英美短篇时文选读 英汉对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈翰笙选译;张澍智注释
- 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆
- 出版年份:1983
- ISBN:9017·1279
- 页数:367 页
Contents 6
1.Mankind 6
2.The Oldest Face in the World 8
3.The"Green Revolution" 12
4.The All-Encompassing Environment 14
5.On the Importance of People 16
6.English Language 18
7.Chinese Coins on the East African Coast 20
8.China and the Indian Ocean 24
9.The Early Years of Shanghai 26
10.Yumen Then and Now 30
11.Agnes Smedley 32
12.Edgar Snow's Return 36
13.Japanese Capitalism 38
14.Woman in Japan Today 40
15.How Much Japan Knows About the Jews 44
16.Lenin on India and Asia 46
17.The Caste System in India 50
18.Agrarian Problem in India 52
19.Tourism in India 56
20.The Ancient Middle East 58
21.Iran 62
22.Israel's Dependence on U.S 64
23.The Copts in the Nile Valley 66
24.Portugal's Collapse in Africa 70
25.Tunisia 74
26.Agrarian Situation in Tanzania 76
27.Eradication of Malaria 78
28.Cut in Whale Quotas 82
29.Singapore 84
30.Indonesia 86
31.Agriculture in Italy 90
32.Bureaucracy and Education in Italy 92
33.Workless Youth in the Italian South 94
34.Murder on the Milk Train 98
35.Norway 100
36.European Capitalism's Reserve Army 104
37.Stone Age People in Australia 106
38.Australia 110
39.Capital Concentration in Britain 112
40.Inflation 114
41.Job Seekers in Britain Examined 116
42.Equal Pay in England 120
43.Bicycle Made in Britain 122
44.Power Crisis Talks in London 124
45.Thousands More Workers Laid Off 124
46.Unhappy Building Industry 126
47.Rain Aids Crops 128
48.Sugar Shortage in Britain 130
49.Cuts in Mail Services 132
50.Gale Kills People 134
51.X-Ray to Scan Luggages 136
52.Blasts in London 138
53.Letter Bomb 140
54.Children at Risk 140
55.Boy Abandoned 142
56.Missing Person in Great Britain 144
57.Author Murdered in London 148
58.Army of Thieves 150
59.Higher Education in Britain 152
60.Navy Shadows Warships 156
61.A Multinational Empire 158
62.The Soviet Jews 160
63.The Family in the Soviet Union 162
64.The Russian Conquest of Siberia 166
65.The Settlement of Siberia 168
66.Population and Labour in Siberia 172
67.Nazi Massacre in Babi Yar 174
68.The Drift from the Land 178
69.The 1972 Soviet Wheat Deal 182
70.Material Conditions in USSR 184
71.The Soviet Navy 188
72.Air Force Competition 190
73.Underground Shopping Centre 192
74.Rise of U.S.Industrial Society 196
75.Rise of the U.S.Superpower 198
76.A Book Review—Superpower:A Portrait of America in the 70s 202
77.U.S-China Peoples Friendship Association 204
78.Six Monopoly Capitalists in the U.S. 208
79.Governor Brown of California 212
80.Barbara Jordan:Rising Political Star 214
81.Charles E.Bohlen 218
82.Paul Robeson:Revolutionary Artist 220
83.Two Crucial Tapes 224
84.The Fall of Spiro Agnew 224
85.U.S.President Ford Almost Killed 226
86.Henry Kissinger 230
87.Social Parties in Washington 232
88.Nepotism in U.S.Congress 236
89.Trick Played by U.S.Government 240
90.Soaring Gas Prices 242
91.Capturing Clean Gas and Oil from Coal 244
92.The Bad News About Oil 246
93.Alaska Oil 248
94.The Multinational Corporations 250
95.Sugar Profits and Rockefeller 252
96.Grain Export Paying for Oil Import 256
97.New U.S.Farmland 258
98.An Act of Charity 262
99.Slavery on U.S.Farms 262
100.Perceiving Poverty Among the Plenty 266
101.The Afro-Americans 270
102.Black Hit Hardest by Crisis 274
103.Racist Killing 276
104.The Illegal Jobholders in U.S. 280
105.U.S.Households Getting Smaller 282
106.Why So Many Wives Are Running Away 284
107.Black-Market Babies in U.S. 288
108.The Killer Society 292
109.U.S.Street Gangs 294
110.Philadelphia's Youth Gangs 298
111.Street Gangs in Detroit 300
112.Youth Gangs in Chicago 302
113.Street Gangs in Los Angeles 306
114.Youth-gangs in New York City 308
115.Kidnaping 310
116.Private Police 312
117.Crowded Prisoners 316
118."Now I Can Live Again" 318
119.Vandalism in U.S.A. 322
120The Question of Death 324
121.Suicides in the U.S.A. 326
122.U.S.Airliner Crashes into Sea 330
123.Crisis in U.S.Schools 332
124.Inflation on the Campus 334
125.How Many U.S.Children in School? 338
126.The University ofTexas 340
127.Student Rally in Boston 344
128.Against Laxity inGrading 346
129.Joint Forces for Tourism 350
130.Doctors'Strike 352
131.The Costs of Arms Race 354
132.Latin America 356
133.Brazil 358
134.Peasants in Brazil 360
135.A Rich Man in America 364
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