- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:项成东,张秀娟主编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学技术文献出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7502341072
- 页数:338 页
1.Be a Queen 3
2.Learn from Role Models 5
3.Always Be Positive 7
4.Establishing Good Habits 9
5.Being Positive 11
6.How to Be True to You 13
7.If I Were a Boy Again 16
8.A True Instinct for the Beautiful 18
9.Versatile Man 21
10.Candle in the Wind 23
11.Brain 27
12.Day Dream a Little 29
13.Spurt in Technology 31
14.Trip in Space 34
15.Merry Learning 36
16.Pigs as Organ donors? 38
17.The Blood Pressure of Working Women 41
18.Crazy Weather from the Bottom of the Sea 43
19.Multimedia 45
20.Today s Offices 47
21.Internet 49
22.The House-Cricket 51
23.The Human Race 53
24.The United Nations——the World in One Building 55
25.Is There a Doctor in the Body 57
26.The Founding History of the U.S. 59
27.Civilization and History 61
28.Running for Office 63
29.An Hour before Sunrise 65
30.An October Sunrise 67
31.Night in the Open Would 69
32.Spring 71
33.The first Snow 73
34.The Storm 75
35.Pines 77
36.Trees 79
37.Night 81
38.Journey West 83
39.Crater Lake 85
40.Travels on Holidays in Britain 87
41.A summer Day 89
42.Something Better than Money 93
43.The Nature of Happiness 95
44.What Is Happiness, Anyway? 97
45.The Ability to Laugh 99
46.Exercises and Energy 102
47.Shyness—the Cause of Unhappiness 104
48.Halloween 106
49.Promptness 108
50.Self-reliance 110
51.How to Prepare for an Interview? 111
52.Try to change the World Graduately One Clod at a Time 114
53.The Value of Time 118
54.Profits of Praise 119
55.On Etiquette 123
56.Work 125
57.Advice to Youth 127
58.Solve That Problem—With Humor 130
59.Friendship 134
60.The Lover 136
61.Family 138
62.Love 140
63.The New Life 141
64.The Bond of Marriage 144
65.Love Is Like a Butterfly 146
66.Born to Win 149
67.My Friend, Albert Einstein 151
68.Starting from Failure 153
69.Darwin and Lincoln 155
70.Thomas Jefferson 157
71.Albert Einstein 159
72.Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan 161
73.Air Jordan 163
74.The American Ideal of a Great Leader 165
75.Alfred Nobel——a Man of Contrasts 167
76.Tom Hank 169
77.Luo Jia—hui, a Chinese American 171
78.Inaugural Speech(就职演说)by HKSAR Chief Executive Dong Jianhua 174
79.Bill Clinton s Remark at Beijing University 176
80.Gettysburg Address 178
81.Be Ye Men of Valour 180
82.The Text of President Kennedy s Inaugural Address 182
83.I Have a Dream 184
84.President Ronald Reagan s Inaugural Speech 186
85.A Need for Full Awareness of Planer s Fragility 188
86.Nothing Short of the Justice Could Guarantee Peace 190
87.Taking a New Road of Peaceful Competition 192
88.Not So Much a Symbol, But an Opportunity 194
89.The Nations of United Nations Are Not United 196
90.Of Studies 198
91.The Delights of Books 200
92.Reading Good Books 202
93.The Influence of Literature 204
94.An Important aspect of College Life 206
95.You Know Yourself Best 208
96.Early Efforts At Writing 211
97.Reading for Pleasure 213
98.How to Earn a Book 216
99.The Importance of English 218
100.Give Us 15 Minutes a Day 221
1.Functional Expressions功能表达法 227
(1) Ability能力 227
(2) Acknowledgement感激 228
(3) Advice建议 229
(4) Agreement同意 230
(5) Ambition抱负 231
(6) Annoyance愤懑 232
(7) Apologies道歉 233
(8) Appointment约会 233
(9) Boredom烦闷 234
(10) Certainty&Uncertainty肯定和不肯定 235
(11) Comfort安慰 236
(12) Complaint抱怨 237
(13) Compliment赞美 238
(14) Congratulation祝贺 239
(16) Curiosity好奇 240
(15) Correctness正确 240
(17) Departure告别 241
(18) Disappointment.失望 242
(19) Disbelief不相信 243
(20) Dismay懊悔 244
(21) Forgetfulness遗忘 244
(22) Greetings问候 245
(23) Help帮助 246
(24) Hobby爱好 247
(25) Information信息 248
(26) Inquiry询问 248
(28) Invitation邀请 249
(27) Interest兴趣 249
(29) Intention意图 250
(30) Interruption打断 251
(31) Introduction介绍 251
(32) Likes&Dislikes喜欢和不喜欢 252
(33) Opinion观点 253
(34) Permission准许 254
(35) Personality个性 255
(36) Persuasion说服 256
(37) Remembering记忆 257
(38) Reminding提醒 257
(39) Reproaching责备 258
(40) Requirement请求 259
(41) Reservation预定 260
(42) Service服务 261
(43) Support支持 262
(44) Surprise惊讶 262
(45) Sympathy慰问 263
(46) Urge催促 264
(47) Warning警告 265
2.Situational Dialogues情景对话 267
(1) Asking the Way问路 267
(2) Borrowing a Dook借书 269
(3) Dining in a Restaurant餐馆用餐 271
(4) Looking for a Job求职 273
(5) Making a Telephone Call打电话 276
(6) Posting a Letter邮局寄信 278
(7) Shopping购物 280
(8) Talking about Sports谈论运动 282
(9) Talking about Weather谈论天气 283
(10) Visiting the Doctor看医生 285
1. Actions&Speech言行举止篇 288
2. Character&Accomplishment品德休养篇 292
3. Family&Life家庭生活篇 296
4. Work &Study工作学习篇 300
1. Vocabulary&Structure in CET-3三级常考词组和句型 304
2. Vocabulary&Structure in CET-4四级常考词组和句型 310
1. Routine Introductory Sentence Patterns in English Composition文章开头常用句型 325
(1) Contrastive Sentences对立型 325
(2) Statement现象型 326
(3) Sentences of Viewpoint观点型 327
(4) Comparative Sentences比较型 328
(5) Narration故事型 329
(6) Question问题型 329
(7) Quotation引言型 330
(2) Data Quotation援引数据型 331
(1) Illustration举例型 331
2. Supporting Sentence Patterns in English Composition文章常用论证句型 331
(3) Comparative&Contrastive Sentences比较对照型 332
(4) Cause&Effect因果型 332
(5) Coordination兼顾双方型 333
3.Routine Ending Sentence Patterns in English Composition文章结尾常用句型 334
(1) Conclusion结论型 334
(2) Effect后果型 335
(3) Respondence号召型 335
(4) Persuasive Sentences建议型 336
(5) Orientation方向型 337
(6) Implication意义型 338
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