尖峰英语词语辨析 初中版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:卢伟编著
- 出 版 社:北京:气象出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7502931279
- 页数:313 页
第1章 冠词 3
词条1.a,an,the 3
第2章 名词 7
词条1.a bit,a little 7
词条2.a moment,the moment 9
词条3.a number of,the number of 11
词条4.boat,ship 12
词条5.cap,hat 13
词条6.class,lesson 14
词条7.climate,weather 16
词条8.cloth,clothes,clothing,coat,dress 17
词条9.cook,cooker 19
词条10.date,day 20
词条11.desk,table 22
词条12.country,nation,state,land 22
词条13.cup,glass 24
词条14.door,gate,entrance 26
词条15.earth,world 27
词条16.evening,night 29
词条17.examination,quiz,test 31
词条18.family,house,home 33
词条19.fault,mistake,error,wrong 34
词条20.game,match,play,sport 37
词条21.health,healthy,healthful 38
词条22.hill,mountain,mount 40
词条23.job,work 41
词条24.man,person,people,the people 43
词条25.Mr.,sir,Mrs.,madam,Miss,Ms 45
词条26.noise,sound,voice,accent 47
词条27.on Sunday,on Sundays 49
词条28.photo,picture 50
词条29.problem,question 51
词条30.road,street,way 52
词条1.all,both 57
第3章 代词 57
词条2.another,other,others,the other,the others 58
词条3.any,some 60
词条4.both,either,neither 62
词条5.everyone,every one 64
词条6.it,one 65
第4章 形容词 69
词条1.all,whole 69
词条2.alone,lonely 71
词条3.asleep,sleepy 72
词条4.bad,badly 73
词条5.beautiful,pretty,handsome,fair 75
词条6.be good at,be good for,be good to 77
词条7.big,large,great 78
词条8.black,dark 80
词条9.clear,clean 82
词条10.clever,bright,wise 83
词条11.dead,deadly,death,deathly,die,dying 85
词条12.difficult,hard 88
词条13.each,every 90
词条14.elder/eldest,older/oldest 92
词条15.everyday,every day 93
词条16.famous,well-known 94
词条17.few,a few,little,a little 95
词条18.fine,good,nice,well,excellent 98
词条19.gold,golden 100
词条20.high,tall,highly 102
词条21.1ittle,small 103
词条22.many,much,a lot of,lots of 104
词条23.real,true 107
词条24.rich,the rich 109
词条25.how many,how much 110
词条26.how long,how often,how soon,how many hours of 111
词条27.angry,be angry about,be angry at,be angry with 113
词条28.busy,be busy with,be busy in 114
词条29.ready,be ready to,be ready for 115
第5章 副词 119
词条1.ago,before 119
词条2.almost,nearly 120
词条3.aloud,loud,loudly 122
词条4.already,yet,still 124
词条5.also,too,either 126
词条6.always,often,usually,sometimes,never 127
词条7.before long,long before 130
词条8.close,near 131
词条9.ever,once 133
词条10.fast,quickly,soon 134
词条11.hard,hardly 136
词条12.here,in here,there,in there 138
词条13.instead,instead of 140
词条14.just,just now 142
词条15.no more,no longer,not…any more,not…any longer 143
词条16.no,not 144
词条17.not…and,not…or 147
词条18.too many,too much 148
词条19.too much,much too,very much 149
词条20.too…to,so…that,not…enough to 151
词条21.what time,when 153
词条22.far,away,far from,far away,far away from 155
词条23.quite,rather,very 156
词条24.sometime,some time,sometimes,some times 159
词条25.very,much,very much 160
词条26.very good,very well 162
词条27.always,all the time 163
第6章 数词 167
词条1.a/an,one 167
词条2.first,firstly,at first 167
词条3.hundred,hundreds of 169
词条4.the second,a second 172
词条1.accept,receive 175
第7章 动词 175
词条2.agree with,agree to,agree on 176
词条3.answer,reply 178
词条4.arriVe at/in,get to,reach 181
词条5.ask,ask for 182
词条6.attend,jojn,take part in 184
词条7.be,become,get,grow,turn 186
词条8.be made of,be made from,be made in,be made into 189
词条9.be strict in,be strict with 191
词条10.beat,win 192
词条11.beat,hit,knock 193
词条12.begin,start 195
词条13.borrow,lend,keep 197
词条14.bring,take 198
词条15.can,be able to 199
词条16.can,may 201
词条17.clean,sweep,wipe 203
词条18.come in,come into,enter 204
词条19.cost,pay,spend,take 206
词条20.cross,pass 208
词条21.fill with,fill…with,be filled with,be rull of 210
词条22.help sb.do sth.,help sb.to do sth.,help sb.with sth. 212
词条23.hope,wish 214
词条24.laugh,smile 218
词条25.listen,listen to,hear,sound 219
词条26.look for,find,find out 222
词条27.look,see,watch 223
词条28.maybe,may be 225
词条29.must,have to 226
词条30.pull,push,drag,draw 229
词条31.put on,wear,be in,be/get dressed 231
词条32.remember doing,remem-ber to do 233
词条33.result in,result from 234
词条34.say,speak,talk,tell 235
词条35.stop to do,stop doing 238
词条36.used to do,be used to doing 239
词条37.have,There be 241
词条38.have been to,have gone to 243
词条39.have done sth.,have sth.done 244
词条40.need,want 245
词条41.open,close,turn on,turn off,turn down,turn up 247
词条42.work hard,hard work 249
第8章 介词 253
词条1.above,on,over 253
词条2.across,through,over,past 254
词条3.after,behind 256
词条4.among,between 258
词条5.in front,in front of,in/at the front of,before 259
词条6.in the east/south/west/north of,to the east/south/west/north of,on the east/south/west/north of 261
词条7.like,as 263
词条8.at,in,on 265
词条9.at,in,on 266
词条10.below,under 268
词条11.by,in,on 270
词条12.by the way,on the/one’s way to 271
词条13.in,into,on,onto 272
词条15.on time,in time 274
词条14.on the tree,in the tree 274
词条16.till,until,not…until 276
第9章 连词 281
词条1.and,or 281
词条2.both…and,either…or,neither…nor 282
词条3.if,whether 284
词条4.so…that,so that 286
词条5.so…that,such…that 287
词条6.when,while 288
词条1.Goodbye.,See you later!,See you soon!,See you tomorrow!,Bye!,Bye-bye!,See you.,So long! 293
词条2.How are you?,How do you do? 293
第10章 句式 293
词条3.Here it is.,Here they are.,Here you are.,Here we are. 294
词条4.I don’t think so.,I hope not.,I’m afraid not. 295
词条5.I’m…,This is…,Are you…?,Is that…?,Who are you?,Who is it? 296
词条6.Not at all.,not…at all. 297
词条7.Nice to meet you.,Glad to see you.,Nice meeting you. 298
词条8.Thank you for+n.,Thank you for doing… 300
词条9.Excuse me.,(I’m)sorry.,(I beg your)pardon. 301
词条10.It’s time for…,It’s time to…,It’s time for sb.+to do sth. 302
词条11.Right.,That s right.,All ri-ght.,That s all right. 304
词条12.What a nice day it is!,How nice the day is! 305
第11章 附录 309
不规则动词表 309
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