Principles of Quantum MechanicsPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:Inc.
- 出版年份:1964
- 页数:620 页
Chapter Ⅰ.Foundations of Quantum Theory 1
1.Energy and Momentum of Light Quanta 1
2.Experimental Verification of the Conservation Laws for the Energy and Momentum of Light Quanta 4
3.Elementary Particles 8
4.The Bohr Theory 15
5.Elementary Quantum Theory of Radiation 18
6.Black-Body Radiation 22
7.De Broglie Waves.Group Velocity 24
8.Particle Diffraction 29
Chapter Ⅱ.Foundations of Quantum Mechanics 36
9.Statistical Interpretation of De Broglie Waves 36
10.Position Probability of a Particle 39
11.The Principle of Superposition of States 41
12.Momentum Probability of a Particle 43
13.Mean Values of Functions of the Position and Functions of the Momentum 46
14.Statistical Ensembles in Quantum Mechanics 48
15.The Uncertainty Principle 51
16.Illustrations of the Uncertainty Principle 57
17.The Role of the Measuring Apparatus 65
Chapter Ⅲ.Representation of Dynamical Variables by Operators 71
18.Linear Self-Adjoint Operators 71
19.General Expressions for the Mean and the Variance of a Variable 75
20.Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of Operators and Their Physical Meaning."Quantization" 77
21.Properties of Eigenfunctions 80
22.General Method of Calculating the Probability of the Result of a Measurement 84
23.Restrictions on Simultaneous Measurements of Different Dynamical Variables 87
24.Position and Momentum Operators 89
25.The Angular-Momentum Operator 91
26.The Energy Operator and the Hamiltonian 96
27.The Hamiltonian 98
Chapter Ⅳ.Time Dependence of a State 102
28.The Schrodinger Equation 102
29.Conservation of the Number of Particles 107
30.Stationary States 111
Chapter Ⅴ.Time Variation of Dynamical Variables 114
31.Time Derivatives of Operators 114
32.The Equations of Motion in Quantum Mechanics.Ehrenfest's Theorems 116
33.Constants of the Motion 119
Chapter Ⅵ.The Relationship of Quantum Mechanics to Classical Mechanics and Optics 122
34.Passage from Quantum-Mechanical Equations to Newton's Equation of Motion 122
35.Passage from the Time-Dependent Schrodinger Equation to the Classical Hamilton-Jacobi Equation 128
36.Quantum Mechanics and Optics 131
37.The Quasi-Classical Approximation(Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin Method) 135
Chapter Ⅶ.Principles of Representation Theory 139
38.Representations of the State of a Quantum System 139
39.Operators in Different Representations.Matrices 141
40.Matrices and Matrix Operators 144
41.The Mean Value and Spectrum of a Dynamical Variable Represented by an Operator in Matrix Form 149
42.The Schrodinger Equation and the Time Dependence of Operators in Matrix Form 152
43.Unitary Transformations 156
44.Unitary Transformations Between Different Instants of Time 159
45.The Density Matrix 161
Chapter Ⅷ.The Motion of Particles in a Conservative Field of Force 166
46.Introductory Remarks 166
47.The Harmonic Oscillator 167
48.The Oscillator in the Energy Representation 174
49.Motion in a Central Field of Force 177
50.Motion in a Coulomb Field 184
51.The Energy Spectrum and Wave Functions of the Hydrogen Atom 190
52.Motion of an Electron in a Monovalent Atom 199
53.Currents in Atoms.The Magneton 203
54.Quantum Levels of a Diatomic Molecule 206
55.Motion of an Electron in a Periodic Field 214
Chapter Ⅸ.Charged Particle Motion in an Electromagnetic Field 224
56.An Arbitrary Electromagnetic Field 224
57.Motion of a Charged Particle in a Homogeneous Magnetic Field 229
Chapter Ⅹ.Intrinsic Angular Momentum and Magnetic Moment of the Electron(Spin) 233
58.Experimental Evidence for the Existence of the Spin of the Electron 233
59.The Electron Spin Operator 236
60.Spin Functions 240
61.The Pauli Equation 243
62.The Splitting of Spectral Lines in a Magnetic Field 246
63.Motion of a Particle with Spin in a Varying Magnetic Field 251
64.The Properties of the Resultant Angular Momentum 254
65.Numbering of Terms with Allowance for Spin.Multiplet Structure of Spectra 259
Chapter Ⅺ.Perturbation Theory 265
66.Formulation of the Problem 265
67.Perturbation In the Absence of Degeneracy 268
68.Perturbation in the Presence of Degeneracy 272
69.Level-Splitting in the Case of Twofold Degeneracy 277
70.Further Remarks on the Removal of Degeneracy 281
Chapter Ⅻ.Simple Applications of Perturbation Theory 284
71.The Anharmonic Oscillator 284
72.Spectral-Line Splitting in an Electric Field 286
73.Splitting of Hydrogen Lines in an Electric Field 291
74.The Splitting of Spectral Lines in a Weak Magnetic Field 295
75.The Vector Model(Splitting in a Weak Magnetic Field) 300
76.Perturbation Theory for the Continous Spectrum 302
Chapter ⅩⅢ.Scattering Theory 309
77.Formulation of the Problem 309
78.The Born Approximation 314
79.Elastic Scattering of Fast Particles by Atoms 319
80.Rigorous Scattering Theory.Phase-Shift Analysis and Effective Cross Section 327
81.The General Case 332
82.Coulomb Scattering of Charged Particles 337
Chapter ⅩⅣ.Theory of Quantum Transitions 340
83.Formulation of the Problem 340
84.The Probability of Transition Under a Time-Dependent Perturbation 343
85.Transitions Under Time-Independent Perturbations 348
Chapter ⅩⅤ.Emission,Absorption,and Scattering of Light by Atomic Systems 350
86.Introduction 350
87.Absorption and Emission of Radiation 352
88.Emission and Absorption Coefficients 356
89.The Correspondence Principle 360
90.Selection Rules for Dipole Emission 363
91.Intensities in the Emission Spectrum 368
92.Dispersion 368
93.Combination(Raman)Scattering 376
94.The Effect of the Finite Size of the Atom.Quadrupole Radiation 379
95.Photoelectric Effect 383
Chapter ⅩⅥ.Particle Transmission Through Potential Barriers 393
96.Formulation of the Problem and Simple Examples 393
97.The Tunnel Effect"Paradox" 399
98.Cold Emission 401
99.Three-Dimensional Potential Barrier.Quasi-Stationary States 403
100.Theory of α-Particle Decay 410
101.Ionization of Atoms in Strong Electric Fields 414
Chapter ⅩⅦ.The Many-Body Problem 417
102.General Remarks 417
103.Conservation of the Total Momentum of a System of Particles 421
104.The Motion of the Center of Mass of a System of Particles 423
105.The Conservation of Angular Momentum 426
106.Eigenfunctions of the Angular Momentum Operator for a System of Particles.The Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients 433
107.Relation Between the Conservation Laws and the Symmetry of Space and Time 436
Chapter ⅩⅧ.Simple Applications of the Theory of Motion of Systems of Particles 441
108.The Effect of the Motion of the Nucleons in an Atom 441
109.A System of Particles Executing Small Oscillations 444
110.Motion of Atoms in an External Field 448
111.Determination of the Energy of Stationary States of Atoms by Deflection in External Fields 451
112.Inelastic Collisions of Electrons with Atoms.Determination of the Energy of the Stationary States of Atoms by the Collision Method 456
113.The Law of Conservation of Energy and the Special Role of Time in Quantum Mechanics 462
Chapter ⅩⅨ.Systems of Identical Particles 465
114.The Principle of Identity of Elementary Particles 465
115.Symmetric and Antisymmetric States 470
116.Bose and Fermi Particles.Pauli's Principle 472
117.Wave Functions for a System of Fermions and Bosons 479
Chapter ⅩⅩ.Second Quantization and Quantum Statistics 483
118.Second Quantization 483
119.Theory of Quantum Transitions and the Method of Second Quantization 491
120.Collision Hypothesis.Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein Gases 493
Chapter ⅩⅪ.Many-Electron Atoms 501
121.Helium Atom 501
122.Approximate Quantitative Theory of the Helium Atom 509
123.Exchange Energy 514
124.The Periodic Table 518
Chapter ⅩⅫ.The Structure of Molecules 529
125.The Hydrogen Molecule 529
126.The Nature of Chemical Forces 540
127.Intermolecular Dispersive Forces 544
128.The Role of the Nuclear Spin in Diatomic Molecules 547
Chapter ⅩⅩⅢ.Magnetic Phenomena 549
129.Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism of Atoms 549
130.Ferromagnetism 552
Chapter ⅩⅩⅣ.The Atomic Nucleus 557
131.Nuclear Forces.Isotopic Spin 557
132.Classification of the States of a System of Nucleons 560
133.The Theory of the Deuteron 562
134.Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering 564
135.Polarization 569
136.Application of Quantum Mechanics 572
Appendix Ⅰ.The Fourier Transformation 575
Appendix Ⅱ.Eigenfunctions in the Case of Degeneracy 578
Appendix Ⅲ.Orthogonality and Normalization of Continuous-Spectrum Eigenfunctions.The δ-Function 580
Appendix Ⅳ.Significance of the Commutation Property of Operators 584
Appendix Ⅴ.The Spherical Harmonics 586
Appendix Ⅵ.Hamilton's Equation 590
Appendix Ⅶ.The Schrodinger Equation and the Equations of Motion in Terms of Curvilinear Coordinates 594
Appendix Ⅷ.Conditions Imposed on the Wave Functions 598
Appendix Ⅸ Solution of the Equation for the Harmonic Oscillator 601
Appendix Ⅹ.Electron in a Uniform Magnetic Field 606
Appendix Ⅺ.Jacobi's Coordinates 608
Problems 611