混血姑娘 英语简易读物 缩写本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)雷德(T.M.Reid)著;玉衡注释
- 出 版 社:时代出版社
- 出版年份:1958
- ISBN:9013·215
- 页数:225 页
1.Six Months in New Orleans 3
2.The"Beauty of the West" 5
3.A New Fellow-passenger 7
4.The Steward 9
5.The Starting 11
6.Eugenie Besancon 12
7.Getting up Steam 13
8.A Boat-Race on the Mississippi 18
9.The Life-Belt 20
10.Where am I? 26
11.Old Zip 28
12.Dominique Gayarre 33
13.Aurore 34
14.The Creole and the Quadroon 36
15.A Louisiana Landscape 38
16.My Diary 42
17.An Unexpected Removal 46
18.Decision 51
19.A Surprise 52
20.A Rival 55
21.An Hour of Happiness 59
22.Torture 61
23.Gayarre and the Overseer 67
24.She Loves You! 68
25.Thoughts 70
26.A Dream 72
27.Bitten by a Snake 72
28.The Runaway 74
29.Gabriel 78
30.The Snake Doctor 80
31.Charming the Rattlesnake 83
32.The Tree-Cave 90
33.The Letter 97
34.The City 100
35.Important Sale of Negroes 101
36.Eugene D'Hauteville 103
37.Confessions 105
38.The Rotunda 108
39.The Slave-Market 110
40.The Bidding 113
41.The Carriage 119
42.To Bringiers 120
43.Back Again 122
44.The Thicket 125
45.The Escape 128
46.The Lost Horses 130
47.A Night in the Woods 132
48.The Signal 135
49.The Blood-Hounds 138
50.The Man-Hunter 139
51.Shot for Shot 140
52.Love in the Hour of Danger 142
53.A Terrible Fate 144
54.Judge Lynch 146
55.In the Hands of the Sheriff 148
56.The Crisis 149
Notes 156
Vocabulary 200
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