Cancer Cytology of The Uterus Introducing A Concept of Cervical Cell PathologyPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:Inc.
- 出版年份:1951
- 页数:407 页
1.Development of Concept 1
The Focal Point of Gynecologic Disease 8
The "Cell Method" Contrasted with the "Tissue Method" 16
Reliability of Negative "Surface Biopsy" in Cervical Cancer 18
2.Technics in Common Use in Gynecytology 20
Rationale 20
The Vaginal Smear 21
Cervical Os Aspiration 23
Endocervical and Endometrial Smear 24
Glycerine Mailing Technic 25
Paraffin Sectioning 27
The Selective or "Surface Biopsy" Cell Scraping Technic 29
Iodine Vapor Technic 33
The Cervical Smear Using the Cotton Swab Technic 34
Physical Setup of Cytology Department in Hospital 35
Method of Reporting 35
Staining Technic for Cytology Smears 37
3.Classification of Normal Cell Types 40
4.Inflammatory Cell Types-Chronic Cervicitis 75
Chronic Inflammation and Carcinogenesis in the Cervix 77
5.Early Anaplastic Cells-"The Precancer Cell Complex" ("Nearo-carcinoma) 130
6.Pre-invasive Carcinoma (Carcinoma in Situ,Intra-epithelial Carcinoma,etc.) 219
Classifications of Cervical Cancer 224
7.Epidermoid Carcinoma of the Cervix 282
Comparison of Clinical and Preclinical Cancer of the Cervix 283
8.Adenocarcinoma and Other Genital Malignancies 358
Endometrial Cancer 358
Adenocarcinoma of the Cervix 359
Carcinoma of the Vulva 360
Carcinoma of the Ovary 360
Carcinoma of the Vagina 361
Malignancy of the Fallopian Tube 361
Urethral Caruncle 361
Cancer of the Bladder 361
9.Technics for Total Biopsy-the Ring Biopsy Histologic Method 384
Definitions of Common Cytologic Terms 389
Bibliography 397
Index 403