- 电子书积分:35 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:M. MAGAT
- 出 版 社:INC.
- 出版年份:1964
- 页数:1494 页
Effect of Phase Transitions on Polymerization of Monomers below Their Melting Point&V.A.KARGIN,V.A.KABANOV,and I.M.PAPISSOV 767
Polymerization in the Crystalline State.Ⅳ.Calcium Acrylate and Barium Methacrylate&JEROME B.LANDO and HERBERT MORAWETZ 789
Polymerization in the Crystalline State.Ⅴ.Oriented Chain Growth in the Thermally Initiated Polymerization of p-Acetamidostyrene and p-Benzamidostyrene&S.Z.JAKABHAZY,H.MORAWETZ,and N.MOROSOFF 805
Cationic Polymerization of Trioxane in Solid Phase&S.OKAMURA,E.KOBAYASHI,M.TAKEDA,K.TOMIKAWA,and T.HIGASHIMURA 827
Structure of Polymers Formed by Radiation-Induced Solid-Phase Polymerization of Cyclic Monomers&K.HAYASHI,M.NISHII,and S.OKAMURA 839
Effect of Polymorphism in Solid-State Polymerization&CATHERINE S.HSIA CHEN and DONALD G.GRABAR 849
Copolymerization in Solid Solutions&CATHERINE S.HSIA CHEN and DONALD G.GRABAR 869
Radiopolymérisation de l'Acrylo-nitrile Solide:Effet des Conditions de Cristallisation et des Transitions de Phase&R.BENSASSON,A.DWORKIN,and R.MARX 881
Radiation-Induced Solid-Phase Polymerization.Ⅰ.Polymerization of Acrylonitrile&I.M.BARKALOV,V.I.GOLDANSKIǐ,N.S.ENIKOLOPYAN,S.F.TEREKHOVA,and G.M.TROFIMOVA 897
Radiation-Induced Solid-Phase Polymerization.Ⅱ.Poly-merization of Vinyl Acetate&I.M.BARKALOV,V.I.GOLDANSKIǐ,N.S.ENIKOLOPYAN,S.F.TEREKHOVA,and G.M.TROFIMOVA 909
Investigations in the Field of Radiation-Induced Solid-State Polymerization&GY.HARDY,K.NYITRAI,J.VARGA,G.KOVACS,and N.FEDOROVA 923
Polymer Fractionation Studies in the Solid-State Polymeriza-tion of Acrylamide Initiated by Gamma Radiation&BAHATTIN BAYSAL 935
Radiation-Induced Stereospecific Polymerization of Isocyanate in the Solid State&HIROSHI SOBUE,YONEHO TABATA,MASAHIKO HIRAOKA,and KEICHI OSHIMA 943
Production of Polyoxymethylene of High Molecular Weight and High Crystallinity from Trioxane&M.BACCAREDDA,E.BUTTA,and P.GIUSTI 953
La Cinétique de la Polymérisation Vinylique avec des Persels en Milieu Non Aqueux&O.F.SOLOMON et M.DIMONIE 969
Cyclopolymerization of Isoprene in the Presence of AlC2H5Cl2&Ivo KOSSLER,MILANSTOLKA,and KAREL MACH 977
Nitrogen-Containing Radical-Ions as Initiators for Vinyl Polymerization&H.RINGSDORF 987
Low Temperature Poly-merization of Chlorosubstituted Aldehydes&D.E.ILYINA,B.A.KRENTSEL,and G.E.SEMENIDO 999
Poly-merization of Nitriles and Pyridine&V.A.KABANOV,V.P.ZUBOV,V.P.KOVALEVA,and V.A.KARGIN 1009
Mechanochemical Reactions of Polymerization and Degradation of Low Temperatures&N.A.PLATE and V.A.KARGIN 1027
Procédé Nouveau pour la Préparation des Polyméres Silaniques Constitués par des Atomes de Carbone et de Silicum dans les Chaines Principales&N.S.NAMETKINE et V.M.VDOVINE 1043
Un Catalyseur Ef-ficace pour la Polymérisation des Composés Vinylsiliciques&N.S.NAMETKINE,A.V.TOPCHIEV,et S.G.DOURGARIAN 1053
Suppression du Stade d'Initiation dans une Poly-condensation du Second Type:Ouverture des β-Lactones par les Béta?nes&Y.ETIENNE et R.SOULAS 1061
Low-Temperature Solution Polycondensation&P.W.MORGAN 1075
Nouvelle Classe de Cocatalyseurs dans la Polymérisation Anionique du Caprolactame&CH.MERMOUD 1097
Synthesis of New Nitrogen-and Oxygen-Containing Polymers with Conjugated Bonds from Inorganic Salts and Carbamide&I.M.PAUSHKIN and A.F.LUNIN 1105
Initiation of Butadiene Popcorn Polymerization&G.H.MILLER,R.R.ELIASON,and G.O.PRITCHARD 1109
Zur Kenntnis der Bildung inhomogener,wachstums-fahiger Polymer(Popcorn Polymers)&J.W.BREITENBACH 1117
Radiation-Induced Ionic Polymerization of Styrene:Effects of Additives&A.CHARLESBY and J.MORRIS 1127
Polymérisation Radiochimique de I'Isobutene en Présence d'Additifs Solides&C.DAVID,F.PROVOOST,et G.VERDUYN 1135
Radiation-Induced Polymerization at High Pressure&LEO A.WALL and DANIEL W.BROWN 1151
Polymerization of Chloro-prene.I&A.K.BANBROOK,R.S.LEHRLE,and J.C.ROBB 1161
Grafting of Styrene onto Teflon and Polyethylene by Preirradiation&J.DOB?,A.SOMOGYI,and T.CZVIKOVSZKY 1173
Comparison of Radiation-and Peroxide-Initiated Grafting of Styrene to Polyethylene Film&WILLIAM K.W.CHEN and HENRY Z.FRIEDLANDER 1195
Greffage des Mélanges Styrène-Acrylonitrile sur le Poly(Chlorure de Vinyle)par la Méthode Radiochimique Directe&ADOLPHE CHAPIRO et ANNA-MARIA JENDRYCHOWSKA-BONAMOUR 1211
Grafting on Polypropylenes of Different Microstructures&FREDERIC GELEJI and LOUISE óDOR 1223
Radiation-Induced Graft Copolymerization onto Cellulose and Polyvinyl Alcohol Fibers with Binary Mixtures of Comonomers&ICHIRO SAKURADA,TOSHIO OKADA,SHIGEYUKI HATAKEYAMA,and FUJIKO KIMURA 1233
Graft Polymerization on Cellulosic Ma-terials.Part Ⅰ.Cation-Exchange Membranes from Paper and Acrylic Acid&G.N.RICHARDS and E.F.T.WHITE 1251
Polymerization Under Conditions of Rapid Decomposition of the Initiator&J.COUPEK,M.KOLíNSKY,and D.LíM 1261
Quelques Exemples de Polymérisation en Phase Mésomorphe&JEAN HERZ,FRANOCISE REISS-HUSSON,PAUL REMPP,et VITTORIO LUZZATI 1275
Organized Polymerization.I.Olefins on a Clay Surface&HENRY Z.FRIEDLANDER 1291
Synthesis and Study of the Photoelectric Properties of Polyazines and Schiff Polybases&A.V.TOPCHIEV,V.V.KORSHAK,U.A.POPOV,and L.D.ROSENSTEIN 1305
Synthesis and Some Electro-physical Properties of Polymers with System of Conjugated Bonds&V.V.KORSHAK,S.L.SOSIN,and A.M.SLADKOV 1315
Conductance Mechanism in Organic Semiconductor Polymers&A.V.AIRAPETYANTS,R.M.VOITENKO,B.E.DAVYDOV,and B.A.KRENTSEL 1327
Conducting Polymers from Cyclopentadine&PAUL E.BLATZ 1335
Polymères à Longues Séquences de Doubles Liaisons Conjuguées:Preparation et Propriétés&J.-P.ROTH,P.REMPP,et J.PARROD 1347
Sur la Nature des Centres Paramagnétiques Detectés par RPE dans les Polymères Conjugués&MAXIME NECHTSCHEIN 1367
Polydicyanoacetylene:Preparation and Properties&M.BENE?,J.PE?KA,and O.WICHTERLE 1377
Catalyse sur Poly-mères Présentant des Proprietés de Resonance Paramagnétique Electronique&F.DAWANS,J.GALLARD,PH.TEYSSIE,et PH.TRAYNARD 1385
Modifications of Electronic Properties of Some Synthetic Polymers&M.KRYSZEWSKI and M.SKORKO 1401
Relationship between Luminescence and Semiconducting Properties of Some Synthetic Polymers&M.KRYSZEWSKI,H.KURCZEWSKA,and A.SZYMANSKI 1417
?tude de la Conducti-bilité ?lectrique de Films d'Acide Desoxyribonucléique&MAXIME HANSS,PIERRE DOUZOU,et CHARLES SADRON 1429
Sur le R?le eventuel des Doublets Electroniques dans le Comportement Quantique des Biopolymères&P.DOUZOU,J.C.FRANCQ,M.PITAK,et C.SADRON 1437
On Electrical Asymmetry at the Junction of Cationic and Anionic Permselective Membranes&HENRY Z.FRIEDLANDER 1447
Polyvinylanthraquinone Redox Resins(Electron Exchange Polymers)&G.MANECKE and W.STORCK 1457
Formation de Complexes Moleculaires sur hauts Polymères&G.SMETS,V.BALOGH,et Y.CASTILLE 1467
New Ferrous-Containing Polymers Based on Fer-rocene and Their Electrophysical Properties&I.M.PAUSHKIN,L.S.POLAK,T.P.VISHNYAKOVA,I.I.PATALAKH,F.F.MACHUS,and T.A.SOKOLINSKAYA 1481
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