Marx on EconomicsPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:Penguin Books
- 出版年份:1962
- 页数:251 页
PART Ⅰ:The Ideological Underpinnings 1
A.Economic Interpretation of History 3
B.The Class Struggle 11
PART Ⅱ:Marxian Economic Analysis 25
A.Labour Theory of Value 27
1.Value in Use and Value in Exchange 27
2.Socially Necessary Labour-time 30
3.Demand and Value 41
4.The Value of Labour-power 43
Appendixes to the Labour Theory of Value 50
a.Commodity Fetishism 50
b.The Doctrine of Increasing Misery 61
B.Theory of Exploitation 64
1.Constant and Variable Capital 64
2.Surplus-value 70
3.The Rate of Surplus-value 77
C.Accumulation and the Falling Rate of Profit 94
1.Organic Composition of Capital 94
2.The Falling Rate of Profit 97
3.Equalization of the Rate of Profit 130
4.Market-prices and Market-values 140
D.The Breakdown of Capitalism 146
1.The Capitalist and Accumulation 146
2.The Reserve Army of Unemployed,Crises,and Wages 148
3.Monopoly,Capitalism,and Crises 162
4.Deficiency in Demand and Crises 170
5.Crises Due to Internal Contradictions 175
6.Crises-Say's Law,Monetary Crises,Disproportions in Production 186
a.Causes of Crises in General 186
b.Overproduction of Commodities and Overabundance of Capital 189
c.Unity of Purchase and Sale,of the Process of Production and the Process of Circulation 192
d.General and Partial Overproduction 203
e.Expansion of Production and Expansion of the Market 213
PART Ⅲ:The Nature of a Communist Society 227
A.Value,Rent,and Money in a Communist Society 229
B.The Allocation of Output and Labour in a Socialist and Communist Society 232
C.The Relationship of Man to Work,Man to Man,and Man to the State 234
Sources 243
Index 247
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