义务教育三年制、四年制初级中学英语第1册 试用本 教师教学用书PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)格兰特(Grant,N.J.H.)等主编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民教育出版社
- 出版年份:1989
- ISBN:7107008846
- 页数:266 页
10 Talking about spatial Who s that?relationsbipStructures PageGood morning!Hello!How are you?Fine,thank you.And you?What s your name? 1
Contents(目录)前言(Foreword) 1
My name is....English letters A-N.I m....Are you....? Yes,I am./No,I m not.This is....Nice to meet you.I m 9
OK.I can see A .Where is B ?It is here.I m fine.English letters O-Z.Excuse me.Sorry.Can you spell your name,please?How do you do?What s this 17
6 Identifying people How old is he? 19
9 Identifying people The n 19
7 Identifying posessions Is this your pencil-box? 19
8 Mainly Revision 19
5 Identifying objects What s this in English? 19
4 Numbers Numbers in English 19
3 Identifying people Can you spell it?and objects 19
2 Introduction Nice to meet you! 19
1 Greetings Hello,what s your name? 19
Unit Functional items Topics 19
导言课(Introductory lesson) 19
in English?It s....Good afternoon.Oh,good.Goodbye!Yes,P-O-doubleL-Y.I m/You re 11.Are you ten...? What s 1 and 2?How old are you? What class/ 25
grade/row are you in?What s this/that?It s a/an.....Is this/that...? Yes,it is./No,it isn t. 33
He s/She s..../It s....Is he/she/it...? Who s this/that/he/she? Where is he/ 41
she?How old is he/she? I don t know.I think...Is everyone here? What s his/her/its name? Who s not here? He/She is at home/school.This/That is my/your/his/her/its....These/Those are....What are these/those? 49
They re..../Are these/those...? Yes,they are./No,they aren t.Here you are.Thank you very much.That s all right.Numbers one-ten.Thanks.It s very good. 49
We/You/They are....Are we/you/they...?Look after them.Put them over there. 65
15 Asking about time What the time? 73
16 Mainly Revision 73
14 Asking about ownership That s mine! 73
17 Offering and requesting help Could you help me,please? 73
18 Giving instructions Look after your things! 73
19 Eating and drinking Food and drink 73
12 Location I can t see it! 73
11 Identifying people Come and meet the family! 73
on/under/behind....Using the.They look the same.Look at the picture.Unit Functional items Topics 73
This way,please.Possessive pronouns:our,your,their.Who s on duty today?Can you see the bird? Yes,I can.No,I can t.Where is/are...? It s/they re in/ 73
13 Describing things What colour is it? 73
20 Giving instructions Playing gamesStructures PageWho s this/that? Jim s sister.Go and see.It s a picture of my family.Please come 81
in.You look like....Good afternoon.OK.Hi!the/a/an:This is an apple.Where is the kite?I can t find it.What can you see? 89
It s your turn now.What colour is it?It s red.What colour are these/those?They re blue.Who s 97
to go home.I must go.I don t have a watch.Thanks very much.Give it to Mr Hu.Numbers 1- 100
that boy? Which boy/one? The one in the black hat.Come here!Colour it green.Whose hat is this? Whose shoes are these? Is it/Are they/yours/mine/his/hers/ 105
ours/yours/theirs? Let me see,please.Put on....What s the time? It s about eight o clock/9:15/9:45.Let s go to school.It s time 113
Let me help you/carry it.This box is too heavy.Could you help me,please? 129
Certainly!You re welcome.Please sit down.Put it/them away!You must look after....What s wrong? 137
Don t worry!I(don t)think so.Oh,dear!Thank goodness!Object pronouns.Would you like...? What would you like? I would like(I d like)a cup of tea/ 145
29 Shopping Shopping 153
28 Habitual actions What time do you get up? 153
27 Occupations People and work 153
26 Likes and dislikes What do you like? 153
25 Language Where are you from? 153
23 Mainly Revision 153
24 Possession Let s go to school today! 153
22 Talking about the present What are you doing? 153
21 Counting How many boats are there? 153
picture/river.Unit Functional items Topics 153
some milk.How many...can you see? I can see two.I can t sec any.It s time to.....Do it like this.Don t throw it like that!Great!There is a/There are...in the 153
30 Mainly Revision附录Ⅰ 英语书写基本知识Ⅱ 英语语音参考资料Ⅲ 对字母、单词和音标教学的建议Structures PageIs there a bird in that tree? Yes,there is(only one)/No,there isn t.Are there 161
any books on the table? Yes,there are/No,there aren t any.How manyhouses are there? There are three.I m playing football.Am I playing football? Yes,you are./No,you aren t.You/rhey 169
are reading.Are you/they reading? She/He is singing.Is she/he/it singing? 169
I/You/We/They have....He/She/It has....I don t have one/any.Do you have one/ 185
any?Yes,I do./No,I don t.How do you spell...? Can I borrow your...?Please give it/them back.The shop is open/closed.Thanks a lot.Not at a11.I am/You/We/They are/come from London.Do you/they speak English?Yes, 193
I/we/they do.No,I/we/they don t.What do they speak? Where is he/she from?What about you?Does he/she like cooking? Yes,he/she does.No,he/she doesn t.He/She likes 201
watching TV,but he/she doesn t like doing housework.I don t like it at a11.I like cooking a lot/a little/very much.What does he/she do? He/She is a teacher.Where do they work? They work in 209
a factory.Good evening.I/You/We/They work here.Do you/we/they work here?He/She/It works here.Does he/she/it work here?What time does he/she get up?It s time to get up.It s too late.I must go! 217
in the morning/afternoon/evening/the middle of the dayCan I help you?I want a/some...,please.How many/much...do you want? 225
How much is/are...?That s cheap/dear!Forty fen a kilo.AppendixⅠ Basic knowledge on English handwriting 241
Ⅱ English phonetics 245
Ⅲ Suggestions on teaching the English letters,words and phonetic script 261
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