Voyages Volume SevenPDF电子书下载
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- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:J.M.Dent & Sons Ltd.
- 出版年份:1907
- 页数:400 页
The voyage of sir Thomas Pert,and Sebastian Cabot in the yere 1516,to Brasil,Santo Domingo and Sant Juan de Puerto rico 2
The voyage of Thomas Tison an English man to the West Indies before the yere 1526 4
The first voyage of the right worshipfull and valiant knight sir John Hawkins,sometimes treasurer of her Majesties navy royall,made to the West Indies in the yere 1562 5
The second voyage made by the R.W.sir John Hawkins knight with the Jesus of Lubec,one of her Majesties ships,and the Salomon,and two barks,to the coast of Guinie,& from thence to the isle of Dominica,all along the coast of Tierra firma,& So homewards about the cape of S.Anton upon the West end of Cuba,& thorow the chanel of Bahama;Begun 1564 6
The third troublesome voyage of the right worshipful sir John Hawkins,with the Jesus of Lubec,the Minion,and foure other ships,to the parts of Guinea,and the coasts of Tierra firma,and Nueva Espanna,Anno 1567,& 1568 53
The first voyage attempted and set foorth by the valiant and expert captaine M.Francis Drake,with a ship called The Dragon,and another ship & pinnesse,to Nombre de Dios and Dariene,about the yeere 1572 62
The voyage of John Oxnam of Plimmouth to the West India,and over the streight of Dariene into the South sea,Anno 1575 64
The voyage of M.Andrew Barker of Bristoll with two shippes,the one called The Ragged staffe,and the other The Beare,to the coast of Tierra firma,and the bay of the Honduras in the West Indies,Anno 1576 68
The opinion of Don Alvaro Bacan marques of Santa Cruz,and high admirall of Spaine,touching the fleet of sir Francis Drake lying at the isles of Bayona on the coast of Galicia,written in Lisbon the 26 of October 1585,after the account of Spaine 73
The famous expedition of sir Francis Drake to the West Indies,wherein were taken the cities of saint Iago,saint Domingo,Cartagena,with the Fort and towne of saint Augustin in Florida,in the yeers 1585,and 1586 77
A resolution of the principall land-captaines,which accompanied sir Francis Drake in his memorable voyage to the West Indies,1585;what course they thought most expedient to be taken.Given at Cartagena the 27 of February 1585 97
A relation of the surveying,new building,finishing,making,and mending of certeine ports,harbours,forts,and cities in the West Indies:written by Baptista Antonio the king of Spaines surveyour in those parts 1587 109
The voyage of William Michelson and William Mace of Ratcliffe,master of a ship called The Dog,made to the bay of Mexico,anno 1589 127
Twelve Spanish letters written from divers places of the islands and of the maine land,aswell of Nueva Espanna,as of Tierra firma and Perú,intercepted by the ships of the Worshipfull M.John Wats,disclosing many secrets touching the aforesayd countreys,and the state of the South sea,and the trade to the Philippinas 128
The voyage and valiant fight of The Content,a ship of the right honourable sir George Carey knight,L.Hunsdon,L.Chamberlaine,Captaine of the honourable band of her Majesties Pensioners,and Governour of the isle of Wight,&c.1591 144
The voyage of M.Christopher Newport with a fleete of 3.ships and a Pinnesse to the Isles of Dominica,Saint Juan de puerto rico,Hispaniola,and to the Bay of the Honduras,begun in January 1591 148
The voyage of M.William King Captaine (M.Moore,M.How,& M.Boreman being owners) in the Salomon of 200.tunnes,and the Jane Bonaventure of 40.tunnes,set foorth from Ratcliffe 1592 154
The voyage of Henry May one of M.James Lancaster his company,in his navigation to the East Indies,1591,& 1592:who in his returne with M.Lancaster by the yles of Trinidad,Mona,& Hispaniola,was about Cape Tiburon taken into a French ship under the conduct of Capitan de la Barbotiere,which ship was cast away upon the yles of Bermuda:where all the company that escaped drowning remained for certain moneths,built themselves a barke,sailed to Newfoundland,and so home 1593 156
The voyage of sir Robert Duddeley to the yle of Trinidad and the coast of Paria:with his returne homeward by the yles of Granata,Santa Cruz,Saint Juan de puerto rico,Mona,Zacheo,the sholdes called Abre ojos,and the yle of Bermuda,Anno 1594,& 1595 164
The interpretation of certeine words of the language of Trinidad annexed to the voyage of sir Robert Duddeley 171
The voyage of sir Amias Preston and Captaine George Sommers to the West Indies,begun in March 1595:wherein divers ylands,cities,townes,and forts were part taken and ransomed,and part burned 172
The last voyage of sir Francis Drake & sir John Hawkins,intended for some special services on the ylands and maine of the West Indies,Anno 1595.In which voyage both the foresaide knights died of sicknes 183
A libell of Spanish lies written by Don Bernaldino delgadillo de Avellaneda,generall of the king of Spanies armada,concerning some part of the last voyage of sir Francis Drake:together with a confutation thereof by M.Henry Savile,&c 199
The voyage of sir Antony Sherley to S.Iago,Dominica,Margarita,along the coast of Tierra firma,to the yle of Jamaica,the bay of the Honduras,30.leagues up Rio dolce,and homeward by Newfoundland,1596 213
The voyage of M.William Parker of Plimmouth to Margarita,Jamaica,Truxillo,Puerto de cavallos,&c.with his surprize of Campeche,the chiefe towne of Iucatan.An.1596,1597 222
An excellent ruttier for the islands of the West Indies,and for Tierra firma,and Nueva Espanna 224
A principall ruttier conteining most particular directions to saile from Saint Lucar in Andaluzia,by the Canaries,the Antillas,and the other greater Isles Westward of them,to Saint Juan de Ullua in Nueva Espanna 246
A declaration of the Capes and Islands aswell of Madera,the Canaries,and The west Indies,as of the Acores,and the Isles of Cabo Verde 267
A declaration of the longitudes or Westerne and Easterne distances from Spaine to New Spaine in America,and from thence backe againe to Spaine 270
The Epistle Dedicatorie of sir Walter Ralegh to the right honourable the L.Charles Howard knight of the Garter &c.and sir Robert Cecil,Councellour &c 272
The Epistle of sir Walter Ralegh to the reader 276
The voyage of sir Walter Ralegh himselfe to the Isle of Trinidad,where he tooke the citie of Saint Josepho,and Don Antonio de Berreo the captaine thereof:from whence with a barge and certaine boates he passed up the bay of Guanipa,the river of Amana one of the mouths of the great Orenoque,the maine river of Orenoque it selfe,and other rivers,for the space of 400.miles:and in his returne homeward sacked & burnt the town of Cumaná 1595 280
An advertisement to the Reader concerning certaine letters of the Spaniards intercepted at Sea 350
Foure severall testimonies concerning the rich Empire of Guiana,called by the Spaniards,El Nuevo Dorado,collected out of certaine Spanish letters taken at sea by captaine George Popham anno 1594 351
Foure personall reports of certaine Spaniards and of a Frenchman,concerning El Nuevo Dorado 356
The Epistle of master Laurence Keymis to the reader 358
The second voyage of Guiana performed and written in the yeere 1596.by Laurence Keymis gentleman 362
A table of the names of the rivers,nations,townes,and Caciques or captaines,which were discovered in the voyage of M.Laurence Keymis before mentioned 394
An advertisement of M.Laurence Keymis to the reader 398
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