1.Psychodynamics in the Excessive Drinking of Alcohol&by John W.Higgins,M.D. 3
2.A Pragmatic Approach to the Control of"Chronic Alcoholism"&by Charles J.Katz,M.D. 33
3.On"Therapeutic"Success in Alcoholism&by Giorgio Lolli,M.D. 52
4.The Concept of Genetotrophic Disease&by Roger J.Williams,Ernest Beerstecher,Jr.and L.Joe Berry 63
5.Nutrition and Alcoholism:The Genetotrophic Approach&by Ruth Woods 75
6.Alcoholism:Recent Advances in Its Treatment&by Harold W.Lovell,M.D.and John W.Tintera,M.D. 102
7.Constructive Teamwork in the Treatment of Alcoholism&by Joseph Thimann,M.D. 117
8.Psychotherapy of the Problem Drinker&by Benjamin H.Gottesfeld,M.D.and H.Leon Yager,M.S. 133
9.The Treatment of Alcoholism with Adrenal Steroids and ACTH&by Walter L.Voegtlin,M.D.,F.A.C.P. 143
10.Endocrine Treatment of Alcoholism&by John W.Tintera,M.D.and Harold W.Lovell,M.D. 156
11.The Use of Mebaral in the Treatment of Chronic Alcoholism&by Jackson A.Smith,M.D.and Warren T.Brown,M.D. 167
12.An Evaluation of the Aversion Treatment of Alcoholism&by Frederick Lemere,M.D.,and Walter L.Voegtlin,M.D.,F.A.C.P. 173
13.Carbon Dioxide Maintenance Therapy in Neuroses and Alcoholism (Preliminary Report)&by Albert A.LaVerne,M.D.and Morris Herman,M.D. 181
14.Calcium Therapy in the Treatment of Alcoholism&by Cyril C.O'Brien,Ph.D. 187
15.Hospital and Ambulatory Cases of Alcoholism:Intensive Calcium Therapy&by Cyril C.O'Brien,Ph.D. 194
16.Sedation of Alcoholic Patients with Nonsedative Drugs:A Preliminary Report&by Joseph Thimann,M.D. 199
17.A New Adjuvant in Postalcoholic Psychomotor Agitation&by Martin D.Kissen,M.D.,H.Edward Yaskin,M.D.,Harold F.Robertson,M.D.,F.A.C.P.,David R.Morgan,M.D.,F.A.C.P. 203
18.Tolserol in the Treatment of the Postalcoholic State&by Morris Herman,M.D.and Abraham S.Effron,M.D. 209
19.A Clinical Evaluation of Tetraethylthiuramdisulphide (Antabuse) in the Treatment of Problem Drinkers&by Karl M.Bowman,M.D.,Alexander Simon,M.D.,C.H.Hine,M.D.,E.A.Macklin,M.D.,G.H.Crook,Ph.D.,N.Burbridge,M.D.,Karl Hanson,M.D. 218
20.Disulfiram as a Sedative in Alcoholism&by Frederick Lemere,M.D. 233
21.Psychological Factors in the Conditioned-Reflex Treatment of Alcoholism&by Frederick Lemere,M.D. 238
22.Conditioned-Reflex Treatment of Alcoholism&by Joseph Thimann,M.D. 244
23.Treatment of Chronic Alcoholism by Intravenous Barbiturates&by Frederick Lemere,M.D.and Paul O'Hollaren,M.D. 263
24.Thiopental U.S.P.(Pentothal?) Treatment of Alcoholism&by Frederick Lemere,M.D.and Paul O'Hollaren,M.D. 270
25.Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Alcoholism&by Aaron Paley,M.D. 279
26.The Alcohol Problem&by Oskar Diethelm 289
27.Hypoadrenocorticism in Alcoholism and Drug Addiction&by Harold W.Lovell,M.D.and John W.Tintera,M.D. 303
28.An Experiment in Group Psychotherapy with the Narcotic Addict&by McClain Johnston,M.D. 322
29.A Study of Results in Hospital Treatment of Drug Addictions&by Robert G.Knight,M.D.and Curtis T.Prout,M.D. 332
30.Drug Addictions (A Review)&by R.B.Arora,M.D.and V.N.Sharma 347
31.Treatment of Drug Addiction,Preliminary Report&by E.Y.Williams,M.D. 358
32.Morphine Withdrawal in Addicts by the Method of Prolonged Sleep&by George M.Schlomer,M.D. 370
33.Benadryl - Its Uses in the Narcotic Withdrawal Syndrome and Other Conditions&by Maurice Vaisberg,M.D. 377
34.Use of Electric-Convulsive Therapy in Morphine,Meperidine,and Related Alkaloid Addictions&by F.B.Thigpen,M.D.,C.H.Thigpen,M.D.and H.M.Cleckley,M.D. 383
35.The Problem of Narcotic Drug Addiction&by M.J.Pescor 394
Index 409