The Postmortem ExaminationPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:Charles C Thomas
- 出版年份:1937
- 页数:201 页
Ⅰ.Historical Introduction 3
Ⅱ.General Considerations 16
1.Terminology 16
2.Permission for Postmortem Examination 16
3.The Purpose of the Autopsy 18
4.Signs of Death 21
5.Postmortem Changes 21
Ⅲ.Equipment 28
1.The Autopsy Room 28
2.Autopsy Instruments 35
Ⅳ.Regulations Governing the Postmortem Examination 39
1.General Rules 39
2.Dress 40
3.Care of the Hands 41
4.Infections 42
5.Technical Rules 43
6.Bacteriologic Cultures 44
7.The Specific Tasks of the Operator 44
Ⅴ.Inspection of the Body 48
1.External Examination 48
2.Primary Incision 50
3.Examination of the Abdominal Cavity 54
4.Removal of the Sternum 57
5.Examination of the Thoracic Cavity 61
Ⅵ.Removal of the Viscera 65
1.Removal of the Thoracic Organs 65
Heart 65
Lungs 65
2.Removal of the Throat Organs 66
3.Removal of the Contents of the Abdominal Cavity 71
Spleen 72
Intestines 72
Opening the Duodenum in Situ.Bile and Pancreatic Ducts 74
Liver,Duodenum,Stomach and Pancreas 75
Kidneys and Ureters 77
Pelvic Organs 78
Male Genitalia 79
Abdominal Aorta and Femoral Vessels 80
Thoracic Duct 81
Inferior Vena Cava 81
Diaphragm and Psoas Muscle 82
Lymph Nodes 82
Ⅶ.The Cranial Vault and the Spinal Cord 83
1.Removal of the Calvarium 83
2.Removal of the Brain 87
3.The Base of the Skull 90
Venous Sinuses 90
Middle Ears and Mastoid Antra 90
Pituitary 93
Eyes 93
Air Sinuses 93
Method of von Hansemann for the Exposure of the Choanae 95
4.Removal of the Spinal Cord 95
5.Section of the Spinal Cord 98
6.Section of the Brain 99
External Examination 99
Fixation of the Whole Brain 100
Section of the Brain after Fixation 101
Section of the Fresh Brain(Virchow) 103
Ⅷ.Section of the Viscera 107
1.Section of the Thoracic Organs 107
Thymus 107
Heart 108
Lungs 117
2.Section of the Throat and Posterior Thoracic Organs 118
Tongue,Tonsils,Pharynx,Esophagus,Aorta 118
Larynx,Thyroid,Parathyroid Glands 118
3.Section of the Organs of the Abdominal Cavity 119
Spleen 119
Pancreas 119
Liver 120
Gall Bladder 121
Adrenal Glands 121
Kidneys 121
Pelvic Organs 123
Male:testes,prostate,seminal vesicles 123
Female:vagina,uterus,tubes,ovaries 125
Ⅸ.Examination of the Skeleton 130
1.Bone Marrow 130
2.Removal of Bones of the Lower Extremities 130
3.Removal of Bones of the Foot 132
4.Examination of Joint Cavities 133
5.Vertebral Column 133
Ⅹ.Autopsy Technique for Special Cases 135
1.Method of Windholz 135
2.Method of LeCount(LeTulle) 136
3.The Restricted Postmortem Examination 138
4.Postmortem Examinations under Unusual Conditions 139
5.The Medicolegal Postmortem Examination 140
Ⅺ.Special Procedures 145
1.Restoration of the Body 145
2.The Autopsy Protocol 148
3.The Clinical-Pathologic Conference 152
4.The Student Autopsy Conference 154
Ⅻ.Postmortem Examinations on Infants and Children 157
1.External Examination 158
2.Primary Incision 158
3.Removal of the Thoracic and Throat Organs 158
4.Examination of the Abdominal Cavity 162
5.Removal of the Spinal Cord 165
6.Removal of the Brain of the New Born 166
7.Skeleton 171
8.Eustachian Tubes and Air Sinuses of the Skull 171
Appendix 172
A.Tables of Average Weights of Organs 172
B.Copy of the Report of the New York Committee on Rules Governing Pathologists and Undertakers 177
C.A Protocol by Virchow 182
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