不动产租赁法 第4版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)威尔基(Wilkie,M.) 科尔(Cole,G.)著
- 出 版 社:北京:法律出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7503640510
- 页数:262 页
1 Essential characteristics of a lease 3
1.1 An estate in land 3
1.2 Fixed duration 4
1.3 Exclusive possession of land 4
1.4 Rent 5
1.5 Reversion expectant upon the term 5
Table of Cases 6
1.6 Distinction between a lease and a licence 6
Case notes 10
Summary 11
Exercises 12
Workshop 12
2 Different types of leases 13
2.1 Tenancy for a fixed term 13
2.2 Periodic tenancies 13
2.3 Statutory tenancies 14
2.5 Perpetually renewable leases 15
2.4 Tenancies terminable on death or marriage 15
2.6 Reversionary leases 16
2.7 Concurrent leases 16
2.8 Tenancies by estoppel 16
2.9 Tenancies at will 17
2.10 Tenancies at sufferance 18
Case notes 18
Table of Statutes 19
Summary 19
Exercises 19
Workshop 20
3 Formalities for creating a lease 21
3.1 Contractual nature of a lease creating an estate in land 21
3.2 Requirements for a legal lease 21
3.3 Leases enforceable in equity:enforceable contracts 22
3.5 The nature and effect of an equitable lease 23
3.4 Leases enforceable in equity:part performance and other equitable principles 23
Case notes 25
Exercise 26
Workshop 26
Summary 26
4.2 Covenants in leases 28
4.1 Difference between conditions and covenants 28
4 Covenants and conditions in leases 28
Case note 30
Summary 30
preface 31
Exercises 31
5 Obligations implied on behalf of the landlord 32
5.1 Landlord s covenant for quiet enjoyment 32
5.2 Landlord s covenant not to derogate from his grant 34
5.3 Implied obligations as to the state of fitness of the premises 35
Case and statute notes 41
Summary 46
Exercises 47
Workshop 47
6 Obligations implied on behalf of the tenant 49
6.1 To pay rent 49
6.2 To pay rates and charges payable by the occupier of the premises 49
6.3 Tenant s implied obligations as to maintenance and repair 50
6.4 Obligation to allow the landlord to enter and view state of repair of the premises 51
Notes 52
Summary 52
Exercises 52
Workshop 53
7 Enforceability of covenants between the landlord and tenant and their successors in title 54
7.1 The Landlord&Tenant(Covenants)Act 1995 54
7.2 Privity of contract in relation to pre-1996 leases 54
7.3 Difference between an assignment and a sublease 56
7.4 Enforceability of covenants on an assignment of a pre-1996 lease 57
7.5 Indemnity on assignment on a pre-1996 lease 58
7.6 Enforceability of covenants on assignment of the reversion under a pre-1996 lease 59
7.7 The Landlord&Tenant(Covenants)Act 1995:leases made on or after 1 January 1996 59
7.8 The Landlord&Tenant(Covenants)Act 1995:provisions applicable to all leases 61
7.11 Enforceability of covenants against a sublessee 62
7.10 Position on assignment of an equitable lease or its reversion:post-1995 equitable leases 62
7.9 Position on assignment of an equitable lease or its reversion:post-1996 equitable leases 62
Case notes 64
Summary 66
Exercises 67
Workshop 67
8 The effects of some covenants often included in leases 69
8.1 Repairing covenants 69
8.2 Reservation of rent 81
8.3 Covenants against assignment or underletting 90
8.4 covenants restrictive of the user of the premises 97
8.5 Covenants against alterations or improvements 99
8.6 Covenant to insure the premises 100
8.7 Options to renew the lease,break clauses and options to purchase the reversion 102
Case and statute notes 105
Summary 112
Exercises 116
Workshop 117
9 Enforceability of a lease against a purchaser of the freehold reversion:title to leasehold property 119
9.1 Registered and unregistered title 119
9.2 Unregistered title:enforceability of a lease 119
9.3 Registered title:enforceability of a lease 120
9.4 Title to leasehold property:unregistered land 121
9.5 Title to leasehold property:registered land 122
9.6 Short form of model lease 122
Case and statute notes 125
Summary 126
Exercises 127
Workshop 127
10 Termination of a lease 128
10.1 Effluxion of time 128
10.2 Notice to quit 129
10.3 Surrender 130
10.5 Forfeiture 131
10.4 Merger 131
10.6 Disclaimer 135
10.7 Frustration 136
10.8 Repudiatory breach 136
10.9 Tenant s fixtures 136
Case and statute notes 137
Summary 141
Exercises 142
Workshop 142
11.1 Introduction 147
11 Private residential accommodation 147
11.2 Concepts applicable to all residential tenancies 148
11.3 Excluded lettings 155
11.4 The transitional provisions 158
11.5 Rent Act lettings 159
11.6 Assured tenancies 164
11.7 Other forms of protection 170
Annex 1 Possession,Rent Act 1977 175
Annex 2 Possession,Housing Act 1988 179
Annex 3 Suitable Alternative Accommodation 183
Summary 184
Exercises 185
Workshop 186
12 Private residential accommodation:long leases 188
12.1 Introduction 188
12.2 Control of service charges 189
12.3 Landlord&Tenant Act 1987 192
12.4 Landlord&Tenant Act,1954,Part 1 196
12.5 Leasehold Reform Act 1967 197
12.6 Leasehold Reform,Housing and Urban Development Act 1993 200
Summary 203
Exercises 204
13 Public sector residential accommodation 205
13.1 Introduction and scope 205
13.2 Secure tenancies under the Housing Act 1985 207
Summary 220
Exercises 220
Workshop 221
14.1 Introduction 222
14.2 The right of renewal 222
14 Business tenancies 222
14.3 The position until renewal 229
14.4 The renewal procedure 230
14.5 A new tenancy 233
14.6 The grounds of opposition 235
14.7 Compensation at the end of a tenancy 238
Summary 241
Exercises 241
Workshop 242
15.1 Introduction 244
15 Agricultural holdings 244
15.2 The 1986 legislation 245
15.2.1 The terms of an agricultural lease 246
15.2.2 Security of tenure 248
15.2.3 Compensation 251
15.3 The Agricultural Tenancies Act 1995 252
15.4 Allotments and smallholdings 254
15.5 Agricultural tied homes 254
Summary 255
Exercises 256
Further Reading 257
Index 258
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