- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李震雷编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海教育出版社
- 出版年份:1985
- ISBN:7150·3275
- 页数:203 页
第一部分 外语课堂教学游戏教学法 1
一、运用游戏进行外语课堂教学的可能性 2
二、外语课堂教学游戏教学法的理论基础 5
三、在外语课堂教学游戏中要处理好几个重要的关系 21
第二部分 英语课堂教学游戏的方式 29
一、语法教学游戏 30
1.Teacher says 30
2.How are you? 31
3.What is your name? 34
4.Who are you? 39
5.What is this? 42
6.How many pencil-boxes in all? 43
7.How many apples in all? 49
8.Where is the pen? 54
9.Hide-and-Seek in a Picture 56
10.Unfinished Drawings 58
11.Who is he(she)? 58
12.Peter and Paul 59
13.Blind Man's Buff 60
14.What is there in the bag? 60
15.Who is afraid of the tiger? 62
16.Who is taller?Who is the tallest? 63
17.The Pyramid 70
18.Hand 71
19.A Frog 73
20.East or West 73
21.Where are you now? 74
22.Mother,may I take one step? 75
23.What can you do with a book ? 76
24.You cannot drink tea without 78
25.Make-believe 80
26.Playing 81
2T.What do I do? 83
28.So do I 84
29.Who does it? 85
30.Tillie Williams 87
31.Film Expert 89
32.Response 91
33.What?Why?When? 92
34.Think of the Future 94
35.What am I going to do? 95
36.The"If"Chain 97
37.The"When"Clause 99
38.I took a trip 100
39.What did you do? 102
40.Did you study English? 103
41.Did you do it? 108
42.Dido is dead 109
43.Perhaps 110
44.A Curious Man 111
45.Forfeits 111
46.Make it elear 112
47.Twenty Questions(I spy with my little eyes) 113
48.Tom has opened the door 115
49.A Little Deaf 117
50.I have written a letter 118
51.What haye I done? 121
52.Who has gone away? 122
53.What has changed? 123
54.Chatterbox 124
55.How many eggs are not broken? 125
56.Who is the last to finish the sentence? 128
57.What was the reason? 129
58.I wish 130
59.What would you do? 131
60.Who can make the statement richer? 134
61.Who will have the last say? 135
62.My friend writes 136
二、词汇教学游戏 136
63.Number Snatch 137
64.Don't say four 138
65.How many pages? 139
66.Numbers Line-up 139
67.The Man in the Moon 140
68.Memory Game 141
70.This is my nose 143
69.Geography 143
71.Fruit Basket 144
72.What colour is Tom's shirt? 145
73.I have a cat 145
75.How 147
76.Have you seen my sheep? 148
77.What can I do for you? 148
78.Does it tell you anything? 150
三、语音教学游戏 151
79.The Jolly Little Clown 151
80.The Funny Little Clown 153
81.Lapping Milk 153
82.Little Brown Rabbit 154
83.Little Sleepy Head 155
84.Oh,where is my whistle? 155
85.Playing Airplane 156
87.An Old Black Crow 157
86.The Motor Boat 157
88.Go,my little pony,go! 158
89.The Bells 159
90.My Puppets 159
91.The Old Grey Goose 160
92.Monkey Talk 161
93.The Fish Man 162
94.Flowers for Sale 162
95.Ice-cream Cones 163
96.The Rag Man 164
97.Playing a Rag Doll 164
98.Trees in the Wind 165
99.The Jumping Jack 166
四、正字法教学游戏 166
100.The Alphabet 167
101.The Comb 167
102.A Spelling Stair 168
103.Change a letter,make a new word 168
105.Use a letter,make a word 169
104.A Letter Ladder 169
106.4×4=16 170
107.Anagrams 170
108.Add consonants 171
109.Take the hint 171
110.Compositor 172
111.Two First Letters 172
五、听能教学游戏 173
112.Simon says 173
113.We can eat bread 174
114.Which of the pictnres is it? 175
115.Introductions 176
116.Follow my directions 176
117.Good morning,Torn! 178
119.Draw a house and colour it brown 179
118.Right-left 179
120.Make it logical 180
121.Guide me through the town 181
122.When shall I arrive? 182
123.I know his trade 183
124.Solvc logical problems 184
六、言语教学游戏 186
125.Letters 186
126.Explain yourself 187
127.Black Magic 188
128.I don't remember 189
129.Who is the character? 191
130.Which do you want? 192
131.Proverb Expert 193
132.Spinning a Yarn 194
133.Avoid the letter 195
134.Last Word Chain 196
74.What Kind 196
135.Guess what it is 197
136.The Secret Word 198
137.Throwing Light 199
138.Prove it 200
139.Charades 201
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