Selected Papers on Planned Parenthood Volume 6 Research of Contraceptive Agents For MalePDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
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- 出版年份:1975
- 页数:373 页
Review 1
The Male Reproductive System Annual Review of Physiology,V.36,p.307-330,1974 3
Control of Fertility in the Male Pharmacology & the Future of Man-Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Pharmacology,San Francisco 1972,p.208-220,1973 27
Spermatogenesis 41
Kineties of Spermatogenesis in Mammals:Seminiferous Epithelium Cycle and Spermatogonial Renewal Physiological Review,V.52,N.1,p.198-236,1972 42
Kinetics of the Human Seminiferous Epithelium Research in Reproduction,V.4,N.1,p.3-4,1972 81
Ultrastructure of Male Reproductive Organs 83
Human Sperm Head Ultrastructure:a Freeze-Etching Study Journal of Ultrastructure Research,V.39,Nos.5-6,p.520-539,1972 84
Fine Structural Observations on the Development of the Sperm Head in the Mouse The American Journal of Anatomy,V.136.N,3,p.339-362,1973 105
Comparative Histochemical Localization of Lysosomal Enzymes in Mammalian Epididymide Journal of Anatomy,V.111,Part.3,p.437-452,1972 129
The Ultrastructure of Accessory Sex Organs of the Male Rat I:Normal Structure Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und Mikroskopische Anatomie-Cell & Tissue Research,V.137,N.3,p.345-359,1973 145
Male Hormone Research 161
Sites of Hormone Production in the Mammlian Testis,& Their Significance in the Control of Male Fertility British Medical Bulletin,V.26,N.1,p.87-91,1970 163
Evidence for A Specific Seminiferous Tubular Factor Affecting Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Secretion in Man Journal of Clinical Investigation,V.51,p.1009-1019,1972 173
The Effect of Castration & Testosterone Replacement on Sperm Maturation in the Hamster Journal of Reproduction & Fertility,V.37,N.2,p.251-255,1974 185
Effect of Low Doses of Synthetic Progestine on Testicular Function International Journal of Fertility,V.17,N.3,p.113-119,1972 191
Evaluation of Relationship between Plasma Testosterone & Human Seminal Citric Acid Fertility & Sterility,V.23,N.3,p.168-171,1972 198
Research of Discoveral Contraceptive Agents for Male 203
Comparative Effects of Some Antispermatogenic Chemicals Regulation of Mammalian Reproduction,p.257-270,1973 205
Alkylating Esters Ⅷ.The Action of the Isomers of Dimethylmyleran on Spermatogenesis Experientia,V.30,N.2,p.178-179,1974 220
Side Effects of Medicaments and Toxims on Seminal Quality Medical Gynaecology Andrology and Sociology,V.7,N.5-6,p.7-10,1972 223
The Synergistic Action of Antifertility Compounds in the Male Rat Biology of Reproduction,V.9,N.5,p.544-548,1973 228
Effects of Protease Inhibitors on the Fertilizing Capacity of Hamster Spermatozoa Biology of Reproduction,V.9,N.5,p.533-537,1973 233
Prevention of Fertilization in Vitro by an Acrosin Inhibitor from Rete Testis Fluid of the Ram Journal of Reproduction & Fertility,v.34,N.2,p.385-388,1973 239
Purification of Aspermatogenic Substance in Bull Seminal Vesicle Fluid Journal of Reproduction & Fertility,V.31,N.2,p.273-274,1972 243
Structure-Activity Stubies with Chlorohydrins as Orally Active Male Antifertility Agents Contraception,V.9,N.5,p.451-457,1974 245
Mechanism of Antifertility Action of Low Doses of α-Chlorohydrin in the Male Rat Journal of Reproduction & Fertility,V.38,N.1,p.1-1,1974 253
The Ultrastructural Pathology of the Rat Epididymis after Administration of α-Chlorhydrin (U-5897) I:Effects of a Single High Dose The Anatomical Record,V.175,N.2,p.203-230,1973 263
A New Orally Active Male Antifertility Agent Contraception,V.9,N.5,p.459-470,1974 291
Antitesticular and Antifertility Activity of a Pipecolinomethyl-hydroxyindane in Rats Journal of Reproduction & Fertility,V.38,N.2,p.387-400,1974 303
Effect of Aspirin upon Male Mouse Fertility Prostaglandins,N.4,p.285-290,1973 319
Seminal Fluid & Plasma Prostaglandin Responses to Aspirin in Normal Subjects Fertility & Sterility,V.24,N.12,p.977-978 1973 325
Control of Spermatogenesis in Men by Combined Administration of Progestin & Androgen Contraception,V.8,N.3,p.191-206,1973 327
SUccessful Inhibition of Spermatogenesis in Man without Loss of Libido:a Potential New Approach to Male Contraception Contraception,V.8,N.3,p.207-217,1973 343
Some Experimental Methods & Technic 355
Preparation of Spermatozoa for Electron and Light Microscopy Journal of Reproduction & Fertility,V.33,N.1,p.145-149,1973 357
In Vivo Sperm Penetration and in Vitro Sperm Migration Tests Fertility & Sterility,V.24,N.8,p.584-591,1973 364