early bird catches the worm 15
(光干活不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻) 15
(捷足先登) 16
15. Barkingdogs seldom bite 16
(叫狗不咬人) 17
16.Beauty is but skin-deep 17
(不能以貌取人,美只是外表) 18
17. Blood is thicker than water 18
(亲人总比外人亲) 19
18.Boyswill be boys 19
(男孩子总不免淘气) 20
19.Do at Rome as the Romans do 20
(入境从俗) 21
20.Don t count your chickens before they 21
arehatched 21
21.Experience is a good teacher 22
(未孵的蛋不算鸡,不要过早得意) 22
(经验是良师) 23
22.Even Homer sometimes nods 23
(智者千虑有一失) 24
23.A good medicine tastes bitter 24
(良药苦口) 25
24.Good things are worth waiting for 25
(北风总有转南时;好事必须耐心等待) 26
25.Habitis second nature 26
(习惯成自然) 27
26. Half a loafis better than no bread 27
(聊胜于无) 28
27. Haste makes waste 28
(忙中有错) 29
28.Heaven helps those who help themselves 29
29. Honestyisthe best policy 30
(天助自助者) 30
(诚实为上策) 31
30.Hungeristhe best sauce 31
(饥者口中尽佳肴) 32
31.It is an ill wind that blows nobody good 32
(使人人遭殃的风才是恶风) 33
32.It s nevertoolatetolearn 33
(学无止境,永不嫌迟) 34
33.It s no use crying over spilt milk 34
(木已成舟,哭也无用) 35
34.It never rains but it pours 35
(祸不单行) 36
35.Lightly come,lightly go 36
36.Like attractslike 37
(不义之财不长久) 37
(物以类聚) 38
37.Look before you leap 38
(三思而后行) 39
38.Make hay while the sun shines 39
(良机不可失) 40
39.Might is right 40
(强权即公理) 41
40.Money makes the mare to go 41
(有钱能使鬼推磨) 42
41. Necessity is the mother of invention 42
(需要是发明之母) 43
42.Never put off till tomorrow what you 43
can do today 43
43.Never twice without three times 44
(当天事当天办) 44
(有二必有三) 45
44.No rose without a thorn 45
(是玫瑰就有刺) 46
45. Nothing venture,nothing have 46
(不入虎穴,焉得虎子) 47
46.One cannot seethewoodforthetrees 47
(见树不见林,见小不见大) 48
47.One nan s meat is another nan s poison 48
(利于甲者未必利于乙) 49
48.Out of sight,out ofmind 49
(眼不见,心不烦) 50
49.Practice makes perfect 50
(熟能生巧) 51
50.Romewas notbuiltin aday 51
51. Seeing is believing 52
(大业非一日之功) 52
(眼见为实) 53
52.Spare the rod,spoil the child 53
(不用棍子,惯坏孩子) 54
53.Still waters run deep 54
(大智若愚) 55
54.Strike the iron while it is hot 55
(趁热打铁) 56
55.Thereis a black sheep in every flock 56
(人群中必有败类) 57
56.There is no accounting for luck 57
(运气难测) 58
57.Time and tide wait for no man 58
(岁月不待人) 59
58. Time is money 59
59. To kill two birds with one stone 60
(时间就是金钱) 60
(一举两得) 61
60.To look for a needle in a haystack 61
(海底捞针) 62
61.To say is one thing;to practice another 62
(说话容易实践难) 63
62.Too many cooks spoilthe broth 63
(三个厨师烧坏汤,七手八脚反误事) 64
63.Two heads are better than one 64
(三个臭皮匠,胜过诸葛亮) 65
64.Walls have ears 65
(隔墙有耳) 66
65.Well begun is half done 66
(搞好开端,完成一半) 67
66.What can t cured must be endured 67
67.What is done cannot be undone 68
(事不如愿,只好容忍) 68
(覆水难收) 69
68.Where there s awill there s away 69
(有志者事竟成) 70
69.Whom the gods love die young 70
(能人多命短) 71
70.You can t eat your cake and haveit 71
(事难两全,鱼与熊掌不可得兼) 73
第二章 值得牢记的谚语 73
71. A cat may look at the King 74
(猫也有权看国王;初生牛犊不怕虎) 75
72.A new broom sweeps clean 75
(新办法,效率高) 76
73.A straw shows which way the wind blows 76
74. A trouble shared is a trouble halved 77
(一叶落知天下秋) 77
75. A wonder lasts but nine days 78
(两人分担,劳苦减半) 78
(新花样不久长) 79
76.Absence makes the heart grow fonder 79
(别久情深) 80
77.Accidents will happen 80
(意外事故总难免) 81
78.Actions speak louder than words 81
(百说不如一干) 82
79.As aman sows,so let him reap 82
(种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆) 83
80.As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb 83
(一不做二不休) 84
81.Beggars cannot be choosers 84
82.Between two stools one falls to the ground 85
(求人帮助,无权挑拣) 85
(不能脚踩两只船) 86
83.Call a spade a spade 86
(直言不讳) 87
84.Charity begins at home 87
(要对外人好,先对家人好) 88
85.Cross the t s and dot the i s 88
(一丝不苟) 89
86. Cut your coat according to your cloth 89
(量体裁衣;量才用人) 90
87.Don t beat about the bush 90
(说话不要躲躲闪闪) 91
88.Don t carry coals to Newcastle 91
89.Don t make a mountain out of a mole-hill 92
(多此一举,徒劳无益) 92
(不要小题大作) 93
90.Don t put the cart before the horse 93
(不要本末倒置) 94
91.Don t put your finger in the pie 94
(不要多管闲事) 95
92.Don t run with the hare and hunt with 95
the hounds 95
(不两面讨好) 96
93.Everybody s business is nobody s business 96
(人人负责,无人负责) 97
94.Every cloud has a silver lining 97
(乌云后面有光明) 98
95.Everyone to his taste 98
96.Extremes meet 99
(人各有所好) 99
(两极相通) 100
97.Give a dog a bad name and hang him 100
(欲加之罪,何患无辞) 101
98.Good wine needs no bush 101
(酒好客自来) 102
99.Handsome is that handsome does 102
(品德优美才算真美) 103
100.He laughs best who laughs last 103
(谁笑在最后谁笑得最好;最后胜利才算真胜利) 104
101.He who pays the piper calls the tune 104
(谁出钱,谁点戏) 105
102.Iwas not born yesterday 105
(并非一无所知) 106
103.I will not keep a dog and bark myself 106
104.Ifyou don t like it,you can lump it 107
(既养有狗何必自己吠?) 107
(纵不喜欢,也要容忍) 108
105.It takes all sorts to make a world 108
(世上众生形形色色,不足为怪) 109
106.Least said,soonest mended 109
(少说为妙) 110
107.Let bygones be bygones 110
(既往不咎) 111
108.Let justice be done,though the heavens 111
should fall 111
(天塌下来,也得清算) 112
109.Live and let live 112
(互相宽容) 113
110.Lookon both sides of the shield 113
111.Love me little,love me long 114
(看问题要表里俱到) 114
(爱情总要细水长流) 115
112.Lucky in cards,unlucky in love 115
(胜于睹场,败于情场;得财伤友爱) 116
113.Many a little makes a mickle 116
(积少成多;集腋成裘) 117
114. Murder will out 117
(恶行终将败露) 118
115.“Never”is along word 118
(不要轻易谢绝) 119
116.Once a beggar always a beggar 119
(三天讨饭帝王不换;安于现状不图振作) 120
117. One gives nothing so liberally as advice 120
(不花钱出主意,谁人不乐意) 121
118.One good turn deserves another 121
119.Pride will have a fall 122
(以德报德) 122
(骄者必败) 123
120.Put that in your pipe andsmokeit 123
(事要三思) 124
121.Rats desert a sinking ship 124
(家败亲友疏) 125
122.See Naples and die 125
(得见名城死而无憾) 126
123.The apples on the other side of the wall 126
are the sweetest 126
(墙外野花香更多) 127
124.The end justifies the means 127
125.The last straw breaks the camel s back 128
(为达目的不择手段) 128
(再加一把草,骆驼就地倒) 129
126.The pot calls the kettle black 129
(责人严而责己宽) 130
127.The same man never crossed the same 130
river twice 130
(旧地重来景已非) 131
128. The young will sow wild oats 131
(年少放荡不羁) 132
129.Thereis another side to the picture 132
(凡事要一分为二) 133
130.There s many a slip twixt the cup 133
and the lip 133
(杯子到口,还会失手;功败垂成) 134
131.There s no fool like an old fool 134
132.Tomorrow never comes 135
(老人最糊涂) 135
(明日不再来) 136
133.Two canplay at the game 136
(一报还一报;你的花招我也会) 137
134.Two is company,three is none 137
(两人成伴,三人不欢) 138
135.When Greek meets Greek then comes 138
the tug ofwar 138
(两雄相遇,其斗必烈) 139
136.You cannot make an omelette without 139
breaking eggs 139
(不播种子不发芽) 140
137.You cannot make a silk purse out of 140
a sow s ear 140
138.You can t have everything in this life 141
(乌鸦窝里出不了凤凰) 141
(万事如意古来难) 142
139.You may take your horse to the water,but you 142
can t make him drink 142
(凡事不能强求) 143
140.Virtue is its own reward 143
(为善最乐) 145
第三章众所熟悉的名言 145
141.A little learning is a dangerous thing 146
(浅学误人) 147
142.A poet is born,not made 147
(诗人靠天赋) 148
143.An eye for an eye,a tooth for(a) tooth 148
(以眼还眼,以牙还牙) 149
144.Art is long,life is short 149
145.Ask,and it shall be given you 150
(人生短暂,艺术千秋) 150
(有求必应) 151
146.Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven 151
(宁为鸡口,毋为牛后) 152
147.Birds in their little nest agree 152
(巢中小鸟不喧哗) 153
148.Blessed are the poor in spirit 153
(虚心的人最有福) 154
149.Brevity is the soul of wit 154
(言以简为贵) 155
150.Don t gild the lily 155
(不要画蛇添足) 156
151.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man 156
healthy,wealthy and wise 156
152.East is East and West is West 157
(早睡又早起,使你健康富裕又聪敏) 157
(东是东来西是西) 158
153.Eat,drink,and be merry,for tomorrow 158
you die 158
(得乐且行乐,明朝上西天) 159
154.England expects every man to do his duty 159
(望每个国民恪尽职守) 160
155.Fools rush in where angels fear to tread 160
(初生之犊不畏虎) 161
156.Go to Jericho! 161
(见鬼去) 162
157.God feedeth the fowls 162
(神恩浩荡) 163
158 He that would govern others,first should be 163
the master of himself 163
159.History is bunk 164
(要管好别人,先管好自己) 164
160.Home is the sailor,home from the sea 165
(历史是一堆废话) 165
(漂泊海员还故乡) 166
161.How sharper than a serpent s tooth it is to 166
have a thankless child! 166
(逆子无情甚于蛇蝎) 167
162.I am monarch of all I survey 167
(唯我独尊) 168
163.I awoke one morning and found myself 168
famous 168
(一觉醒来名满天下) 169
164.I came,I saw,I conquered 169
(亲临、目睹、全胜) 170
165.If Winter comes,can spring be far behind? 170
166.Knowledge is power 171
(冬天来了,春天还会遥远吗?) 171
(知识就是力量) 172
167.Last.but not least 172
(最后,但并非不足重视) 173
168. Let not thy left hand know what thy 173
right hand does 173
(右手所为,不让左手知道) 174
169. Life isn t all beer and skittles 174
(人生并不全是吃喝玩乐) 175
170. LiFe is real,life is earnest 175
(人生真实,人生诚挚) 176
171. Love is blind 176
(恋爱盲目) 177
172.Love is stronger than death 177
173.Make assurance double sure 178
(爱情坚强胜于死) 178
174.M y heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow 179
inthe sky 179
(加倍慎重;保证再保证) 179
(天空现彩虹) 180
175.Needs must when the devil drives 180
(情势所迫) 181
176.No man is a hero to his valet 181
(伟人也有隐私) 182
177.No question is ever settled until it is 182
setlled right 182
(正确解决才算解决) 183
178.One cannot serve God and Mammon 183
(不能既拜天神又拜财神) 184
179.One s sin will find one out 184
180.Pity is akin to love 185
(坏事终归要败露) 185
(怜悯生爱) 186
181. Reading makes a full man 186
(读书造成完人) 187
182.Speech is silver,silence is gold 187
(雄辩如银,沉默如金) 188
183.The child is father of the man 188
(从小可以看大;从一个人的现在可以预见 189
他的将来) 189
184.The die is cast 189
(大势已定;一经决定,不能改悔) 190
185.The pen is mightier than the sword 190
(笔锋利于剑) 191
186.The voice of the people is the voice ofGod 191
187.The wages of sin is death 192
(人民呼声不可侮) 192
188.There is no place like home 193
(恶有恶报) 193
(天涯无处似家乡) 194
189.There s no royal road to learning 194
(学问之道无捷径) 195
190.There s nothing new under the sun 195
(天下原无新事物) 196
191.Thy kingdom come 196
(天国降临) 197
192.To be or notto be:that is the question 197
(生与死是至关重要的问题) 198
193.To err is human,to forgive divine 198
(谁能无过,贵在宽恕) 199
194.To no man will we refuse justice 199
195.Truth is stranger than fiction 200
(对一切人都应公平相待) 200
(事实离奇胜于虚构) 201
196.We are such stuffas dreams are made 201
on[of] 201
(人生如梦幻) 202
197 What s in a name? 202
(名字无关紧要) 203
198.Whowill bell the cat? 203
(谁愿为人甘冒死险?) 204
199.Wonders will never cease 204
(奇迹无穷尽) 205
200.You must not make bricks without straw 205
(徒劳无益) 207
第四章经常出现的名句 207
201.A broken reed 208
(不可靠的人) 209
202.A doubting Thomas 209
(眼见为凭) 210
203.A good Samaritan 210
(慈悲为怀的人) 211
204.A stray sheep 211
(迷途羔羊) 212
205.A thorn in the flesh 212
(苦恼的根源;眼中钉) 213
206.Achilles heel 213
(可乘之隙;唯一缺点) 214
207.Asmad as a March hare 214
cupboard 215
208.Every family has a skeleton in the 215
(狂如春兔) 215
(家家都有隐私) 216
209.Far from the madding crowd 216
(远离尘世) 217
210.Filthy lucre 217
(不义之财) 218
211.Flesh and blood 218
(血肉之躯) 219
212.Full ofthe milk of human 219
Kindness 219
(善良天性) 220
213.Hope against hope 220
(痴心妄想;在极端困难中不放弃希望) 221
214.In the midst oflife 221
215.Pay through the nose 222
(有生必有死;生命道上变故无常) 222
(付出惊人代价) 223
216.Plain living and high thinking 223
(生活朴素,情操高尚) 224
217.Shuffle off this mortal coil 224
(避开尘世喧嚣;死是痛苦的终结) 225
218.Solomonin all his glory 225
(人的鼎盛时代) 226
219.The green-eyed monster 226
(妒火中烧) 227
220.The realm of fancy 227
(纯属幻想) 228
221.To bury the hatchet 228
(重新和好) 229
222.To eat the fat of the land 229
223.To fall on evil days 230
(养尊处优) 230
(穷困潦倒) 231
224.To have other fish to fry 231
(另有打算) 232
225.To keep one s nose to the grindstone 232
(埋头苦干) 233
226.To see eye to eye 233
(见解一致) 234
227.To send a person away with a flea in his ear 234
(用讥诮话把人气走) 235
228.To speak daggers 235
(说话刻毒) 236
229.To the four winds 236
(烟消云散) 237
230.To throw dust in one s eyes 237
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