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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:仲锡,李兆平编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国书籍出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7506810107
  • 页数:389 页

UNIT 1.The Importance of Punctuality 1

UNIT 2.Possession Amassing and Collecting 8

UNIT 3.A Little Spot of Bother 14

UNIT 4.The Return of the Native 20

UNIT 39.Only Stricter Traffic Laws Can Prevent Accidents 24

UNIT 5.The River Beside Our Farm 27

UNIT 6.From the Earth:Greetings 33

UNIT 7.Instinct or Cleverness? 39

UNIT 8.In the Public Interest 45

UNIT 9.Mud Is Mud 52

UNIT 10.Automation 58

UNIT 11.New Year Resolutions 65

UNIT 12.The Ideal Servant 71

UNIT 13.The Silent Village 78

UNIT 14.Through the Eeath s Crust 85

UNIT 15.Do It Yourself 92

UNIT 16.The Power of the Press 99

UNIT 17.Speed and Comfort 106

UNIT 18.Fully Indured 112

UNIT 19.Modern Cavemen 118

UNIT 20.Illusions of Pastoral Peace 124

UNIT 21.A Terrible Travel Experience 130

UNIT 22.Noise and Its Effects 137

UNIT 23.The Past Life of the Earth 143

UNIT 24.The Menace of Urban Explosion 148

UNIT 25.Patients and Doctors 154

UNIT 26.On Telling the Truth 160

UNIT 27.The Origion of Things 166

UNIT 28.Journey Through Adolescence 172

UNIT 29.The Process of Aceing 178

UNIT 30.What Every Writer Wants 184

UNIT 31.It s High Time Men Ceased To Regard Women As Second Class Citizens 191

UNIT 32.World Governments Should Conduct Serious Campaings Against Smoking 198

UNIT 33.Television Is Doing Irreparable Harm 204

UNIT 34.Any Form of Education Other Than Co-Education Is Simply Unthinkable 210

UNIT 35.Camping Is the Ideal Way of Spending A Holiday 217

UNIT 36.New Fashions in Clothing Are Created Solely For the Commercial Exploitation of Women 224

UNIT 37.We Sholud All Grow Fat and Be Happy 230

UNIT 38.The Younger Generation Knows Best 237

UNIT 40.Parents Are Too Permissive With Their Children Nowadays 251

UNIT 41.Advertiser Perform A Useful Service To the Community 257

UNIT 42.Pop Stars Certainly Earn Their Money 263

UNIT 43.Vicious and Dangerous Sports Should Be Banned By Law 269

UNIT 44.Transistor Radios Should Be Prohibited in Public Places 276

UNIT 45.The Only Thing People Are Interested in Today Is Earning More Money 282

UNIT 46.Compulsory Milltary Service Should Be Abolished in All Countries 289

UNIT 47.Childhood Is Certainly Not the Happiest Time of Your Life 295

UNIT 48.Untidy People Are Not Nice To Know 302

UNIT 49.The Only Way To Travel Is On Foot 309

UNIT 50.Examinations Exert A Pernicious Influence on Education 315

UNIT 51.Books,Plays And Films Should Be Censored 322

UNIT 52.People Should Be Rewarded According To Ability,Not According To Age And Experience 329

UNIT 53.The Tourist Trade Contributes Absolutely Nothing To Increasing Understanding Between Nations 336

UNIT 54.Only A Madman Would Choose To Live in A Large Modern City 343

UNIT 55.Equality of Opportunity in the Twentieth Century Has Not Destroyed the Class System 350

UNIT 56.No One Wants To Live To Be A Hundred 357

UNIT 57.Capital Punishment Is the Only Way To Deter Criminals 363

UNIT 58.The Space Race Is the World s Biggest Money Waster 370

UNIT 59.Violence Can Do Nothing To Diminish Race Prejudice 376

UNIT 60.The Most Important of All Human Quqlities Is A Sence of Humour 383
