- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:浩瀚等主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国书籍出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7506808781
- 页数:441 页
a little(of) 1
a lot(of) 2
a multitude of 3
(be)aout to(do) 4
adqpt to 5
add up to 6
(be)afraid of 7
agree on 8
agree to 8
all but 9
all over 10
all the same 11
answer for 12
anything but 13
as...as 14
as a matter of fact 15
as a result 16
as far as 18
as follows 19
as if 20
as long as 21
as regards 22
as to 23
as well as 24
as yet 25
at a loss 26
keep off 27
at all 27
at hand 28
atheart 29
at home 30
at intervals 31
at large 32
at last 33
at most 34
at sb. s disposal 35
avail(oneself)of 36
back and forth 37
back down(off) 38
begin with 39
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break down 41
break in 42
break off 43
break through 44
bring forward 45
bring out 46
bring(sth.msb.)to 47
but for 48
by all means 49
by courtesy of 50
by far 51
by means of 52
by onseslf 53
by the way 54
by(in)virtue of 55
by way of 56
call for 57
call off 58
call on(upon) 59
care for 60
carry into effect 61
carry on 62
carry out 63
cast light on(upon) 64
catch on 65
catch one s breath 66
catch sight of 67
check in 68
check out 69
cheer up 70
clear up 71
come into effect 72
come into operation 73
come off 74
come on 75
come out 76
come round(around) 77
come throuth 78
come to(sth.) 79
come to the point 80
come true 80
come up to 81
compare...to 82
compain about(of) 83
(be)conscious of(that) 84
consist of 85
correspond with 86
count on 87
cover up 88
cut back 89
cut down 90
cut in 91
cut off 92
cut out 93
deal in 94
deal with 95
die(away) down 96
do one s best to(do) 97
do without 98
double up 99
draw on 100
draw up 101
drop in(by) 102
drop off 103
due to 104
each other 105
either...or 106
embark on (upon) 107
(be)engaged in 108
even if 109
ever since 110
ever so 111
except for 112
face to face 113
face up to 114
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fall behind 116
familiar to 117
far from 118
feel for 119
feel like 120
fill in 121
find fault 122
first and foremost 123
for a moment 124
for gook(and all) 125
for one thing 126
for (the) purpose of 127
for the present 128
for the sake of 129
free from(of) 130
from time to time 131
gain an advantage over 132
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get along with 134
get at 135
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get down 137
get in 138
get off 139
get on 140
get on with 141
get out of 142
get over 143
get the best of 144
get through 145
get together 146
get up 147
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give off 150
give rise to 151
give up 152
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go through 161
go without 162
(be) good for 163
granted(granting)that 164
had tetter 164
bad rather(...taht) 165
hand in hand 166
hand on 167
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hang up 170
happen to 171
hardly...before(when) 172
have to do with 173
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hold up 177
if only 178
in a hurry 179
in a word 180
in accord with 181
in accordance with 182
in addition to 183
in all 184
in case 185
in common 186
in consequence 187
in debt(to) 188
in detail 189
in difficulties 190
in duplicate 191
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in favour of 193
in general 194
in (the)light of 195
in line 196
in no case 197
in no way 198
in order that 199
in other words 200
in place 201
in proportion to 202
in public 203
in quantity 204
in question 205
in regard to 206
in relation to 207
in return(for) 208
in short 209
in sight 210
in step(with) 211
in the event of 212
in the face of 213
in the least 214
in the way 215
in the world 216
in touch(with) 217
in truth 218
in vain 218
instead of 220
interfere in 221
just now 222
kep an eye on 223
keep back 224
keep from 225
keep in mind 226
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keep one s head 229
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keep up 231
knock down 232
lay aside 233
lay down 234
lay off 235
lay out 236
lead to 237
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leave behind 238
let alone 239
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let off 241
lie in 242
line up 243
little by little 244
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look bown on(upon) 249
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lose one s head 257
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make one s way 262
make out 263
make sense 264
make sure of(that) 265
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make up 267
make up for 268
make up one s mind 269
many a 270
may as well 271
mess about(around) 272
more or less 273
more than 274
neither...nor 275
next door 276
no doubt 277
no less than 278
no longer 279
no matter 280
no more 281
no more than 282
no sooner...than 283
not only...but(also) 284
nothing but 285
now and then 286
now that 287
off and on 288
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on a large(small)scale 290
on account of 291
on(an,the)average 292
on behalf of 293
on board 294
on business 295
on condition that 296
on earth 297
on fire 298
on hand 299
on no account 300
on one s own 300
on sale 302
on second thoughts 303
on the ground(s)of 304
on the point of 305
on the road 306
on the side 307
on the spot 308
on the whole 309
once(and )for all 310
one another 311
or else 312
or so 313
other than 314
out of date 314
out of doors 316
out of order 317
out of place 318
out of question 319
out of touch 320
over and over(again) 321
pass away 322
pass on(to) 323
pay back 324
pay off 325
pick out 326
pick up 327
play a part (role)in 328
point out 329
prior to 330
pull down 331
pull in 332
pull off 333
pull out 334
pull up 335
put across 336
put aside 337
put away 338
put down 339
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put in 341
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put off 343
put on 344
put out 345
put over 346
put to use 347
put up 348
quite a few 349
rather than 350
refer to 351
regardless of 352
remind(sb.)of sgh.(to do,that) 353
(be)rid of 354
right away 355
run away with 356
run into 357
run out(of) 358
run over 359
run through 360
scrape through 360
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see to 362
see to in that 363
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set aside 365
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set off 367
set out 368
settle down 369
shake off 370
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show up 372
side by side 373
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so as to(do) 376
so far 377
so(as)far as...be concerned 379
so(as)long as 380
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stand by 382
stand for 383
stand up 384
step by step 384
step up 386
stick to 387
such as 388
switch off 389
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take away 393
take care 394
take charge(of) 395
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take in 397
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take on 400
take over 401
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take to 403
take up 404
thanks to 405
that is (to say) 406
the same(...)as 407
think better of 408
think of 409
think of...as 410
throw away 411
throw light on 412
throw up 413
to the point 414
tune in(to) 415
turn down 416
turn in 417
turn out 418
turn over 419
turn up 420
under the circumstances 421
under way 422
up to 423
use up 424
wait on(upon) 425
warm up 426
wash up 427
watch out 428
wear off 429
wear out 430
what if 431
whether...or 432
with(in)regard to 433
with respect to 434
with the exception of 435
work for word 436
work at 437
work out 438
would rather 439
would rather...than 440
write off 441
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