大学英语 全新版 阅读教程 3 学生用书PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:柯彦玢等主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7810805754
- 页数:254 页
1.Be Kind to Commuters 1
Introduction 1
Text 1
Reading Skills 5
Do the following multiple-choice questions 5
Put the following into Chinese 6
Questions for consideration 7
2.“The American Man” 8
Introduction 8
Text 8
Reading Skills 12
Do the following multiple-choice questions 13
Put the following into Chinese 14
Questions for consideration 14
3.The Broken Chain 15
Introduction 15
Text 15
Reading Skills 20
Do the following multiple-choice questions 20
Put the following into Chinese 21
Questions for consideration 22
Text 23
Introduction 23
4.The Civil Rights Movement:What Good Was It? 23
Reading Skills 27
Do the following multiple-choice questions 28
Put the following into Chinese 29
Questions for consideration 29
5.The Middle-Class Black s Burden 30
Introduction 30
Text 30
Reading Skills 34
Put the following into Chinese 35
Do the following multiple-choice questions 35
Questions for consideration 36
6.Father Cures a Presidential Fever 37
Introduction 37
Text 37
Reading Skills 42
Do the following multiple-choice questions 43
Put the following into Chinese 44
Questions for consideration 44
Text 45
Introduction 45
7.It s Time to Ban Handguns 45
Reading Skills 49
Do the following multiple-choice questions 50
Put the following into Chinese 51
Questions for consideration 52
8.When a Citizen Fights Back 53
Introduction 53
Text 53
Reading Skills 58
Do the following multiple-choice questions 60
Questions for consideration 61
Put the following into Chinese 61
9.The Killion 62
Introduction 62
Text 62
Reading Skills 66
Do the following multiple-choice questions 67
Put the following into Chinese 68
Questions for consideration 68
Text 69
Introduction 69
10.“Answer,Please Answer” 69
Reading Skills 77
Do the following multiple-choice questions 79
Put the following into Chinese 79
Questions for consideration 80
11.Superhumans 81
Introduction 81
Text 81
Reading Skills 86
Do the following multiple-choice questions 88
Put the following into Chinese 89
Questions for consideration 90
12.The Arrow of Time 91
Introduction 91
Text 91
Reading Skills 95
Do the following multiple-choice questions 97
Put the following into Chinese 98
Questions for consideration 98
Text 99
Introduction 99
13.Halloween Party 99
Reading Skills 103
Do the following multiple-choice questions 104
Put the following into Chinese 104
Questions for consideration 105
14.“New Year s Day” 106
Introduction 106
Text 106
Reading Skills 111
Do the following multiple-choice questions 112
Put the following into Chinese 113
Questions for consideration 114
15.The Valentine Vogue 115
Introduction 115
Text 115
Reading Skills 119
Do the following multiple-choice questions 120
Put the following into Chinese 121
Questions for consideration 122
Text 123
Introduction 123
16.Why Rustiers Never Win 123
Reading Skills 129
Do the following multiple-choice questions 130
Put the following into Chinese 131
Questions for consideration 132
17.Mr. Andrews 133
Introduction 133
Text 133
Reading Skills 139
Put the following into Chinese 140
Do the following multiple-choice questions 140
Questions for consideration 141
18.A Find 142
Introduction 142
Text 142
Reading Skills 147
Do the following multiple-choice questions 148
Put the following into Chinese 149
Questions for consideration 150
Text 151
Introduction 151
19.Blue-Collar Journal 151
Reading Skills 157
Do the following multiple-choice questions 158
Put the following into Chinese 159
Questions for consideration 159
20.Silk Workers 160
Introduction 160
Text 160
Reading Skills 166
Do the following multiple-choice questions 167
Questions for consideration 168
Put the following into Chinese 168
21.Assembly Line 169
Introduction 169
Text 169
Reading Skills 175
Do the following multiple-choice questions 176
Put the following into Chinese 177
Questions for consideration 178
Text 179
Introduction 179
22.Gene of the Week 179
Reading Skills 183
Do the following multiple-choice questions 184
Put the following into Chinese 185
Questions for consideration 186
23.The Search for Understanding 187
Introduction 187
Text 187
Reading Skills 192
Do the following multiple-choice questions 193
Put the following into Chinese 194
Questions for consideration 195
24.Man of Wisdom 196
Introduction 196
Text 196
Reading Skills 200
Do the following multiple-choice questions 200
Put the following into Chinese 201
Questions for consideration 201
Glossary 203
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