高中英语读本 第1册 高一全年用PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:7 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:北京市中等学校英语教材编选委员会编选
- 出 版 社:五十年代出版社
- 出版年份:1952
- 页数:66 页
National Flag of the Peoplc's Republic of ChinaNational Embl of the People's Republic of ChinaChincse National Anthem1.Two Little Patriots 1
2.A Tale from India 3
3.The Demonstration on the lst of October 4
4.White and Black (PartⅠ) 5
5.White and Black (Part Ⅱ) 7
6.Public Hospitals 9
7.To the Young Citizen of My Country 10
9.A Bundle of Sticks 11
8.Autumn 11
10.Study as Lenin Studied 12
11.Story of a Wise Chinese Boy 13
12.Chairman Mao Greets October Revolution 15
13.The Nightingale 16
14.The Sun 21
15.More Schools and Medical Centres in Northwest 22
16.A Lesson to Teachers 23
17.TLe Wolf in Sheep's Clothing 24
18.Poison for the Minds of American Children 26
19.The Story of William Tell 28
20.Books for Soviet Boys and Girls 30
21.Observation 32
22.The Blind Men and the Elephant 34
23.Song of the Chinese Young Pioneers 36
24.Chairman Mao's Speech on the National Day of India 37
25.Give Heed to Little Things 37
26.A Better and Happier Life for the Younger Generation 39
27.A Hero from a City of Heroes 40
28.The Leak in the Dike 42
29.Chinese Writers Tell Their Impressions of the Soviet Union 45
30.The Ant and the Cricket 46
31.The Productions of China 48
32.Our Friend the Toad 49
33.The People's Liberation Army-An Army of Youth 51
34.Summer Holidays 52
35.The Birds,the Beasts and the Bat 54
36.A Model Little Teacher 55
37.Rainbow 57
38.Ancient and Yet Young 58
39.Ⅰ.Ⅴ.Michurin(Part Ⅰ) 60
40.Ⅰ.Ⅴ.Michurin(Part Ⅱ) 62
41.Galileo and the Lamps 64
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