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  • 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:
  • 出版年份:1958
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:630 页

SESSION Ⅰ Introduction and Physical Properties 1

Introduction&H.K.CAMERON 3

The nature of artificial carbons&S.MROZOWSKI 7

Investigations on the trapping of free electrons in carbon&D.J.E.INGRAM and D.E.G.AUSTEN 19

The magnetic susceptibility of mesomorphous carbons and graphites&A.F.ADAMSON and H.E.BLAYDEN 28

Experiments on the reflection of light by graphite&S.P.F.HUMPHREYS-OWEN and L.A.GILBERT 37

The thermal conductivity of various forms of carbon below room temperature&R.BERMAN 42

The thermal conductivities of carbons and graphites at high temperatures&R.W.POWELL 46

χ-ray and low-temperature thermal conductivity study of defects in graphite&J.C.BOWMAN,J.A.KRUMHANSL and J.T.MEERS 52

The electrical resistance of polycrystalline carbons and graphites&I.B.MASON 60

SESSION Ⅱ(a) The Manufacture of Carbon and Graphite 75

A kinetic study of the deposition of pyrolytic carbon films&D.B.MURPHY,H.B.PALMER and C.R.KINNEY 77

The preparation and properties of high-temperature pyrolytic carbon&A.R.G.BROWN and W.WATT 86

The dependence of structure and properties of carbon mixtures on their composition&A.S.FIALKOV 101

The Harwell experimental graphite plant&M.S.T.PRICE and F.W.YEATS 111

The shape of carbon grist particles in the manufacture of carbon electrodes&E.H.AMSTEIN and C.WATSON 125

Asymmetric shape properties of carbon particles in graphite manufacture&ANDRZEJ GROSSMAN 132

Preferential crystallographic orientation in products of technical graphites&D.ALI,E.FITZER and A.RAGOSS 135

The shrinkage of high-temperature cokes&G.C.PRATT 145

Pitch binder for carbon electrodes&A.DARNEY 152

The use of coal-tar pitch as an electrode binder&D.MCNEIL and L.J.WOOD 162

Tars and pitches as binders for carbon and graphite&T.H.BLAKELEY and F.K.EARP 173

Precipitated pitch as binder&R.LESSING 178

SESSION Ⅱ(b) The Crystal Structure of Carbon and Graphite 181

The study of the structure of graphite by diffraction methods&G.E.BACON 183

Carbonization studies on single crystals&H.P.STADLER and C.M.THOMSON 186

Carbonization of vinyl polymers&F.H.WINSLOW,W.MATREYEK and W.A.YAGER 190

χ-ray scattering from carbonized coals&R.DIAMOND and P.B.HIRSCH 197

The evolution of organization parameters during the graphitization of carbon.(Quantitative study by χ-ray diffraction)&J.MAIRE and J.MERING 204

Graphitization processes in relation to carbon blacks&E.G.STEWARD and H.W.DAVIDSON 206

SESSION Ⅲ Surface Chemical Properties and Reactivity 217

The porous structure and adsorption properties of active carbons&M.M.DUBININ 219

The ultra-fine capillary structure of coals and carbonized coals&R.L.BOND and D.H.T.SPENCER 231

The relation between gas permeability and pore size distribution in consolidated bodies&P.K.C.WIGGS 252

The flow of gases through a fine-pore graphite&J.M.HUTCHEON,B.LONGSTAFF and R.K.WARNER 259

A thermodynamic study of the pore structure and surface properties of active carbons&D.A.CADENHEAD and D.H.EVERETT 272

The solid complexes of carbon with oxygen,nitrogen and sulphur&C.BARANIECKI,H.L.RILEY and E.STREETER 283

The carbon-carbon dioxide reaction&H.HARKER,H.MARSH and W.F.K.WYNNE-JONES 291

Graphitic oxide&J.H.DE BOER and A.B.C.VAN DOORN 302

The rates of reaction of carbon and graphite materials with combustion gases at high temperatures&J.A.GRAHAM,A.R.G.BROWN,A.R.HALL and W.WATT 309

Changes in the structure of carbons during gaseous oxidation&J.D.WATT and R.E.FRANKLIN 321

Oxidation of carbon and graphite&F.K.EARP and M.W.HILL 326

Some factors affecting the reactivity of sized particle carbons to carbon dioxide&P.L.WALKER,JUN.and J.R.NICHOLS 334

The carbon-oxygen reaction at high temperatures and high gas flow rates&R.J.DAY,P.L.WALKER,JUN.and(the late)C.C.WRIGHT 348

SESSION Ⅳ Electrical Behaviour and Applications 371

Surface disintegration of carbon electrodes&OLAV BOWITZ,OLUF CHR.BOCKMAN,JORGEN JAHR and OVE SANDBERG 373

Distribution of electrode consumption in an electric arc furnace&J.RAVENSCROFT and M.PRESTON 378

Investigation into the electrical contact properties of carbon&A.D.KNOWLES 388

Some electrical properties of carbon contacts:dielectric behaviour of granular carbon aggregates&ALAN FAIRWEATHER,E.J.FROST and D.G.M.SHIRLEY 409

Recent developments in the use of carbon for current collection&M.VAUGHAN 421

Carbone et contact glissant&J.MILLET 427

Electrical conductivity characteristics of carbon black&A.F.BLANCHARD 434

Copper-graphite materials&R.N.BEECH and M.S.T.PRICE 448

The use of carbon in high-temperature laboratory furnaces&A.E.S.WHITE 463

Properties of carbon blacks as affecting their use in resistors&(MISS)J.E.DAWSON and A.E.S.WHITE 469

The design of high-temperature furnaces using graphite elements&E.M.HAINES 481

SESSION Ⅴ Graphite in the Nuclear Power Industry 491

The use of graphite as a moderator in nuclear reactors&E.E.LOCKETT 493

Some physical properties of graphite as affected by high temperature and irradiation&JOHN E.HOVE 501

The effects of neutron irradiation on the physical properties of graphite&J.H.W.SIMMONS 511

Compatibility problems of graphite moderators&A.B.MCINTOSH,W.G.O'DRISCOLL and C.TYZACK 519

Problèmes posés par la fabrication du graphite nucléaire&P.CORNUAULT and H.DES ROCHETTES 527

Recent developments in gas purification of graphite&C.A.ODENING and J.C.BOWMAN 537

L'evolution de quelques terres rares durant le traitement thermique du graphite&P.LEVEQUE,S.DECOUR,H.HERING and G.JOUQUET 544

SESSION Ⅵ Mechanical,Chemical and Metallurgical Application 549

The mechanical properties of graphite at elevated temperatures&H.W.DAVIDSON,H.H.W.LOSTY and A.M.ROSS 551

Physical and mechanical properties of graphite moderators&A.B.MCINTOSH,T.J.HEAL and A.COWAN 560

Caractérisation mécanique du graphite artificiel&PH.P.ARRAGON and R.M.BERTHIER 565

Some mechanical engineering applications of carbon&(The late)P.E.LYDDON and R.K.HURDEN 579

Application of sonic,ultrasonic and inductive techniques to the non-destructive testing of carbon&T.D.DAVIDSON 585

Carbon and graphite in the chemical and allied industries&K.F.ANDERSON 594

Plant construction in graphite and carbon&H.D.ANDERSON and A.P.WARD 600

Some recent developments in graphite heat-exchangers and similar equipment&A.HILLIARD 605

Some metallurgical applications of carbon and graphite&G.E.ROSS and D.W.BROWN 618

The examination of carbon refractories for iron blast furnaces&J.R.LAKIN and J.MACKENZIE 625
