一课一测 初一英语 上 试验修订版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:范胜魁,魏兰锋主编
- 出 版 社:长春:吉林人民出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7206037607
- 页数:130 页
Unit1 Hello!Nice to meet you! 1
Lessons1-2 1
Lessons3-4 3
Unit2 Can you spell it? 5
Lessons5-6 5
Lessons7-8 7
Unit3 Numbers in English 9
Lessons9-10 9
Lessons11-12 11
Unit4 What s this in English? 13
Lessons13-14 13
Lessons15-16 15
Unit5 How old is he? 17
Lesson17 17
Lesson18 19
Lesson19 21
Lesson20 23
Lesson21 25
Unit6 Is this your pencil-box? 25
Lesson22 27
Lesson23 29
Lesson24 31
Unit7 The new students 33
Lesson25 33
Lesson26 35
Lesson27 37
Lesson28 39
Lesson29 41
Unit8 Mainly revision 41
Lesson30 43
Lesson31 45
Lesson32 47
Unit9 Come and meet the family 49
Lesson33 49
Lesson34 51
Lesson35 53
Lesson36 55
Lesson37 57
Unit10 Where is it? 57
Lesson38 59
Lesson39 61
Lesson40 63
Unit11 What s in the teacher s room? 65
Lesson41 65
Lesson42 67
Lesson43 69
Lesson44 71
Lesson45 73
Unit12 How many kites are there? 73
Lesson46 75
Lesson47 77
Lesson48 79
Unit13 What colour is it? 81
Lesson49 81
Lesson50 83
Lesson51 85
Lesson52 87
Unit14 Whose clothes are these? 89
Lesson53 89
Lesson54 91
Lesson55 93
Lesson56 95
Unit15 What s the time,please? 97
Lesson57 97
Lesson58 99
Lesson59 101
Lesson60 103
Unit16 Mainly revision 105
Lesson61 105
Lesson62 107
Lesson63 109
Lesson64 111
期中测试 113
期末测试 117
参考答案 121
- 《污灌农田污染土壤修复试验研究》齐学斌,樊向阳,乔冬梅 2019
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- 《细菌真菌药敏试验标准查询手册》胡付品吴文娟郭燕 2019
- 《吉林省志 卷2 大事记》吉林省地方志编纂委员会编纂 2002
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- 《人民院士》吴娜著 2019
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