Lesson 1.Some Forms of Energy 1
The Complex Object and the Complex Subject 13
Lesson 2.Thomas Alva Edison 13
The Subject Clause,the Predicative Clause and the Object Clause 27
Independent Reading 1:Energy 27
Lesson 3."Eureka!" 30
The Attributive Clause 43
Lesson 4.The Value of Water and Mineral Salts to the Body 43
The Restrictive Attributive Clause and the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause 53
Independent Reading 2:Salt 53
Word-Formation(1) 56
Review Exercises(Lesson 1—Lesson 4) 58
Lesson 5.The Last Lesson(1) 60
The AdverbialClause 1
Lesson 6.The Last Lesson(2) 71
The Adverbial Clause 2
Independent Reading 3:The Story of William Tell 82
Lesson 7.Galileo and the Lamps 87
The Uses of"That","As","Since" 98
Independent Reading 4:Galileo's Famous Experiment 98
Lesson 8.Lenin in Londo 101
The Uses of "It" 112
Independent Reading 5:Rebel Student 112
Word-Formation(2) 117
Review Exercises (Lesson 5—Lesson 8) 119
Supplementary Readings: 121
1What Is Lightning? 121
2.How Is the Human Body Different from a Machine? 123
3.Colour 124
4.InMemory of Norman Bethune 126
5.Fables ofEsop 129
Relerence Material of Phoneties 133
An Outline of Grammar 144
Irregular Verbs 154
Vocabulary 155
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