- 电子书积分:29 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:
- 出版年份:2222
- ISBN:0199205431
- 页数:1185 页
1 Sociological theories of crime Paul Rock 3
2 Criminological psychology Clive R.Hollin 43
3 Contemporary landscapes of crime, order, and control: governance, risk, and globalization Ian Loader and Richard Sparks 78
4 Cultural criminology Keith Hayward and Jock Young 102
5 Historical perspectives on crime Clive Emsley 122
6 Comparing criminal justice David Nelken 139
7 Diversity, crime, and criminal justice Barbara Hudson 158
8 Legal constructions of crime Nicola Lacey 179
9 No turning back: the politics of law and order into the millennium David Downes and Rod Morgan 201
10 Crime data and statistics Mike Maguire 241
11 Media-made criminality: the representation of crime in the mass media Robert Reiner 302
12 Political economy, crime, and criminal justice Robert Reiner 341
13 Gender and crime Frances Heidensohn and Loraine Gelsthorpe 381
14 Ethnicities, racism, crime, and criminal justice Coretta Phillips and Ben Bowling 421
15 Victims, victimization, and criminal justice Carolyn Hoyle and Lucia Zedner 461
16 Mentally disordered offenders, mental health, and crime Jill Peay 496
17 Place, space, crime, and disorder Anthony E.Bottoms 528
18 Youth crime and youth culture Tim Newburn 575
19 Childhood risk factors and risk-focused prevention David P.Farrington 602
20 Crime and the life course David J.Smith 641
21 Violent crime Michael Levi, Mike Maguire, and Fiona Brookman 687
22 White-collar and corporate crime David Nelken 733
23 Organized crime and terrorism Michael Levi 771
24 Drugs, alcohol, and crime Nigel South 810
25 The governance of security: pluralization, privatization, and polarization in crime control Trevor Jones 841
26 Crime prevention and community safety Adam Crawford 866
27 Policing and the police Tim Newburn and Robert Reiner 910
28 From suspect to trial Andrew Sanders and Richard Young 953
29 Sentencing AndrewAshworth 990
30 Youth Justice Rod Morgan and Tim Newburn 1024
31 Community penalties: probation, ‘What Works, and offender management Peter Raynor 1061
32 Imprisonment: an expanding scene Rod Morgan and Alison Liebling 1100
Index 1139