Preface 9
Introduction 11
1.The Life of the Buddha 25
2.The Ministry 34
3.The Rise of the Two Schools 45
4.The Spread of Buddhism 60
5.Theravada Buddhism Ⅰ:The Three Signs of Being 78
6.Theravada Buddhism Ⅱ:The Four Noble Truths 90
7.Theravada Buddhism Ⅲ:Karma and Rebirth 97
8.Theravada Buddhism Ⅳ:The Noble Eightfold Path 108
9.Theravada Buddhism Ⅴ:The Four Paths and the Goal 119
10.The Sangha 132
11.Some Mahayana Principles 143
12.The Bodhisattva Ideal and the Pure Land Schools 158
13.Schools of the Mahayana 167
14.Zen Buddhism 179
15.Tibetan Buddhism 189
16.The Fruits of Buddhism 205
17.Buddhism To-day 220
Appendix Ⅰ.The Buddhist Scriptures 233
Appendix Ⅱ.Pansil 240
Glossary 242
General Bibliography 247
Index 253
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