美国英语语法 高级PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)Sandra N. Elbaum著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7560028179
- 页数:508 页
Lessons 1-10 1
Review Lesson 1
Lesson 1 31
READING:Daniel Mendoza s Résumé 32
1.1 The Present Perfect Tense-Forms 33
1.2 The Present Perfect-Question Formation 35
1.3 Uses of the Present Perfect Tense-Overview 36
1.4 The Present Perfect with Continuation from Past to Present 37
1.5 For and Since in Negative Statements 40
1.6 The Present Perfect vs.The Simple Present 41
READING: My Job as a Pilot 44
1.7 The Present Perfect Continuous 44
1.8 The Present Perfect vs.The Simple Past 48
1.9 The Present Perfect with Repetition from Past to Present 49
1.10 Present Perfect vs.Simple Past with Repetition 51
1.11 The Present Perfect with Indefinite Past Time-Overview 53
1.12 Questions with Ever 54
1.13 Yet,Already,and Just 58
1.14 Questions with Lately and Recently 61
1.15 The Present Perfect Continuous with Ongoing Activities 63
1.16 The Present Perfect with No Time Mentioned 64
1.17 The Present Perfect vs.The Present Perfect Continuous with No Time Mentioned 66
Summary 70
Editing Advice 71
Test/Review 72
Expansion Activities 74
Lesson 2 77
2.1 Passive Voice—Overview 78
READING:The Oscars 78
2.2 Passive and Active Voice 79
2.3 Passive-Form 80
2.4 Passive Voice with a Performer 83
READING: Movie Ratings 85
2.5 Using Passive Voice without a Performer 86
2.6 Using Active Voice Only 93
READING: The Actor President 93
2.7 Passive with Get 96
2.8 Participles Used as Adjectives 97
READING: Charlie Chaplin 98
2.9 Participles Used as Adjectives to Show Feelings 98
2.10 Other Past Participles Used as Adjectives 101
2.11 Past Participles and Other Adjectives with Get 104
Summary 106
Editing Advice 107
Test/Review 108
Expansion Activities 112
Lesson 3 117
READING: The Titanic 118
3.1 The Past Perfect—Form 119
3.2 The Past Perfect—Use 121
3.3 When with the Simple Past or the Past Perfect 127
3.4 The Past Perfect Continuous Tense 129
3.5 The Past Perfect (Continuous)or the Present Perfect(Continuous) 130
3.6 Comparison of Past Tenses—Forms 132
READING: Survivors of the Titanic 132
3.7 The Past Continuous Tense 133
3.8 Comparison of Past Tenses 136
Summary 140
Editing Advice 141
Test/Review 143
Expansion Activities 146
Lesson 4 149
4.1 Overview of Modals and Related Expressions 150
READING: Sweepstakes or Scam? 151
4.2 Necessity 152
4.3 Must Not and Not Have To 155
READING: Marketing to Children 158
4.4 Permission and Prohibition 159
4.5 Advice 160
4.6 Comparing Negative Modals 163
READING: Responding to Telemarketing Calls 166
4.7 Making Suggestions 166
4.8 Have To,Can,Could,and Should 168
READING: Don t Believe Everything You See 169
4.9 Expectations 170
4.10 Possibilities 172
READING: Game Shows and Talk Shows 175
4.11 Logical Conclusions 175
4.12 Probability vs. Possibility in the Present 178
4.13 Modals with Continuous Verbs 180
Summary 181
Editing Advice 182
Test/Review 183
Expansion Activities 187
Lesson 5 189
READING: The Assassination of President Kennedy 190
5.1 Modals in the Past: Have + Past Participle 190
5.2 Past Possibility 192
5.3 Past Conclusion 193
READING: John Kennedy,Jr. 195
5.4 Must Have vs. Had To 197
5.5 Past Mistakes 198
5.6 Be Supposed To in the Past 201
5.7 Could and Was/Were Able To 202
5.8 Past Directions Not Taken 203
5.9 Past Impossibility 205
Summary 208
Editing Advice 211
Test/Review 212
Expansion Activities 216
Lesson 6 219
READING: Kids and the Media 220
6.1 Adjective Clauses—Overview 221
6.2 Relative Pronoun as Subject 222
6.3 Relative Pronoun as Object 225
6.4 Relative Pronoun as Object of Preposition 227
6.5 Where and When in Adjective Clauses 230
6.6 Where,That,or Which 231
6.7 When or That 232
READING: E-mail and Instant Messages 233
6.8 Whose+Noun in an Adjective Clause 234
6.9 Adjective Clauses after Indefinite Compounds 236
READING: The Creator of the World Wide Web 240
6.10 Nonessential Adjective Clauses 241
6.11 Essential vs.Nonessential Adjective Clauses 242
READING: Parents Taking Control of the Media 245
6.12 Descriptive Phrases 246
Summary 249
Editing Advice 250
Test/Review 251
Expansion Activities 256
Lesson 7 259
7.1 Infinitives—Overview 260
7.2 Verbs Followed by an Infinitive 261
READING: Andrew Carnegie,Philanthropist 261
7.3 Object Before Infinitive 264
READING: Charity and Volunteering 267
7.4 Causative Verbs 267
7.5 Adjective Plus Infinitive 269
7.6 Using the Infinitive to Show Purpose 270
7.7 Infinitive as Subject 271
7.8 Infinitive with Too and Enough 274
7.9 Gerunds—Overview 276
READING: Helping Others Get an Education 277
7.10 Gerund as Subject 277
7.11 Gerund after Prepositions and Nouns 279
7.12 Using the Correct Preposition 280
7.13 Verbs Followed by Gerunds 282
7.14 Verbs Followed by Gerund or Infinitive 284
7.15 Infinitive and Gerund as Subject 286
7.16 Gerund or Infinitive After a Verb:Differences in Meaning 287
7.17 Used To/Be Used To/Get Used To 290
7.18 Sense-Perception Verbs 293
Summary 295
Editing Advice 297
Test/Review 299
Expansion Activities 302
Lesson 8 305
8.1 Adverbial Clauses—Overview 306
READING: Columbus and the Discovery of America 307
8.2 Time 307
8.3 Using the -ing Form After Time Words 312
READING: A Nation of Immigrants 313
8.4 Reason and Purpose 314
READING: Slavery—An American Paradox 318
8.5 Contrast 318
READING: The Changing Face of America 321
8.6 Condition 322
8.7 Sentence Connectors 326
READING: Adopting a Baby from Abroad 326
8.8 So...That/Such...That 330
Summary 332
Editing Advice 334
Test/Review 335
Expansion Activities 340
Lesson 9 343
9.1 Noun Clauses—Overview 344
READING: Bringing Up Baby 344
9.2 Noun Clauses After Verbs and Adjectives 345
9.3 Nouns Clauses After Expressions of Importance 348
READING: Pediatricians Recommendations 348
READING: Day Care 350
9.4 Nouns Clauses as Included Questions 351
9.5 Question Words Followed by an Infinitive 356
READING: Dr.Benjamin Spock 359
9.6 Exact Quotes 360
9.7 Reported Speech 362
9.8 The Rule of Sequence of Tenses 363
9.9 Say vs.Tell 366
9.10 Noun Clauses After a Past-Tense Verb 367
9.11 Reporting an Imperative 368
READING: What Do Kids Want? 370
9.12 Reported Questions 371
Summary 376
Editing Advice 376
Test/Review 378
Expansion Activities 383
Lesson 10 387
READING: Biotechnology 388
10.1 Unreal Conditions—Present 389
10.2 Implied Conditions 395
10.3 Real vs.Unreal Conditions 397
READING: Legal Questions Raised by Science 399
10.4 Unreal Conditions—Past 400
10.5 Mixed Tenses in Condition Statements 403
READING:Growing Older and Older and Older 408
10.6 Wishes 408
10.7 Wish for Desired Changes 412
Summary 416
Editing Advice 418
Test/Review 418
Expansion Activities 421
Appendices 425
A.Noncount Nouns 425
Appendices A-N 425
B.Uses of Articles 427
C.The Verb GET 433
D.Gerund and Infinitive Patterns 435
E.Verbs and Adjectives Followed by a Preposition 438
F.Direct and Indirect objects 438
G.Spelling and Pronunciation of Verbs 440
H.Capitalization Rules 443
I.Plural Forms of Nouns 444
J.Metric Conversion Chart 446
K.Comparative and Superlative Forms 449
L.Glossary of Grammatical Terms 451
M.Alphabetical List of Irregular Verb Forms 456
N.My Word Bank 469
Answer Key 469
Answer key 469
Map of the United States of America 500
Map of the United States of America 500
Map of North America 501
Map of North America 501
Index 502
Index 502
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