高中英语专项突破 词汇 words & expressionsPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:阙光金,王斌编著
- 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7502138919
- 页数:601 页
词汇辨析索引 1
(加黑体表示该组辨析所在词目)a(an),one 1
be able to,can 2
about,on 3
about,of 3
above,on,over 4
accept,receive 5
accident,incident,event,happening 5
across,through,cross 6
act,action 7
advice,suggestion 8
affair,business,matter 9
afraid,fearful,frightful,frightened,terrible,horrible 10
after,in 12
ago,before 13
alive,living,live,lively 16
all,whole,entire 17
allow,permit,let,promise 18
almost,nearly,about 19
alone,lonely 19
alone,only 20
already,all ready 21
also,too,as well,either 21
although,though 21
altogether,all together 22
among,between 23
another,the other 24
answer,reply 25
anyone,any one 26
appear,look,seem 28
arrive,get,reach 29
as,because,since,for 30
attend,join,join in,be present at,take part in 33
have been(to),have gone(to) 42
there be,have 42
beat,win 45
because,bccause of,due to,owing to 45
go to bed,go to sleep 46
begin,start 47
behind,at the back of 48
believe,believe in 48
beside,by,near 50
had better,had rather,would rather 51
big,large,huge,great 52
not a bit,not a little 54
boat,ship 56
boat,lend 57
break,damage destroy,ruin 60
bright,clever,wise 62
bring,fetch,get,take,carry 62
burned,burnt 64
bring,set up,found,put up 64
besides,but,except,except for,except that 66
by,till 69
can,could,may,might 74
care about,care for 76
take care,take care of 76
catch,seize,hold,grasp,snatch,catch(get,take)hold of 79
cause,reason,excuse 80
certain,sure 81
center,middle 81
certain,some 82
change,turn 83
in charge of,in the charge of 84
cheat,trick,fool 85
chick,chicken,hen,cock 86
choose,choose from,pick,select,elect 87
city,town 89
class,lesson,course 89
clean,clear 90
close,shut 92
climate,weather 92
clothes,clothing,dress 93
catch a cold,get a cold,take a cold,have got a cold,have a cold 95
collect,gather 95
come,go 97
command,order 98
compare…to,compare…with 99
complete,end,finish 101
condition,state,situation 102
counect,join,unite 103
consider,regard 103
correct,right,real,true 106
cost,price,charge,expense 107
country,nation,state 108
couple,pair 108
be covered with,be covered by 109
cry,call,shout,scream 110
daily,everyday,every day 114
dark,darkness 117
date,day 118
deal with,do…with 120
a great(good)deal of,a lot of,lots of,a great(large)numberof,plenty of,a large(small)quantity of,large quantities of,a good(great)many,many a,few,a few,little,a little 120
decide,determine,make up one smind,settle 122
deep,deeply 123
defeat,beat 123
demand,request,require,beg,ask 124
desire,expect,hope,long,want,wish 126
die,dead,death,dying 128
die of,die from,die for 129
diet,food 129
different,various 130
difficult,hard 130
dinner,meal 131
direct,directly 132
disease,illness,sickness,trouble 134
divide,separate,part 135
do,make 136
double,doubly 138
dress,dress up,have on,pull on,put on,wear,be in try on 140
drunk,drunken 143
during,in,for 144
each,every 149
eager,anxious 149
on the earth,on earth 150
easy,easily 151
east,eastem 151
eat,take,have,at table,drink 152
effect,affect,influence 153
either,neither,both 154
elder,elderly 156
electric,electrical 156
enjoy,like,love,prefer,be fond of,go in for,be delighted 159
escape,flee,run away,hurry away 162
especial(ly),special(ly),particular(ly),extremely 163
even if(though),though 164
evening,night 164
ever,once 165
everyone,every one 166
examination,test,quiz 167
take…for example,for example,e.g.,such as,that is 168
excuse me,(I m)sorry 170
excuse,pardon,forgive 170
exercise,practice,drill 171
expensive,noble 172
express,expressly 173
fairly,quite,rather,pretty,very 178
family,home,house 180
far away,faraway 181
far,by far 182
farm,fields,garden,orchard 183
farmer,peasant,farm worker(hand) 183
fast,quickly,soon 184
fast,quick,rapid 184
farther,farthest,further,furthest 184
fault,mistake,wrong,erron 185
few,a few,little,a little,some 188
fight for,fight against,fight with 190
finally,at last,in the end 191
find,look for,find out search,discover,uncover,invent 191
firm,firmly 194
fit,suit 195
first,at first 195
flat,flatly 197
flesh,meat 197
foolish,silly,stupid 200
forest,woods 202
forget,leave 203
fortunate,lucky 204
from,since 207
in front of,in(at)the front of 207
in future,in the future 209
game,sport,match,race 213
gate,door,entrance 214
get,eam,gain,obtain 216
gift,present 217
go,become,get,come,run, 220
grow,turn 220
go on doing sth.,go on to do sth.,go on with sth 222
good,fine,nice,well 223
guide,direct,lead,show 224
habit,custom 230
bautiful,handsome,lovely,pretty 232
happen,take place 233
happy,gay,merry 234
be hard on sb.,be strict with sb 235
have to,must 237
hear,listen,hear of 239
heaven,sky 240
high,highly 243
high,tall 243
hit,beat,strike 244
holiday,vacation,leave 246
hour,o clock 249
hurt,injure,wound,pain 253
if,whether 256
ill,sick 259
include,contain 261
information,message,news,word 262
it,one 267
job,work,labour,task 271
journey,trip,travel,tour,voyage 272
just,just now 274
keep on doing sth.,keep doing sth 275
kind,sort,type,class 276
know,recognize 278
know,know of,learn 278
last,at last 282
last,latest,final 282
last,continue 283
langh,smile 284
lay,place,put,set 285
learn,study 287
like,as 293
little,small 296
live,stay 297
long before,before long 298
no(not…any)longer,no(not…any)more 298
look,glance,glare,notice,observe,see,sight,stare,view,watch 299
aloud,loud,loudly 303
magic,magical 307
manage to do,try to do 309
mankind,man,human,human 310
being 310
no matter how/where/what/who/whose…,however,wherever,whatever,whoever,whosever 313
may和can表“可能”时的区别 314
maybe,may be 315
maybe,perhaps,probably,possibly,likely 316
mend,repair,fix 319
method,way,means,manner 321
missing,lost,gone 326
mistaken,wrong 327
many more,much more 329
most,mostly 330
mountain,mountains,mount 331
much,very,very much 333
much too,too much 334
no,not 347
noise,sound,voice 348
none,neither 349
none,nobody,no one 349
off,away 358
older,oldest,elder,eldest 360
one,that 363
one day,some day 363
ordinary,common,general,usual 368
ought to,should 370
part of,a part of,parts of 378
part from,part with 379
pay,income,salary,wage 381
person,people 384
persuade,advice 385
plant,grow,raise 390
police,policeman 394
prepare sth.,prepare for sth 400
prevent sb./sth.from doing sth.,stop sb./sth.from doing sth.,keep sb./sth.from doing sth 401
problem,question 403
produce,product,production 404
pull,draw,drag 407
quick,quickly 415
quiet,silent,calm,still 416
race,nation,people 417
real,true,actual 422
relation,relative 427
rich,wealthy 433
ride,drive,operate,run 434
“All right.”“That s all right.”“That sright.” 434
rise,raise 436
road,path,way,street 436
rot,go bad 438
run out,run out of 440
safe,safely 445
say,speak,talk,tell,chat,mention,state 448
won t shut,be not shut 464
sit,seat 468
so+助动词+主语,so+主语+助动词,So it is(was)with+另一主语(宾格),such+be+主语 472
sob,weep,cry 474
some,any 475
sometimes,sometime,some timesome times 477
such,so 491
that,which 514
tight,tightly 525
till,until 525
try to do sth.,try doing sth 537
unless,if…not 545
used to,would 548
visit,pay a visit to,call at,call on,drop in,go(come)and see,go(come)to see,go on a visit to,be on a visit to 553
as well as,not only…but also 565
as well as,as good as 565
whatever,no matter what 569
when,while,as 570
which,what 573
which,as 574
wide,widely 580
wild,wildly 581
yet,but 598
yet,already,still 598
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