The Age of Louis XIV A History of European Civilization in the Period of PascalPDF电子书下载
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- 作 者:Moliere
- 出 版 社:Cromwell
- 出版年份:2222
- 页数:0 页
Chapter Ⅰ.THE SUN RISES:1643-84 3
Ⅰ.Mazarin and the Fronde 3
Ⅱ.The King 12
Ⅲ.Nicolas Fouquet 18
Ⅳ.Colbert Rebuilds France 20
Ⅴ.Manners and Morals 27
Ⅵ.The Court 31
Ⅶ.The King's Women 34
Ⅷ.Le Roi S'en Va-t-en Guerre 41
Chapter Ⅱ.THE CRUCIBLE OF FAITH:1643-1715 46
Ⅰ.The King and the Church 46
Ⅱ.Port-Royal:1204-1626 50
Ⅲ.The Jansenists and the Jesuits 53
Ⅳ.Pascal 55
1.Himself 55
2.The Provincial Letters 59
3.In Defense of Faith 61
Ⅴ.Port-Royal:1656-1715 67
Ⅵ.The King and the Hu-guenots 69
Ⅶ.Bossuet 75
Ⅷ.Fénelon 81
Chapter Ⅲ.THE KING AND THE ARTS:1643-1715 87
Ⅰ.The Organization of the Arts 87
Ⅱ.Architecture 90
Ⅲ.Decoration 93
Ⅳ.Painting 95
Ⅴ.Sculpture 99
Chapter Ⅳ.MOLIERE:1622-73 104
Ⅰ.The French Theater 104
Ⅱ.Apprenticeship 105
Ⅲ.Molière and the Ladies 108
Ⅳ.L'Affaire Tartuffe 114
Ⅴ.The Amorous Atheist 118
Ⅵ.Meridian 120
Ⅶ.Curtain 125
Ⅰ.Milieu 129
Ⅱ.Corneille Postscript 131
Ⅲ.Racine 132
Ⅳ.La Fontaine 144
Ⅴ.Boileau 146
Ⅵ.The Romantic Protest 149
Ⅶ Sévigné 151
Ⅷ.La Rochefoucauld 155
Ⅸ.La Bruyère 159
Ⅹ.For Good Measure 160
Chapter Ⅵ.TRAGEDY IN THE NETHERLANDS:1649-1715 164
Ⅰ.The Spanish Netherlands 164
Ⅱ.The Dutch Republic 165
Ⅲ.The Flowering of Genre 168
Ⅳ.Jan de Witt 171
Ⅴ.William Ⅲ of Orange 177
BOOK Ⅱ:ENGLAND:1649-1714 181
Chapter Ⅶ.CROMWELL:1649-60 183
Ⅰ.The Socialist Revolt 183
Ⅱ.The Irish Revolt 186
Ⅲ.The Scottish Revolt 187
Ⅳ.Oliver Absolute 189
Ⅴ.Puritan Heyday 193
Ⅵ.The Quakers 196
Ⅶ.Death and Taxes 199
Ⅷ.The Road Back 202
Ⅸ.The King Returns 204
Chapter Ⅷ.MILTON:1608-74 207
Ⅰ.John Bunyan 207
Ⅱ.The Young Poet 212
Ⅲ.The Reformer 217
Ⅳ.Marriage and Divorce 222
Ⅴ.Freedom of the Press 224
Ⅵ.The Latin Secretary 227
Ⅶ.The Old Poet 234
Ⅷ.The Final Years 239
Chapter Ⅸ.THE RESTORATION:1660-85 244
Ⅰ.The Happy King 244
Ⅱ.The Religious Caldron 251
Ⅲ.The English Economy 257
Ⅳ.Art and Music 263
Ⅴ.Morals 268
Ⅵ.Manners 273
Ⅶ.Religion and Politics 276
Ⅷ.The"Popish Plot" 279
Ⅸ.Comoedia finita 284
Chapter Ⅹ.THE GLORIOUS REVOLUTION:1685-1714 288
Ⅰ.The Catholic King 288
Ⅱ.Deposuit potentes de sede 294
Ⅲ.England under William Ⅲ 299
Ⅳ.England under Queen Anne 305
Chapter Ⅺ.FROM DRYDEN TO SWIFT:1660-1714 312
Ⅰ.A Free Press 312
Ⅱ.The Restoration Drama 314
Ⅲ.John Dryden 321
Ⅳ.A Catalogue 328
Ⅴ.Evelyn and Pepys 331
Ⅵ.Daniel Defoe 335
Ⅶ.Steele and Addison 338
Ⅷ.Jonathan Swift 346
BOOK Ⅲ:THE PERIPHERY:1648-1715 363
Chapter Ⅻ.THE STRUGGLE FOR THE BALTIC:1648-1721 365
Ⅰ.Adventurous Sweden 365
Ⅱ.Poland and Sobieski 369
Ⅲ.Russia Turns West 375
Ⅳ.Peter Learning 378
Ⅴ.Charles Ⅻ and the Great Northern War 384
Chapter ⅫⅠ.PETER THE GREAT:1698-1725 391
Ⅰ.The Barbarian 391
Ⅱ.The Petrine Revolution 396
Ⅲ.Aftermath 404
Chapter ⅩⅣ.THE CHANGING EMPIRE:1648-1715 411
Ⅰ.The Reorganization of Germany 411
Ⅱ.The German Soul 415
Ⅲ.The Arts in Germany 418
Ⅳ.Austria and the Turks 420
Chapter ⅩⅤ.THE FALLOW SOUTH:1648-1715 428
Ⅰ.Catholic Italy 428
Ⅱ.Italian Art 432
Ⅲ.The Christine Odyssey 438
Ⅳ.From Monteverdi to Scarlatti 442
Ⅴ.Portugal 446
Ⅵ.The Collapse of Spain 448
Chapter ⅩⅥ.THE JEWISH ENCLAVES:1564-1715 454
Ⅰ.The Sephardim 454
Ⅱ.The Dutch Jerusalem 457
Ⅲ.England and the Jews 460
Ⅳ.The Ashkenazim 463
Ⅴ.The Inspirations of Faith 469
Ⅵ.Heretics 474
Ⅰ.Impediments 481
Ⅱ.Education 484
Ⅲ.The Scholars 490
Chapter ⅩⅧ.THE SCIENTIFIC QUEST:1648-1715 495
Ⅰ.The International of Science 495
Ⅱ.Mathematics 498
Ⅲ.Astronomy 502
Ⅳ.The Earth 506
Ⅴ.Physics 509
Ⅵ.Chemistry 515
Ⅶ.Technology 516
Ⅷ.Biology 518
Ⅸ.Anatomy and Physiology 522
Ⅹ.Medicine 524
Ⅺ.Results 528
Chapter ⅩⅨ.ISAAC NEWTON:1642-1727 531
Ⅰ.The Mathematician 531
Ⅱ.The Physicist 534
Ⅲ.The Genealogy of Gravitation 536
Ⅳ.The Principia 540
Ⅴ.Evening 543
Chapter ⅩⅩ.ENGLISH PHILOSOPHY:1648-1715 548
Ⅰ.Thomas Hobbes 548
1.Formative Influences 548
2.Logic and Psychology 550
3.Ethics and Politics 553
4.Religion and the State 557
5.Baiting the Bear 559
6.Results 562
Ⅱ.Harrington's Utopia 564
Ⅲ.The Deists 566
Ⅳ.Defenders of the Faith 571
Ⅴ.John Locke 575
1.Biography 575
2.Government and Property 578
3.Mind and Matter 583
4.Religion and Toleration 588
Ⅵ.Shaftesbury 590
Ⅶ.George Berkeley 593
Chapter ⅩⅩⅠ.FAITH AND REASON IN FRANCE:1648-1715 598
Ⅰ.The Vicissitudes of Cartesianism 598
Ⅱ.Cyrano de Bergerac 600
Ⅲ.Malebranche 602
Ⅳ.Pierre Bayle 605
Ⅴ.Fontenelle 613
Chapter ⅩⅩⅡ.SPINOZA:1632-77 620
Ⅰ.The Young Heretic 620
Ⅱ.Theology and Politics 624
Ⅲ.The Philosopher 630
Ⅳ.God 636
Ⅴ.Mind 641
Ⅵ.Man 644
Ⅶ.Reason 646
Ⅷ.The State 650
Ⅸ.The Chain of Influence 653
Chapter ⅩⅩⅢ.LEIBNIZ:1646-1716 658
Ⅰ.The Philosophy of Law 658
Ⅱ.Wanderjahre 660
Ⅲ.Leibniz and Christianity 664
Ⅳ.Locke Reviewed 667
Ⅴ.Monads 669
Ⅵ.Was God Just? 672
Ⅶ.Paralipomena 675
Chapter ⅩⅩⅣ.THE SUN SETS 685
Ⅰ Maintenon 685
Ⅱ.The Grand Alliance:1689-97 690
Ⅲ.The Spanish Problem 699
Ⅳ.The Grand Alliance:1701-2 702
Ⅴ.The War of the Spanish Succession 706
Ⅵ.Twilight of the God 715
- 《吝啬鬼》(法)莫里哀(Moliere)原著;(法)高耐(G.Gonnet)改编;孟庆奎译 1986
- 《可笑的女才子》(法)莫里哀(Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliere)撰;李健吾译 1949
- 《Le misanthrope》Moliere 2002
- 《The Miser The Would-Be Gentleman That Scoundrel Scapin Love's The Best Doctor Don Juan》Moliere 1953
- 《德·浦叟雅克先生》(法)莫里哀(Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliere)撰;李健吾译 1949
- 《喜剧六种》(法)莫里哀(Moliere)著;李健吾译 1978
- 《乔治·党丹》(法)莫里哀(Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliere)撰;李健吾译 1949
- 《恨世者》(法)莫里哀(Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliere)著;赵少侯译 1955
- 《史嘉本的诡计》(法)莫里哀(Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliere)著;万新译 1955
- 《悭吝人》(法)莫里哀(Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliere)著;赵少侯译 1955