文科英语选读 下PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:汪淑钧,郑昌珏编著
- 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆
- 出版年份:1985
- ISBN:9017·1416
- 页数:273 页
Lesson One 1
Text:'Primitiveness'in Language 1
Learning to Write English(1) 4
Lesson Two 9
Text:The Printed Word 9
Learning to Write English(2) 13
Lesson Three 18
Text:The Road to Happiness 18
Learning to Write English(3) 21
Lesson Four 26
Text:Social Life in a Provincial University 26
Learning to Write English(4) 30
Lesson Five 35
Text:Changes in English Social Life After 1918 35
Learning to Write English(5) 38
Lesson Six 44
Text:Social Services 44
Learning to Write English(6) 48
Lesson Seven 53
Text:The Expansion of Western Civilization 53
Learning to Write English(7) 57
Lesson Eight 63
Text:Nationalism 63
Learning to Write English(8) 67
Lesson Nine 73
Text:Barter 73
Learning to Write English(9) 77
Lesson Ten 82
Text:Investment 82
Learning to Write English(10) 87
Text:The Law of Negligence 91
Lesson Eleven 91
Learning to Write English(11) 95
Lesson Twelve 100
Text:The Death Penalty 100
Learning to Write English(12) 104
Lesson Thirteen 109
Text:The Rules of Good Fieldwork 109
Learning to Write English(13) 113
Lesson Fourteen 118
Text:The Pressure to Conform 118
Learning to Write English(14) 122
Lesson Fifteen 128
Text:The Functions of Government 128
Learning to Write English(15) 132
Text:The Art of Thinking 138
Lesson Sixteen 138
Learning to Write English(16) 143
Lesson Seventeen 148
Text:The Science of Custom 148
Learning to Write English(17) 153
Lesson Eighteen 159
Text:Who Decides,Readers or Critics? 159
Learning to Write English(18) 163
Text:Gamblers Anonymous 169
Lesson Nineteen 169
Learning to Write English(19) 174
Lesson Twenty 179
Text:She Ran the White House 179
Learning to Write English(20) 183
Chinese Translation of the Texts 189
Key to Exercises 228
Vocabulary 252
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