- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:庄和诚编著
- 出 版 社:上海市:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7810803662
- 页数:729 页
Anumber one 1
A one 1
above board 1
Al 1
above the salt 2
according to Cocker 3
according to Hoyle 3
according to the book 3
ace in the hole 3
ace up one s sleeve 4
Achilles heel 4
acid test 4
acknowledge the corn 5
act one s age 5
action atations 5
add insult to injury 6
Adam s ale/wine 6
Adam s apple 6
admirable Crichton 7
admit the corm 8
admitted to the bar 8
advice column 8
advice columnist 8
after someone s own heart 8
against the grain 8
agonizing reappraisal 8
agony aunt 9
agony column 9
agony uncle 9
agree to disagree 9
alarms and excursions 10
Aladdin s cave 10
Aladdin s lamp 10
alarums and excursions 11
albatross around one s neck 11
alive and kicking 11
alive and well 12
all at sea 12
all Greek to someone 12
all one s geese are swans 12
all roads lead to Rome 12
all systems go 13
all thumbs 13
alpha and omega 14
Amalthea s horn 14
ambulance chaser 14
Annie Oakley 15
another string to one s bow 16
the answer to a maiden s prayer 16
A-O.K. 16
appeal from Philip drunk to Philip sober 16
applaud someone to the echo 16
apple of discord 17
apple of love 17
apple of Sodom 18
apple of the eye 18
apple-pie order 19
apple polisher 19
April fool 20
Arbor Day 20
armed to the teeth 21
argue the toss 21
armed to the hilt 21
artesian well 22
as(if)to the manner born 22
as one man 22
ask for the moon 22
asphalt jungle 22
ass in a lion s skin 22
assembly line 23
at a loose end 23
at a snail pace 23
at bay 24
at daggers drawn 24
at loggerheads(with) 25
at half-mast 25
at loose ends 26
at one(fell)swoop 26
at sea 27
at sixes and sevens 27
at the double 28
at the eleventh hour 28
at the drop of a hat 29
at the end of one s rope/tether 29
at the Greed calends 30
athlete s foot 30
atomic bomb 30
auld lang syne 31
Augean stable(s) 31
Aunt Sally 31
Attic wit 31
Attic salt 31
ax(e)to grind 32
babe in the wood(s) 34
back and fill 34
back to square one 35
back to the drawing board 35
back-handed compliment 36
backroom boy 36
backstairs influence 37
bad egg 37
badger game 37
bag and baggage 38
bag lady 38
Bailey bridge 39
bag of tricks 39
baker s dozen 40
bala as a coot 40
make ducks and drades of 40
baptism of fire 41
bark up the wrong tree 41
Barmecide s feast 42
bat on a sticky wicket 42
bath chair 42
battle royal 43
be hoist with one s own petard 43
be one s age 43
beam in one s eye 43
bear a charmed life 44
bear down(up)on 45
bear garden 45
one s back is up 46
bear one s cross 46
bear the palm 46
beard the lion in his den 47
beat a dead horse 48
beat about/around the bush 48
beat a retreat 48
beat generation 49
beat it 49
beat one s brains 49
beat someone black and blue 49
beat(someone/something)into a cocked hat 50
beat the air 50
beat the band 50
beat the gun 51
beauty and the beast 51
beauty sleep 51
beer and skittles 52
bee in one s bonnet 52
Bed of Procrustes 52
bed of roses 52
bee s knees 53
before one/you can/could say Jack Robinson 54
before the Flood 54
before the mast 55
beg the question 55
beggar description 56
behind the eightball 57
behind the scenes 57
bell,book and candle 58
bell the cat 58
below the belt 59
below the salt 59
bend over backwards 59
benefit of clergy 59
sober as a judge 60
best man 60
Benjamin s mess 60
best bib and tucker 61
bet one s bottom dollar 61
between cup and lip 62
better half 62
between Scylla and Charybdis 63
between the devil and the deep(blue)sea 63
beyond one s ken 64
Big Brother 65
big as life 65
beyond the pale 65
Big C 66
big wheel 66
bill and coo 66
bird of ill omen 66
birthday suit 67
bite the bullet 67
bite the dust/ground 68
bitter pill(to swallow) 69
bitter end 69
black hole 70
black and blue 70
black book 70
Black Maria 71
black sheep 71
blackboard jungle 71
Blarney stone 72
blaze a trail 72
blindman s buff 72
blot one s copybook 72
blow away the cobwebs 73
blow hot and cold 74
blow off steam 74
blow one s own horn 75
blow one s top 75
blow someone s mind 76
blue blood 76
blow the cobwebs away 76
blue chip 77
blue law 77
blue moon 78
blue ribbon 78
board the gravy train 78
bone of contention 79
bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh 79
bone to pick 79
boot(s)and saddle(s) 80
born in/to the purple 80
born under a lucky star 81
born with a silver spoon in one s mouth 81
bow and scrape 82
both sheets in/to the wind 82
borrowed plumes 82
bow out 83
Box and Cox 84
box office 84
box the compass 85
Boxing Day 85
brand from the burning 85
breach of promise 86
brea the ice 87
bread and circuses 87
bright and early 88
bring down thc house 88
bring home the bacon 88
bring someone to heel 89
bring someone down a peg 89
bring to a head 90
Brother Jonathan 90
brown study 90
the buck stops here 91
build castles in Spain 91
build castles in the air 91
build(up)on(the)sand 91
build a fire under someone 91
bull in a china shop 92
Buridan s ass 92
burn ont s boats/bridges 93
burn someone in effigy 94
burn one s fingers 94
burn the candle at both ends 95
burn the midnight oil 95
bury one s head in the sand 96
bury the hatchet/tomahawk 96
busy as a beaver 97
busy as a bee 97
busman s holiday 97
busy bee 98
buy a pig in a poke 98
by a long chalk 99
by a long shot 99
by and large 99
by heart 100
by shank s mare/pony 101
by rule of thumb 101
by hook or by crook 101
by the skin of one s teeth 102
by the book 103
C 104
Cadmean victor 104
Caesarean/Caesarian section 104
cakes and ale 105
call a spade a spade 105
call one s shot(s) 106
call someone on the carpet 106
call someone over the coals 106
call someone s bluff 106
call the shots 107
call the tune 107
cannon fodder 108
called to the bar 108
call the turn 108
can t hold a candle to 109
cap in hand 109
capital crime/offence 109
capital punishment 109
card up one s sleeve 110
carrot and stick 110
carry off the palm 111
carry one s cross 111
carry the day 111
carry coals to Newcastle 111
carry a stiff upper lip 111
cash in 112
cash in one s checks 112
cash in one s chips 112
cash on the barrelhead 112
cash on the nail 113
cask of Danaides 113
cast pearls before swine 113
cast the first stone 114
cast sheep s eyes(at someone) 114
castles in the air 115
castles in Spain 115
catbird seat 116
catch as catch can 116
catch a Tartar 116
catch someone with his pants/trousers down 117
catch some Z s 117
catch that catch can 118
catch-22 118
catch wind of 119
cat s paw 119
caught/taken red-handed 119
caviar(e)to the general 120
chain recation 121
chalk it up 121
champ/chafe/chomp at the bit 122
chance it 122
chance one s arm 122
chance one s luck 123
chapter and verse 123
change horses in midstream 123
chastise with scorpions 124
cheer someone to the echo 125
cherish a snake/serpent/viper in one s/the bosom 125
cheek by jowl(with) 125
chew the fat 125
chewing gum 126
chew the rag 126
Chinaman s chance 127
chime in 127
chip of/off the old block 128
chip in 128
clamp up 129
chip on one s/the shoulder 129
clean bill of health 130
clean hands 130
cleanse the Augean stable(s) 131
climb on the bandwagon 131
cloak-and-dagger 133
close one s eyes to smething 133
the coast is clear 133
cock a snook(at) 134
cock of the roost 134
cock of the walk 134
coffin nail 135
cock-and-bull story 135
cockles of someone s heart 135
coign of vantage 136
cold as charity 136
cold feet 137
come apart at the seams 137
cold shoulder 137
come down a peg(or two) 138
come(down)off the fence 138
come down on the right side of the fence 138
come down the aisle 138
come hell and/or high water 138
come off with flying colours 139
come to a head 139
come in from the cold 139
come to loggerheads 140
come to the end of one s rope/tether 140
come under the hammer 140
come to heel 140
come under the yoke 141
come(up)to(the)scratch 141
conspiracy of silence 142
confess the corn 142
cook soneone s goose 143
cool as a cucumber 143
cool one s heels 144
corner the market 145
corn in Egypt 145
cough up 145
count ont s chickens 146
crack the whip 146
cover over the cracks 146
crocodile tears 147
the/a crock of gold at the end of the rainbow 148
cross as two sticks 148
cross one s fingers 148
cross one s heart 148
cross the Rubicon 149
crown of thorns 149
Crow Jim 149
crow s feet 150
crow s nest 150
cry for the moon 150
cry from the housetops/rooftops 151
cry over spilt milk 151
cry wolf 151
cudgel one s brain(s) 152
cup of tea 152
cupboard love 153
curate s egg 154
curious as Lot s wife 154
curry favour(with someone) 154
cut a dido 155
curtain lecture 155
cut a snook 156
cut and dried 156
cut and run 156
cut and thrust 157
cut on ice 157
cut it 157
cut off one s nose to spite one s face 158
cut of someone s jib 158
cut one s stick 159
cut someone to the quick 159
cut the Gordian knot 160
cut the mustard 161
cut up 161
cut the knot 161
Damon and Pythias 162
D 162
Darby and Joan 163
damp squib 163
dark horse 164
dark meat 165
dash cold water on(something) 165
daughter of the horseleech 165
Davy Jones s locker 166
dead as a/the dodo 167
Dear John letter 168
death s head at the feast 168
deal as a doornail 168
Dead Sea fruit 168
Dead Sea apple 168
dead as a doornail 168
deep six 169
the devil to pay 170
deep throat 170
devil s advocate 171
die in harness 171
die in one s boots/shoes 171
the die is thrown 172
die with one s boots/shoes on 172
the die is cast 172
die the death 172
different kettle of fish 173
dig the hatchet/tomahawk 173
dine with Duke Humphrey 173
dog days 174
dog in the manger 174
do a U-turn 174
do a land-office business 174
dog tag 175
doggie bag 175
domino effect 175
Don Juan 176
donkey s ages 177
donkey s years 177
dot the i s and cross the t s 177
double Dutch 178
double in brass 178
doubting Thomas 178
down in the dumps 179
down for the count 179
draw a/the line 180
drag someone over the coals 180
down on one s uppers 180
draw a blank 180
draw a red herring(across the path/track/trail) 181
draw in one s horns 181
drawing room 182
dressed in borrowed plumes 182
draw to a head 182
draw the wool over someone s eyes 182
draw someone s teeth 182
draw someone s leg 182
dressed to the nines 183
drink like a fish 183
drive someone from pillar to post 184
drive(someone)to the wall 184
druw(someone)out 184
drunk as a lord 184
Dutch courage 185
dumb as a doornail 185
duck soup 185
dry behind the ears 185
duck s egg 185
dry goods 185
Dutch treat 187
Dutch uncle 187
dyed in the wool 188
E 189
eager beaver 189
earn one s salt 189
easy street 189
eat crow 190
eat high off/on the hog 191
eat humble pie 191
eat,drink and be merry 191
eat one s heart out 192
eat one s words 193
eat somebody s salt 193
eat the leek 194
egg on 194
enough to make a saint swear 195
eleventh hour 195
eleventh-hour decision 195
Electra complex 195
elbow grease 195
end of one s rope/tether 195
enter the lists 196
enough to try the patience of a saint/Job 196
enough to make the angels weep 196
enough to provoke a saint 196
even Steven 197
even Stephen(s) 197
excuse my French 198
extra string to one s bow 198
eye for eye 198
every man jack 198
every Tom,Dick and Harry 198
F 200
Fabian policy/stactics 200
face the music 200
fall apart at the seams 201
fall for something hook,line and sinker 201
fall from grace 201
fal for someone hook,line and sinker 201
face value 201
fall gry 202
fall(up)on one s feet 203
fall over backwards 203
fall to loggerheads 203
false colours 203
family skeleton 203
fancy free 203
fate worse than death 204
the fat is in the fire 204
feather in somebody s cap 205
Father Christmas 205
feather one s nest 206
feed someone to the lions 206
feel one s ears burning 206
feet of clay 207
feel one s oats 207
fellow traveller 208
fiddle while Rome burns 208
field day 209
fifth column 209
fifth wheel 210
fig leaf 210
fight like Kilkenny cats 211
fight hammer and tongs 211
fight fire with fire 211
fight tooth and nail 212
fill the bill 212
fight(with)windmills 212
filthy lucre 213
fine kettle of fish 213
finger on the wall 213
finishing touch(es) 213
fire on all cylinders 214
first fruits 214
first rate 214
flash in the pan 215
fit the bill 215
fish in troubled waters 215
first water 215
flea in one s ear 216
flog a dead horse 217
flotsam and jetsam 217
flea market 217
fly a flag at half-mast 218
fly a kite 218
fly in the ointment 219
fly off the handle 219
foam at the mouth 220
follow suit 221
follow one s nose 221
fond of the limelight 222
fools rush in where angels fear to tread 222
foot the bill 222
forty winks 223
forlom hope 223
footloose and fancy-free 223
foul play 224
four-letter word 225
French leave 225
Freudian slip 225
from A to Z 226
from China to Peru 226
from Dan to Beersheba 226
frog in one s/the throat 226
from hand to mouth 227
from pillar to post 227
from the housetops 228
full court press 228
from the horse s mouth 228
from time immemorial 228
full of beans 229
full of oats 230
the fur statts/begins to fly 230
the fur/feathers fly 230
funny bone 230
G 231
gain one s laurels 231
gain one s spurs 231
gain the day 231
gall and wormwood 231
gain the upper hand 231
gallery play 232
Garrison finish 232
gay Lothario 232
gentleman s agreement 232
get a flea in one s ear 233
get a rise out of someone 233
gentlemen s agreement 233
get a clean bill of health 233
get a rain check on something 233
get cold feet 234
get cracking 234
get down to brass tacks 234
get(hold of)the right end of the stick 235
get hold of the wrong end of the stick 235
get goose pimples 235
get egg/jam on/over one s face 235
get one s back to/against the wall 236
get one s/someone s back up 236
get on the gravy train 236
get on one s high horse 236
get on like a house on fire 236
get off the fence 236
get off one s high horse 236
get one s cards 237
get one s fingers burned 237
get one s/someone s nose to the grindstone 237
get one s own back(on someone) 237
get one s pound of flesh 237
get out of the wrong side of the bed 238
get someone s goat 238
get some Z s 238
get someone over a/the barrel 238
get short shirft 238
get someone by the short hairs 238
get out of bed on the wrong side 238
get someone s monkey up 239
get the axe 240
get someone s hackles up 240
get the ball rolling 241
get the bit between/in one s teeth 241
get the cart before the horse 241
get the cold shoulder 241
get the/a drop on someone 241
get the creeps 241
get the hook 242
get the/a jump on someone 242
get the red carpet treatment 242
get the sack 242
get the third edgree 243
get the short end of the stick 243
get the thumbs down 243
get up on the wrong side of the bed 244
get the wrong end of the stick 244
get the upper hand 244
get to the end of one s rope/tether 244
get to loggerheads 244
get to first base 244
get to(the)windward of 244
get wind of(something) 245
gift of(the)gab 246
gild the lily 246
gird(up)one s loins 247
give a wide berth to(someone/something) 248
give and take 248
give a sop to Cerberus 248
give a lick and a promise 248
girl Friday 248
gvie chapter and verse 249
give short shrift to 249
give someone a rain check on something 249
give someone a Roland for an Oliver 249
give someone the ax(e) 249
give someone the cold shoulder 249
give someone the creeps 249
give someone a clean bill of health 249
give someone the sack 250
give someone/something(the)thumbs down/up 250
give someone the wall 250
give someone the third degree 250
give someone the red carpet treatment 250
give up the ghost 251
go against the grain 251
go at it hammer and tongs 252
go at it tooth and nail 252
go by/on shank s mare 252
go by the board 252
go down the aisle 253
go Dutch 253
go for it 253
go from pillar to post 254
go haywire 254
go(off)like hot cakes 254
go nineteen to the dozen 254
go on the stump 255
go off at half cock 255
go on all fours 255
go off half-cocked 255
go one better 256
go over to the majority 257
go(the)whole hog 257
go over the top 257
go the way of all flesh 257
go through fire and water 258
go through the mill 259
go through the foof 259
go through thick and thin 259
go to Davy Jones s locker 259
go to grass 259
go to loggerheads 259
go to pot 259
go to rack and ruin 259
go to the devil 259
go to the dogs 260
go to the happy hunting ground 261
go to the wall 261
good Samaritan 262
going,going,gone 262
go under the hammer 262
go west 262
golden calf 262
good wine needs on bush 263
grain of mustard seed 264
goose bummps 264
grandstand play 264
grasp the nettle 264
Gordian knot 264
goose that laid the golden egg(s) 264
goose skin 264
goose pimples 264
goose flesh 264
goose egg 264
the grass is always greener on the other side(of the fence) 265
grass roots 266
grass widow 266
gravy train 267
grease someone s palm/hand 268
great cry and little wool 268
great Scott 268
Greek gift 269
green thumb 270
green fingers 270
Greek to someone 270
green-eyed monster 271
grin like a Cheshire cat 272
H 274
halcyon days 274
hair of the dog 274
half seas over 275
ham actor 276
ham it up 277
ham something up 277
hammer and tongs 277
hand and glove 277
hand in glove 277
hand in one s chips 278
hand over fist 278
hand to mouth 279
hand over hand 279
hands down 280
handwriting on the wall 280
hand by a hair/thread 281
hand out false colours 282
hang someone in effigy 282
hang up one s hat 282
hangdog look/air 282
happy hunting ground(s) 283
hard row to hoe 283
hark back(to something) 283
hat in hand 284
hat trick 284
haul someone over the coals 285
haul in one s horns 285
have a bee in one s bonnet 286
have a bone to pick with someone 287
have a charmed life 287
have a cross to bear 287
have a/the drop on someone 287
have a field day 287
have a card up one s sleeve 287
have a frog in one s/the throat 288
have a hunch 288
have an/one s ear to the ground 289
have an ax(e)to grind 289
have an ace up one s sleeve 289
have a wolf in the stomach 289
have a stiff upper lip 289
have a screw loose/missing 289
have a/the rise out of someone 289
have a rain check on something 289
have an eye to the main chance 290
have an itching/itchy palm 291
have bats in one s/the belfry 291
have clean hands 292
have cold feet 292
have egg/jam on/over one s face 293
have itching ears 294
have had one s chips 294
have feet of clay 294
have forty winks 294
have Hobson s choice 294
have irons in the fire 294
have more than one string to one s bow 295
have one foot in the grave 295
have one over the eight 295
have one s back to/against the wall 295
have someone on a string 296
have something up/in one s sleeve 296
have someone s nose out of joint 296
have someone over a/the barrel 296
have someone on the carpet 296
have one s tail between one s legs 296
have someone by the short hairs 296
have one s tongue in one s cheek 296
have one s pound of flesh 296
have one s/someon s nose to the trindstone 296
have one s heart on one s sleeve 296
have one s finges crossed 296
have one s fingers burned 296
have the last laugh 297
have the devil to pay 297
have the bit between/in one s teeth 297
have the gift of gab 297
have the/a drop on someone 297
have the/a jump on someone 297
have the Midas touch 298
have the upper hand 298
have too many irons in the fire 298
have two strings to one s bow 298
have wind of 299
He who laughs last laughs best/longest 299
head over heels 299
head the bill 299
heads are likely to roll 299
heads will roll 299
heap coals of fire on someone s head 300
hem and haw 301
heels over head 301
hedge one s bets 301
heap Pelion on Ossa 301
Herculean labo(u)r 302
Herculean task 302
Hercules choice 302
high horse 303
hide one s candle under a bushel 303
hide one s light under a bushel 303
here s the rub 303
hide one s head in the sand 303
high jinks 304
high on/off the hog 305
hightail it 305
hit below the belt 306
hit on all cyinders 306
hit on all six 306
hit the jackpot 307
hit the hay/sack 307
hit the ceiling/roof 307
hitch a ride 308
Hobson s choice 308
hit the nail on the head 308
hos one s own row 309
hoist with one s own petard 310
hold one s horses 311
hold at bay 311
hold a candle to 311
hold one s cards close to one s/the chest 311
hold aloof 311
hold out the olive branch 312
hold the fort 312
hold water 313
hold and corner 313
hole in the corner 314
holy cow/mackerel 314
hook,line and sinker 314
hop on the bandwagon 314
hope springs atemal in the human breast 314
horn of plenty/abundance 315
horns of a dilemma 315
horse of a different colour 315
horses for courses 316
horse of another colour 316
hot dog 317
hot line 317
hue and cry 318
huff and puff 318
hum and haw 319
in a hole 320
in a bad humour 320
I 320
in a good homour 320
in a couple of shakes 320
in a brown study 320
in a (pretty)pickle 321
in a word 321
in apple-pie order 322
in borrowed plumes 322
in Davy Jones s locker 322
in fine/full feather 322
in fine fettle 322
in Carey Street 322
in high dudgeon 323
in hock 324
in like Flynn 324
in one s birthday suit 325
in one s element 325
in one fell swoop 325
in one s best bib and tucker 325
in one s heart of heart(s) 326
in one s/the mind s eye 326
in sackcloth and ashes 327
in queer street 327
in someone s black/bad book(s) 328
in someone s good books 329
in the altogether 329
in the arms of Morpheus 330
in the black 330
in the cards 331
in the buff 331
in the doghouse 332
in the doldrums 332
in the dumps 332
in the catbird seat 332
in the chips 332
in the hole 333
in the land of nod 333
in the limelight 333
in the long run 334
in the offing 335
in the melting pot 335
in the nick of time 335
in the pink of condition 336
in te red 336
in the pink 336
in(the/one s)seventh heaven 337
in two shakes of a duck s tail 338
in two shakes of a lamb s tail 338
in the short run 338
in two shakes 338
in the wings 338
in the spotlight 338
in the wake of 338
Indian giver 339
Indian File 339
Indian summer 340
Indian giving 340
inferiority complex 341
inside the pale 341
irons in the fire 341
It is(all)Greek to me 341
ivory tower 341
itching palms 341
Ivy League 342
J 344
Jack of all trades 344
jack tar 344
Jekyll and Hyde 345
Job s comforter 346
Jim Crow 346
Joe Miller 347
John Hancock 348
John Bull 348
join the(great)majority 349
John Henry 349
Judas kiss 349
jump the gun 350
jump on the bandwagon 350
jump the traces 351
junk food 351
K 352
kangaroo court 352
keep a card up one s sleeve 352
keep a stiff upper lip 352
keep a straight face 353
keep an eye to the main chance 354
keep at bay 354
keep body and soul together 354
keep aloof 354
keep a/one s weather eye open 354
keep an ace up one s sleeve 354
keep one s ear to the ground 355
keep one s eye on the ball 355
keep one s eyes peeled/skinned/open 355
keep one s fingers crossed 355
keep one s/someone s nose to the grindstone 356
keep one s pecker up 356
keep one s shirt on 357
keep one s powder dry 357
keep something up/in one s sleeve 358
keep the ball rolling 358
keep the wolf from the door 359
keep up with the Joneses 360
kettle of fish 361
keynote address/speech 361
kick against the pricks 362
kick over the traces 363
kick one s heels 363
kick someone upstairs 363
kick someone downstairs 363
kill by/with kindness 364
kick the bucket 364
kill the fatted calf 365
kill the goose that lays/laid the golden egg(s) 366
King s English 367
kiss of death 367
kiss of life 367
kiss something better 367
kiss the Blarney stone 367
kiss the dust 368
kiss the rod 368
kith and kin 368
knee jerk reaction 369
knight in shining armour 369
knock off(work) 370
knock on wood 370
knock(someone/something)in-to a cocked hat 370
knock into shape 370
knock down 370
knock someone off his pedestal 371
knock(the)spots off someone/something 371
know a hawk from a handsaw 371
know by heart 372
know like a book 372
knuckle down 373
know the ropes 373
knowledge is power 373
knuckle under 374
labour of Hercules 376
L 376
labour of love 377
laour of Sisyphus 377
Lady Bountiful 378
lame duck 378
land of nod 379
land-office business 380
land on one s feet 380
language barrier 380
large as life 381
last hurrrah 381
last straw 382
laugh in one s sleeve 383
laugh in one s beard 383
laugh and the world laughs with you,weep/cry and you weep/cry alone 383
Last Supper 383
laugh like a drain 384
laugh lines 385
laugh on the other/wrong side of one s face 385
laugh on the other/wrong side of one s mouth 385
laugh out of court 385
laughter lines 386
law of the jungle 386
(be)laughing all the way to te bank 386
laugh up one s sleeve 386
laugh out of the other side of one s mouth 386
laugh out of the other corner of one s mouth 386
lay an egg 387
lead(someone)by the nose 388
lay one s cards on the table 388
lead a charmed life 388
lazy Suaan 388
lead someone down/up the garden path 389
lead the life of Riley/Reilly 390
learn the ropes 390
leave no stone unturned 390
lean over backwards 390
learn by heart 390
leave someone in the lurch 391
left with egg/jam on/over one s face 392
left-handed compliment 392
left-handed marriage 393
let off steam 393
let one s hair down 393
let the cat out of the bag 394
let the dead bury their dead 394
lick into shape 395
(a)lick and a promise 395
lick the dust 396
life of Riley/Reilly 396
light on one s feet 397
like a bull in a china shop 397
like a bump on a log 397
like a dose of salts 397
like a house on fire 398
like a red rag to a bull 399
like billio/billyo 399
like it or lump it 400
like Fort Knox 400
like sixty 401
like water off a duck s back 401
line one s/someone s pocket(s) 401
lion in the way/path 402
a little bird 403
a little bird told me 403
lion s share 403
a little knowledge is a dangerous thing 404
a little learning is a dangerous thing 404
load the dice against someone 405
live the life of Riley/Reilly 405
live on the breadline 405
live in an ivory tower 405
live high off/on the hog 405
live from hand to mouth 405
lobster shift 406
loaded for bear 406
lock horns 407
lock,stock and barrel 407
long in the tooth 408
long row to hoe 408
long shot 409
look a gift horse in the mouth 409
look daggers at someone 410
loose cannon 410
look to one s laurels 410
lose one s shirt 411
lose face 411
lose the day 412
lunatic fringe 412
lost generation 412
lynch law 413
M 414
mad as a hatter 414
mad as a march hare 414
Mae West 415
mailed fist 416
main chance 416
make a hash of 416
make a boner 416
make a mountain out of a molelhill 417
make a snook(at) 417
make a U-turn 417
make an April fool of someone 418
make(both)ends meet 418
make bricks without straw 418
make do and mend 419
make do 419
make no bones about 420
make sheep s eyes(at someone) 421
make some Z s 421
make someone s day 421
make someone s flesh creep 421
make someone s hackles rise 422
make someone s hair stand on end 422
make the fur/feathers fly 422
make the grade 423
make things hum 424
make up leeway 424
man Friday 425
man for all seasons 425
man in the street 426
man of straw 427
man of letters 427
man on the Clapham omnibus 428
manna from heaven 428
mare s nest 428
mark time 429
massive retaliation 429
meet one s Waterloo 429
melting pot 430
mess of pottage 431
merchant of death 431
Mickey Mouse 432
Mickey Finn 432
Midas touch 433
milk of human kindness 433
mind one s p s and q s 434
mind the store 435
moment of truth 436
monkey business 437
monkey wrench 437
month of Sundays 437
moot point 438
Mrs.Grundy 439
moot question 439
more sinned against than sinning 439
more cry than wool 439
mote in someone s eye 439
move stakes 439
much ado about nothing 440
much cry and little wool 440
mum s the word 441
Murphy s law 441
Mutt and Jeff 442
N 443
nail a lie(to the counter) 443
nail in someone s coffin 443
nail one s colours to the mast 443
nail to the counter 443
neither fish nor fowl 444
meck and neck 444
neither fish,flesh,fowl nor good red herring 444
name is mud 444
naked truth 444
neither rhyme nor reason 445
nest egg 446
never-never land 446
never say die 447
new wine in old bottles 447
nice kettle of fish 448
the night of the long knives 448
nine day s wonder 449
nip and tuck 451
nip in the bud 451
no love lost(between) 452
no great shakes 452
no-man s land 453
no respecter of persons 453
no room to swing a cat 454
no rhyme or reason 454
no skin off someone s nose 455
nose out of joint 456
nosy parker 456
not bat an eyelid 456
not fit to hold a candle to 457
not dry behind the ears 457
not have a leg to stand on 457
not enough room to swing a cat 457
not cut muck ice 457
not by a long shot 457
not by a long chalk 457
not hold a candle to someone or something 458
not hold water 458
not know somebody from Adam 458
not see someone for dust 459
not to be sniffed at 459
not to be sneezed at 459
not turn a hair 460
not worth a damn 461
not up to the mark 461
not up to scratch 461
nuts and bolts 462
not worth one s salt 462
nothing like leather 462
nothing to sneeze at 462
nourish a snake/serpent/viper in one s/the bosom 462
nurse a snake/serpent/viper in one s/the bosom 462
odd bedfellows 463
the observed of all observers 463
O 463
Oedipus complex 463
off the beam 464
off beam 464
of the first water 464
off the cuff 465
off the wagon 465
oil someone s palm/hand 465
old as Methuselah 465
old hat 466
old man of the sea 466
Old Nick 467
old school tie 468
old stamping ground 468
olive branch 468
on a shoestring 469
on a sticky wicket 470
on all fours 471
on easy street 471
on one s high horse 471
on one s last legs 471
on a wild-goose chase 471
on one s uppers 472
on shank s mare/pony 472
on tenterhooks 472
on the barrelhead 473
on the breadline 473
on the beam 473
on the ball 473
on the bandwagon 473
on the bum 474
on the cards 474
on the carpet 474
on the dot 475
on the cuff 475
on the double 476
on the fence 476
on the fritz 477
on the Greek calends 477
on the homs of a dilemma 478
on the house 478
on the nail 479
on the nose 479
on the level 479
on the qui vive 480
on the QT 480
on the quiet 481
on the rocks 481
on the side of the angels 481
on the spot 482
on the square 482
on the stump 482
on the wagon 482
on the warpath 483
on thin ice 483
once in a blue moon 484
one degree under 485
one foot in the grave 485
one up on(someone) 486
one s best bib and tucker 486
one s cup of tea 486
one s ears prick up 486
one s hair stands on end 486
one over the eight 486
open Pandora s box 487
open sesame 487
out for the count 487
one s tail is between one s legs 487
one s pound of flesh 487
one s(old)stamping ground 487
one s name is mund 487
out of humour 488
out of one s element 489
out of one s ken 489
out of sorts 489
out of the limelight 489
out of touch 490
out-herod Herod 490
outside one s ken 491
outside the pale 491
over a/the barrel 491
over the top 492
P 493
paddle one s own canoe 493
paint the lily 493
paint the town red 494
painted sepulchre 494
palm off 495
pan out 495
Pandora s box 495
paaer over the cracks 496
par for the course 497
pardon my French 497
Parthian shot/shaft 497
parting shot 498
pass in one s chips 498
pass muster 498
pass the buck 499
paste over the cracks 500
patience of Job 500
patient as Job 500
Paul Pry 500
pass under the yoke 500
pay on the nail 501
pay the fiddler 501
pay through the nose 502
pecking order 503
peeping Tom 503
Penelope s web 504
penny wise and pound foolish 505
penny for your thoughts 505
penny for them 505
peter out 506
Peter Pan 507
Philadelphia lawyer 507
pick up the gauntlet/glove 508
pie in the sky 508
pig in a poke 508
pile Pelion on Ossa 508
pin money 509
pin one s heart on one s sleeve 510
the pink of perfection 510
pink slip 510
pin-up girl 510
pipe dream 511
pitched battle 512
place(someone)on a pedestal 512
plain as a pikestaff 512
(the)pot calling the kettle black 513
plain sailing 513
plain as the nose on your face 513
play cat and mouse with(someone) 514
Platonic love 514
play ducks and drakes with 515
play fast and loose 516
play Judas 516
play one s cards close to one s/the chest/vest 516
play one s hunch 517
play possum 517
play Russian roulette 518
play second fiddle 518
play(the)devil s advocate 518
play the field 518
play to the gallery 519
play the sedulous ape 519
play with loaded dice 520
plead the Fifth 520
plead the Fifth Amendment 520
pleased as Punch 520
play to the grandstand 520
plumb the depths 521
point of no return 521
polish the apple 522
poor as a church mouse 523
poor as Job 523
pound of flesh 524
pot shot 524
the/a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow 524
potluck dinner 524
pot luck 524
pour cold water on 525
pour oil on troubled waters 525
the powers that be 526
pretty kettle of fish 526
prick up one s ears 526
primrose path 527
Procrustean bed 527
proud as a peacock 528
pull a boner 529
pull devil,pull baker 529
pull someone s chestunts out of the fire 530
pull one s punches 530
pull in one s homs 530
pull someone s leg 531
pull someone s teeth 532
pull the strings 532
pull the wires 532
pull the wool over someone s eyes 532
pull strings 532
pull up stakes 533
pull wires 534
purple patches 534
push(someone)th the wall 534
put a sock in it 534
put on one s thinking cap 535
put into the melting pot 535
put a wet blanket on 535
put a spoke in someone s wheel 535
put on the dog 536
put on the screw(s) 536
put one s/someone s back up 537
put one s best foot forward 537
put one s cards on the table 538
put one s foot in it 538
put one s foot in one s mouth 538
put one s/someone s nose to the grindstone 539
put one s shoulder to the wheel 539
put someone on the spot 540
put(someone)on a pedestal 540
put someone through the mill 540
put out to grass/pasture 540
put out of court 540
put one s thinking cap on 540
put someone s monkey up 541
put someone s nose out of joint 541
put the kibosh on 542
put the cart before the horse 542
put the screw on someone 543
put through the mill 543
Pyrrhic vectory 543
Q 545
Queen s English 545
queer someone s pitch 545
queer the pitch for someone 545
quick as you can say Jack Robinson 545
rack one s brain(s) 546
rack and ruin 546
R 546
rain cats and dogs 547
rain check 548
raise Cain 549
raise someone s hackles 549
raise the ante 549
raised to the purple 549
rake someone over the coals 549
rank and file 550
reach first base 550
reach the end of one s rope/tether 550
read between the lines 550
read like a book 550
read the(hand)writing on the wall 550
the real McCoy 551
the real Mackay 551
read the riot act 551
the real Simon Pure 552
reckon without one s host 553
red carpet 553
red herring 553
reap(one s)laurels 553
red-letter day 554
red light district 554
red rag 555
red tape 555
remain aloof 555
rest on one s laurels 555
return to one s umttons 556
ride roughshod over(someone/something) 557
rhyme or reason 557
rich as Croesus 557
riddle of Sphinx 557
ride the gravy train 558
ride the high horse 558
right-hand man 558
ring false 558
ring the changes 558
ring true 559
rise from the ashes 560
rise like a phoenix from the ashes 560
rise like the phoenix 560
rise to the bait 560
Roland for an Oliver 561
rob Peter to pay Paul 561
roll out the red carpet 562
round robin 563
round-table conference 563
rub salt in/into someone s/the wound(s) 564
rub someone(up)the right way 565
rub someone(up)the wrong way 565
Rube Goldberg 565
rule of thumb 566
rule out of court 566
rule the roost/roast 567
run amuck 567
run nineteen to the dozen 568
run riot 568
run the gauntlet/gantlet 568
running dog 569
Russian roulette 569
S 571
sackcloth and ashes 571
sacred cow 571
sad sack 571
safe as Fort Knox 572
sail under false colours 572
salad days 573
salt of the earth 573
Santa Claus 574
save face 574
saved by the bell 574
scotch a/the snake 575
scarlet letter 575
say cheese 575
scrape the(bottom of the)barrel 576
seamy side 577
second string to one s bow 577
see red 577
see the(hand)writing on the wall 578
sell down the river 578
sell like hot cakes 578
send someone off with a flea in his/their ear 579
send someone on a wild-goose chase 579
send someons to Coventry 579
send out to grass/pasture 579
sell the pass 579
sell one s birthright for a mess of pottage 579
send someone from pillar to post 579
sent up the river 580
separate the sheep from the goats 580
set one s/someone s back up 581
set one s cap at/for 581
set off a chain reaction 581
serpent in one s/the bosom 581
set(someone)on a pedestal 582
set someone s teeth on edge 582
set the ball rolling 583
set the cart before the horse 583
set the fur/feathers flying 583
set the Thames on fire 583
shank s mare/pony 584
shake the dust from/off one s feet 584
seventh heaven 584
set the world on fire 584
shake a leg 584
shed crocodile tears 585
sheet in/to the wind 585
shell out 585
shopping mall 585
short shrift 586
shot in the arm 587
shotgun marriage/wedding 588
shout from the housetops/rooftops 588
show a leg 588
show someone the ropes 589
show the cloven foot/hoof 589
show one s(true)colours 589
show oneself in one s true colours 589
show one s hand 589
show one s cards 589
show the white feather 590
shuffle off this mortal coil 590
Siamese twins 591
silent majority 591
silly season 592
Simon Legree 592
since time immemorial 593
sing for one s supper 593
sitting target 594
sitting duck 594
six and two three 594
six of one and half a dozen of the other 594
sit(back)on one s laurels 594
sit in the catbird seat 594
Sisyphean labour/task 594
sit on the fence 594
sixty-four(thousand)dollar question 595
skate on thin ice 596
skeleton at the feast 596
skeleton in the closet 596
skeleton in the cupboard 596
sleep like a top 597
slough of despond 598
smoke the pipe of peace 599
smoking gun 599
smell a rat 599
slush fund 599
smooth over the cracks 600
smooth sailing 600
snail s pace 600
snake in one s/the bosom 600
snake in the grass 601
snup as a bug in a rug 601
so long 602
soap opera 602
sob sister 603
sob story 603
sob stuff 604
Socratic irony 604
someone s hands are clean 605
someone s hackles rise 605
someone s head rolls 605
someone s name is mud 605
someone s back is to/against the wall 605
someone s ears are burning 605
Sod s law 605
soda pop 605
someone s(old)stamping ground 606
sop to Cerberus 606
sort(out)the sheep from the goat 607
sour grapes 607
sow dragon s teeth 607
sow one s wild oats 608
spare the rod 609
speak with one s tongue in one s cheek 609
Sphinx s riddle 609
spill the beans 610
spike someone s guns 610
spin doctor 611
the spirit is willing(but the flesh is weak) 612
spit and image 612
spit and polish 612
spitten image 613
spitting image 613
splice the minbrace 614
split hairs 614
spoils system 615
stamping ground 615
stand aloof 616
stand pat 616
state of the art 617
(start)from scratch 617
start the ball rolling 617
stand to one s guns 617
start a chain reaction 617
stave off 618
steal a march(on someone) 618
steal someone s thunder 619
steal the limelight 620
stick in someone s craw 620
stick in someone s throat 620
stick one s chin out 620
stick one s neck out 621
stick to one s guns 621
stick to one s last 621
sticky wicket 622
stiff upper lip 622
still small voice 622
stool pigeon 623
stones will cry out 623
storm in a teacup 624
straight from the horse s mouth 625
straight from the shoulder 625
straina point 626
strain at a gnat(and swallow a camel) 626
strange bedfellows 626
straw man 627
stream of consciousness 627
stretch a point 627
strike a bargain 628
strike behind the belt 628
stumbling block 628
survival of the fittest 629
sure as eggs is eggs 629
superiority complex 629
sub rosa 629
stump orator/speaker 629
stump up 629
swallow hook,line and sinkery 630
swallow one s words 630
swallow the bait 630
swallow the leek 630
swan song 630
swap horses while crossing a stream 631
sweep the board 631
sword of Damocles 631
T 632
take a leaf out of someone s book 632
take a pot shot 632
take a sight(at) 633
take aback 633
take a rain check on something 633
take a/the rise out of someone 633
take a powder 633
take forty winks 634
take French leave 634
take it easy 634
take if/something on the chin 635
take pot luck 635
take someone/something at face value 636
take someone by the short hairs 637
take someone down a peg 637
take someone down the aisle 637
take someone for a ride 637
take the bit between/in one s teeth 638
take the biscuit 638
take the bait 638
take something on the chin 638
take(something)with a grain/pinch of salt 638
take the bull by the horns 639
take the cake 639
take the count 640
take the Fifth 640
take the gilt off the gingerbread 641
take the wall(of) 641
take the wind of 641
take the wind out of someone s sails 641
take time by the forelock 642
take to the hustings 643
take(to)the stump 643
take under one s wing(s) 643
taken red-handed 644
taken aback 644
talk a blue streak 644
take up one s cross 644
take up the hatchet/tomahawk 644
take up the gauntlet/glove 644
talk like a Dutch uncle 645
talk nineteen to the dozen 645
talk through one s hat 645
talk turkey 646
talking head 647
taper off 647
tar and feather 647
tarred with the same brush 648
teach one s grandmother to suck eggs 648
teddy bear 649
tell it/that to the marines 650
tell the sheep from the goats 651
tempest in a teapot 651
thand one s(lucky)stars 651
that s the rub 651
there/therein lies the rub 651
there ll be the devil to pay 651
there s the rub 651
there s many a slip 652
third degree 652
thorn in someone s flesh/side 652
three sheets in/to the wind 653
through the mill 653
through thick and thin 654
throw a wet blanket on 655
throw cold water on(something) 655
throw a monkey wrench in/into 655
throw a spanner in the works 655
throw a sop to Cerberus 655
throw down the gauntlet/glove 656
throw dust in/into someone s eyes 657
throw in one s hand 657
throw in/up the sponge/towel 658
throw into the melting pot 658
throw one s hat in the ring 658
throw the book at 659
throw to the lions 659
throw to the wolves 659
thumb a lift/ride 660
thumbs down 661
thumb one s nose(at) 661
tie the knot 662
thumbs up 662
tied to someone s apron strings 663
tighten the screws on someone 663
till the cows come home 663
tilt at windmills 664
time is money 664
Tin Pan Alley 665
tinker s damn/cuss 665
tip of the iceberg 665
tit for tat 666
to a turn 667
to the bitter end 667
to heel 667
to a tittle 667
to a T 667
to the manner born 668
toe the line/mark/scratch 669
Tom,Dick and Harry 669
tongue in cheek 670
too many irons in the fire 670
toot one s own horn 670
tooth and nail 670
top the bill 671
toss one s hat in the ring 671
touch all bases 671
touch and go 671
touch wood 672
turn a blind eye to something 673
true to one s salt 673
tower of ivory 673
tough row to hoe 673
Trojan horse 673
thrn a deaf ear 674
turn out to grass/pasture 675
turn over a new leaf 675
turn the other cheek 675
turn the tables 676
turn thumbs down 676
turn turtle 676
tweedledum and tweedledee 677
twenty-one gun salute 678
two sheets in/to the wind 678
two strings to one s bow 678
um and aah/ha 679
Uncle Sam 679
U 679
ugly duckling 679
Uncle Tom 680
under someone s thumb 681
under someone s wing 681
under the aegis of 681
under the counter 682
under the hammer 682
under the rose 683
under the table 683
under the umbrella of 683
up a gum tree 684
until the Greek calends 684
untie the Gordian knot 684
uneasy bedfellows 684
under the weather 684
unlikely bedfellows 684
up a tree 685
up stakes 685
up the ante 685
up the creek 686
up the river 686
up the spout 687
up to one s/the ears 687
up to one s/the eyes/shoulders/neck 688
up to scratch 688
up to the mark 688
upper crust 688
upset the applecart 689
upper hand 689
upside down 690
V 691
variety is the spice of life 691
venetian blind(s) 692
vent one s spleen 692
vicar of Bray 692
vicious circle 692
viper in one s/the bosom 693
voice(crying)in the wilderness 693
W 694
wait in the wings 694
walk a/the chalk(line) 694
walk a tightrope 695
walk Spanish 696
walk down the aisle 696
walk one s chalks 696
walk the plank 697
walking orders 697
walking papers 697
walking ticket 698
wandering Jew 698
warm a snake/serpent/viper in one s/the bosom 699
warm the cockles of someone s heart 699
warp and woof 699
warts and all/everything 700
wash one s hands of 700
watch the birdie 701
water off a duck s back 701
wear one s heart on one s sleeve 702
wave the bloody shirt 702
wear sackcloth and ashes 703
wear the willow 703
web of life 703
web of Penelope 703
wet behind the ears 703
wet blanket 704
wet one s whistle 705
wheel of fortune 705
when the chips are down 706
when the cows come home 706
whip into shape 706
whipping boy 706
whistle for it 707
whistle in the dark 707
white elephant 708
whited sepulchre 709
whole bag of tricks 709
widow s peak 709
white meat 709
widow s weeds 710
wild-goose chase 710
wild oats 711
win hands down 711
win(one s)laurels 712
win one s spurs 712
win the day 712
wise as Solomon 712
wishful thinking 713
witch hunt 713
with a capital A(B,C,etc.) 714
with a grain of salt 714
the witching hour 714
with a big A 714
with a pinch of salt 715
with a straight face 715
with an ax(e)to grind 715
with an eye to the main chance 715
with bats in one s/the belfry 715
with clean hands 715
with egg/jam on/over one s face 715
with flying colours 715
with one s tail between one s legs 716
with one s monkey up 716
with one s ear to the ground 716
with one s hackles up 716
with one s back to/against the wall 716
with one foot in the grave 716
with one fell swoop 716
with(one s)tongue in(one s)cheek 717
with someone s pants/trousers down 717
with the skin of one s teeth 717
within an ace of 717
within an inch of 718
within the pale 718
without a leg to stand on 718
without batting an eye 718
without rhyme or reason 718
without turning a hair 718
wolf in sheep s clothing 718
the word is mum 719
work in season 719
word to the wise 719
woman of the street(s) 719
wooden horse of Troy 719
woman of letters 719
work like a beaver 720
work off steam 720
work on all cylinders 720
the world is someone s oyster 720
worship the golden calf 721
worth one s salt 721
write like an angel 722
writing on the wall 722
Y 723
yellow journalism 723
yellow press 723
- 《左传探源 下》王和著 2019
- 《左传探源 上》王和著 2019
- 《西游记探源:全1册》郑明娳著 2003
- 《海岸带经济与管理》朱坚真,王锋主编;徐小怡,刘汉威,何时都副主编;朱坚真,王锋,徐小怡,刘汉斌,何时都,毛小敏,秦运巧等编著;张登义,鹿守本顾问 2013
- 《茄果类蔬菜科学施肥》张菊平,赵要尊,熊法亭编著 2013
- 《融进三千里江山的英魂》中华文化发展促进会编 2012
- 《微积分习题与试题解析教程 第2版》陈仲主编 2013
- 《妊娠与分娩》黄海珍编著 2001
- 《许浚与《东医宝鉴》》车武编著 2012
- 《中国佛教学术论典 93 华严“法界缘起观”的思想探源 本生经的起源及其开展》星云大师监修;佛光山文教基金会总编辑;永明,永进,永本,满果,满耕编辑 2004
- 《市政工程基础》杨岚编著 2009
- 《家畜百宝 猪、牛、羊、鸡的综合利用》山西省商业厅组织技术处编著 1959
- 《《道德经》200句》崇贤书院编著 2018
- 《高级英语阅读与听说教程》刘秀梅编著 2019
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